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Stillwater barbel fishing 2010

Hi Howard

Good to here from you, you've been a bit quiet lately?...shame you chose that quote, that is one specimens anglers point of veiw that the vast majority of upper Thames anglers would disagree with. This thread as gone way of track but I have to have my say because there is some real total ****e being talked and quoted.

The truth is that this region is suffering more problems than any other in the country. the rivers are collapsing from a mutitude of reasons that started long before otters were back and signals were around. In truth the EA, AT, local consultative havent got a clue how to tackle these problems.

Jason. Would you like to be more specific as to what these reasons are.As ive been assured by the EA recently that my local ouse water is top quality.

Suppose those dead barbel found on the Ouse,at Adams mill were suffering attacks from Giant Signal crays,so think id better phone the local Shefford AC,
to save them the cost of the proposed otter fencing around Willington lake,as the large carp they have lost,may have jumped up on the bank of thier own accord.

majority of upper Thames anglers would disagree with. This thread as gone way of track but I have to have my say because there is some real total ****e being talked and quoted.

Yep an lots coming from yourself
Rich..I have to inform you that another BS Founder Member has posed and posted the relevant question to the BS Chairman Steve Pope on his own website, as you advised and requested.

For yours and everyones information, the post was 'Deleted' by Steve... pronto.
Many thanks for the advice!


Now let me guess..........same initials by chance????
As you might or might not know,blogs correspondance is not seen by anyone else until the blog owner puts it up.
I dare say the question was hidden amongst verbal drivel and insult and that is why it didn't go up.Who knows.
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Quote Damian; "A democratically run organisation like the Society"

And; "I suspect it might be because if they did, they'd have to answer to a court of some description on account of their actions being discriminatory"

And; "The only issue here as being indicative of the Society's position regarding the stocking of stillwater barbel is the Society's partnership with Dynamite Baits, and like I say is most likely based anything but sound economics and income. It could be argued that with the emergence of information that the water sponsored by Dynamites has likely only had one stocking of barbel, long before Dynamites were there, even that is hardly worth discussing now."


I go fishing for 24 hours and come home to an episode of The Twilight Zone.

I think the first is self-answering.

THe second, being kicked out of a Voluntary Position in an Amatuer Organisation is hardly in the Legal Realm where no renumeration is involved, old chap? :eek:

The third........well, are you saying that "what with it only being stocked just the once and sooooo long ago now, why should anyone really bother with making a fuss about it these days, yeah, I know it was a bit of a sticking point at the time, and yeah, I know we based a whole cornerstone of the Barbel Societies Constitution and made it a Cause Celebre such that our Official Motto "Swim Wild, Swim Free" was coined on the back of the outrage that some of us felt about barbel being stocked in stillwater, well yes this particular stillwater actually, although the wind does move it about a bit when it blows a bit, so it's not really still (ho, ho) but hey, it's all water under the bridge now (ho, ho) and we really shouldn't be making a fuss cause those nice Dynamite people who carry on the good work of running THE stillwater barbel fishery are reeally jolly nice chaps and give us a bit of bait which is all "alright" then, no harm done and let sleeping dogs lie and hey ho it's only 6 weeks to the river season again, what!

Rhymes with Rollox mate. With ruddy great bells on.

I am extremely disappointed. :(
Hi Simon

Actually I wish the BS was an autocracy, then the various individualist answers would not be so muddled or confusing or contradictory.

THe second, being kicked out of a Voluntary Position in an Amatuer Organisation is hardly in the Legal Realm where no renumeration is involved, old chap? :eek:

Really Simon? I am aware that law in employment differs from the law covering amatuer organsiations but given an organisation with no requirements or conditions for joining having ousted someone on account on some paltry reason, I still believe they'd find themselves in hot water.

Simon King said:
The third........well, are you saying that "what with it only being stocked just the once and sooooo long ago now, why should anyone really bother with making a fuss about it these days, yeah, I know it was a bit of a sticking point at the time, and yeah, I know we based a whole cornerstone of the Barbel Societies Constitution and made it a Cause Celebre such that our Official Motto "Swim Wild, Swim Free" was coined on the back of the outrage that some of us felt about barbel being stocked in stillwater, well yes this particular stillwater actually, although the wind does move it about a bit when it blows a bit, so it's not really still (ho, ho) but hey, it's all water under the bridge now (ho, ho) and we really shouldn't be making a fuss cause those nice Dynamite people who carry on the good work of running THE stillwater barbel fishery are reeally jolly nice chaps and give us a bit of bait which is all "alright" then, no harm done and let sleeping dogs lie and hey ho it's only 6 weeks to the river season again, what!

