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New Drennan Acolyte

Do I sue Drennan for a flabby Ultra or a skinny Plus?
I never had an ultra but I think my 15’ plus was heavier than that on my scales.
170g I believe.
The sphere is also grossly exaggerated
175g according to browning and 186g according to my uncalibrated kitchen scales
How are people finding there new rod ? Couple of kind members have give me there feedback. Be also good to gather what else people think especially in direct comparison with the plus. Spent my Xmas vouchers at my local tackle box and have both at home but if I use one I can not return it. So I need to make a choice in the next couple of days which to keep.

Down in Kent here we don’t have vast expanses of water. Nor our sepcmins huge or come along to often.

The quarry I will be chasing is chub, roach, perch, crucian and tench on the float.

In the summer the rod will be used mainly for the crucians but chance of tench up to 7lb ish under cut banks.

The rod will be used on still waters and on rivers so 60 percent on fence plus and 40 percent fence the specimen acy.

I will add I’ve picked up two of a friend 11ft carp waggler and they to me are a plus in 11ft and excellent they will be my small stream river perch and chub rod as well as bashing for silvers.

I will be using a Center pin and fix spool on Both at any given time like from 4-6 pound with corasponding lower bottoms.

My honest opinion and feeling at the moment is that the plus does 80 percent of that well and the ultra does the other percent ether side of it in its ultimate comfort zone.

But that’s an opinion.

For down Deep South and Kent I feel 13ft takes it length wise still waters are about 5/6 feet and rivers similar.

If I go to the themes rarely I tend not to trot atm I fine little back areas to stick a float and work a spot for perch then move on.

Happy new year all thanks for all your help this year as I started my journey on a broader range of fishing.

Take care stay safe and enjoy

(Sorry about my spelling and grammar as well if inflicted on people this year 😂 I’m dyslexic)

Dan !
Following much conversation and numerous PM’s and WhatsApp messages, I’ve just taken delivery of a 13’ Acolyte Specimen. I’ve already had a waggle of one, but first thing was to stick a reel on and tie it to the chimnea to make sure there’s no faults etc. All good… and my word aren’t they strong? Lovely fast tip, then the power ratchets up through the middle and into the butt section. Can’t wait to catch my first barbel on it- less than a fortnight before I can try 😃
Following much conversation and numerous PM’s and WhatsApp messages, I’ve just taken delivery of a 13’ Acolyte Specimen. I’ve already had a waggle of one, but first thing was to stick a reel on and tie it to the chimnea to make sure there’s no faults etc. All good… and my word aren’t they strong? Lovely fast tip, then the power ratchets up through the middle and into the butt section. Can’t wait to catch my first barbel on it- less than a fortnight before I can try 😃

Glad you like it Alan.
I'm curious, how would you compare the power and action between it and the TSI?
Glad you like it Alan.
I'm curious, how would you compare the power and action between it and the TSI?
That’s a good question. I’ll have a proper look when I get a minute, but I’d say the Acolyte is certainly stiffer. The TSi is not quite as fast in the tip, but is quicker bending through the middle into the butt section.
That’s a good question. I’ll have a proper look when I get a minute, but I’d say the Acolyte is certainly stiffer. The TSi is not quite as fast in the tip, but is quicker bending through the middle into the butt section.

Interesting Alan, going off your description my preference would be for the acolyte rods action.
Interesting Alan, going off your description my preference would be for the acolyte rods action.
Blind man on a galloping horse that has never touched either rod could have come to that conclusion Ian.

You don’t like long rods for a start and a rod of 2ft longer in an equal power bracket than the other is logically going to bend into curve a bit easier than the shorter rod.

The 15ft accy speccy is much closer to the tsi than the 13ft being comparable lengths but again neither are going to float your boat.
You like your little wands more
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Blind man on a galloping horse that has never touched either rod could have come to that conclusion Ian.

You don’t like long rods for a start and a rod of 2ft longer in an equal power bracket than the other is logically going to bend into curve a bit easier than the shorter rod.

The 15ft accy speccy is much closer to the tsi than the 13ft being comparable lengths but again neither are going to float your boat.
You like your little wands more

Appart from pictures i've never seen a TSI float rod. For whatever reason I'd assumed Alans TSI was a 13 footer. I think Alan gave a good description of the actions.
After reading online that the tsi rod was as light as a specci accy rod but was rated to 12lb lines!...I was very curious in the actions of the rods.