Rhymes with Rollox mate. With ruddy great bells on.

I am extremely disappointed. :(

Simon, as always I find it difficult to argue with you. When it is put quite like that it does seem like an about turn. What can I say?


Now all the way through this thread i have read that the BS and Steve Pope support the stocking of Barbel in to still waters just because Dynamite have started to sponser Makins, a water where the fish were stocked years ago long before Dynamites involvement. Now i'm pretty sure as most who read and post on site will be that the the BS and Steve do not support the policy of barbel stocking into still waters and i'm afraid the BS or Steve are not going to change who Dynamite sponser. Anybody who begrudges the BS junior section getting a bit of bait to help young and sometimes under privalidged kids in my eyes want's to get a grip and a life. It's pretty obvious that most of the sniping on here is personal attacks for whatever reason and it's beginning to get a bit boring now. BS policy should be made by the BS commitee and members and is nothing to do with ex members who might not agree with how they are made. If these non members wish to have an involvement perhaps they should join or rejoin as the case maybe and then they the right to speak about the BS and it's policy's. I for one would not expect to have any say in an organisation i was not a member of and i just cant see why anyone else expects that right.

Actually Jeremy, speaking as neither a current nor Ex-member and availing myself of an impartial eye, I would say that the majority of views have been expressed with a view to Policy and not People.

It is everyone's right to comment on the opinions and Policies of others, whether from individuals or Organisations, especially if they are of a judgemental nature on how others conduct themselves, in this case, fishing.

No-one is seeking to "change" policy, merely asking for its justification.
When representatives from that Society suggest that they'll only answer within the Society or even that they avoid answering at all, that sets alarm bells ringing with me.
As it should with everyone, members or not.

After all, would you think about joining any Society without knowing beforehand what it stands for and why?

The Barbel Society's members and Committee members are quite happy to promote their individual and Society point(s) of view on this forum, therefore they are fair game for others to publicly question and interrogate. Yes?
Hi Simon

Actually I wish the BS was an autocracy, then the various individualist answers would not be so muddled or confusing or contradictory.


Isn't it, Graham?

I know what you mean, though. Personally I think part of the problem lies in the overly "protective" stance it has. The narrower you set your parameters, the harder it is to broaden out at a later date without disenfranchising your oririginal membership. A conundrum.

Sorry to seem like I picked on you, Damian, but that last one was so .........................................comment-worthy! :D
There is something to be said for the fact situations change.
The issue was very hot, once, now though, with things having changed somewhat, it has to be considered whether it would have been wise or even acheivable to have committed long term to such a cause with such fervour? Isolation might have been a real risk.
In the past few years with the hard work of some, to a degree the EA have been influenced toward the Society's stance, and that's an acheivement in itself!
Own worst enimies

God help you lot,if you ever have to make any kind of stand to protect your fishing against Predators,pollution,illegals,ect ect ect.
You will be to busy kicking your fellow piscators in the balls,to stand united,
against anything,and youll all be the losers.

Ray walton,anti barbel society,Barbel society,anti Ray walton.
Bad press about Dynamite baits,and Steve Pope,and what does Steve say,
in defence .............Nothing,he is to busy laying his turf to bother,so leaves it up to Rich and Fred to cover his backside.

Two of the many reasons myself and others wont renew membership this coming year,are the couple of sarki,glib postings from those two.

Most here cant be bothered to join the AT,that includes the BS,hope they never need help in the future,as the ranks will be so thin on the ground,they wont have any clout.

Mr readding,thinks,Otters no problem,Fred Crouch says they are the worst thing to happen on our fisheries.......Who to beleive????

While you lot are slagging each other off your fishing is going down the drain,
and afore you know it,itll be gone for good.

Wont bother me one jot,as so peed of,with Barbel anglers,have joined a
nice little syndicate.

It would be helpfull if Mr Pope & Reading deemed the members of this site, barbel anglers, worthy of a reply to enable us to understand their thoughts, not just a few lines, they do seem to come across as condescending.

Prehaps a few more of us should publicize our catches and become "so called respected anglers" and get our selfs into print in the weekly comics.

It would also help Fred Bonny as he was unaware of his Reserch & Conservation Office views on otters, incredible as he is a BS commitee member.

I thought it was the Barbel Society not the Secretive Society
Try telling any angler in Norfolk that otters aren't a problem and the chances are you'll be told where to shove it!
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