I'd consider a 14ft rod to be quite long (deffo not a little wand) and I use a 14 footer for a large percentage of my trotting.
If I wasn't able to control my float, keep it online at the far side of the river then I would prolly get another longer rod, but I don' t need one as I find the 14 footer adequate.
Appart from pictures i've never seen a TSI float rod. For whatever reason I'd assumed Alans TSI was a 13 footer. I think Alan gave a good description of the actions.
After reading online that the tsi rod was as light as a specci accy rod but was rated to 12lb lines!...I was very curious in the actions of the rods.

I'd consider a 14ft rod to be quite long (deffo not a little wand) and I use a 14 footer for a large percentage of my trotting.
If I wasn't able to control my float, keep it online at the far side of the river then I would prolly get another longer rod, but I don' t need one as I find the 14 footer adequate.
I’ve never seen a 13ft tsi
I don’t think they exist in other lengths but could be wrong…… odd one.

They are bloody fantastic rods imo and I’d love to find another to put away as a spare.

Alan was bang on the 15ft tsi bends with less resistance than a 13ft acolyte specimen float……obviously. . Its a lot more similar to how the 15ft acolyte specimen behaves. As a guess I’d hazard the 14 to be stiffer than the tsi and not quite as stiff as the 13 🤷🏻.

I would pay no attention to line ratings you’ve read about the tsi because it’s not a rod I’d ever feed anything more than 0.23-0.25 8lb/9lb maximum. Never 12lb.

It’s got a soft fast hollow tip. It’s very poky in the middle and back end and it’s very light for its power class. It’s a fast action 15ft rod which will bend all the way through and easily get taken up by a big fish. It’s designed for big fish and flowing water.

The handle is a very nice length being a couple inch shorter than most and it’s fitted with rings that stand off the blank very nicely. Something that rod manufacturers often neglect. Even the tip guides stand off well which although less important if spaced correctly it’s nice to see. Shows it’s been designed by someone that knows what they are doing.

I really rate them highly anyway which is all that matters. Cliff turner has one as well but I don’t think he’s very keen on it all.

Strange old things rods.
Good job we got choices as one man’s treasure and another man’s crap n all that. 😂
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"Good job we got choices as one man’s treasure and another man’s crap n all that. 😂"

Very true Richard. I don't like the ACOLYTE PLUS I have whilst so many rate them. Much prefer my Shakespeare Mach1 that cost about 25 percent of the Acolyte.

And thank goodness we all have differing likes or we would all be sitting there with the same thing.
So much anxiety, who said fishing was a simple pleasure?
Whoever though, why do we always have to complicate the Hell out of what essential is a ..
Simple pleasure?
Of course there must be some merit in whether you chosen sick of carbon is better than another similar stick of carbon or indeed worse but are we all a bit too wrapped up in the detail?

I can remember John Wilson who indeed sold fishing tackle very successfully too was never too far away from being grounded and remembering how we all started as kids and the sheer joy of using basic gear one rod and reel was all we needed or in his case just a willow branch a hook and a slug to fool a chub or two.

I am afraid we are all victims of being tackle tarts, but occasionally as was yesterday a chap fishing a local pond had rediscovered fishing as a boy, now in his 60s using just the one cheap rod he owns and was catching more than the latest carbon buzzer bivvy brigade alongside.

As they say 'just sayin' 😏
"Good job we got choices as one man’s treasure and another man’s crap n all that. 😂"

Very true Richard. I don't like the ACOLYTE PLUS I have whilst so many rate them. Much prefer my Shakespeare Mach1 that cost about 25 percent of the Acolyte.

And thank goodness we all have differing likes or we would all be sitting there with the same thing.
I prefer the Maver signature pro to the plus personally. It’s not quite as light but it’s a very well balanced rod with a fantastic handle and an action that I’ve recently come to really enjoy more.

I don’t dislike the acolytes at all I think they dominate the float rod market for good reason but there’s a number of rods I’d put in front of them particularly for trotting for average sized chub and the like.
So much anxiety, who said fishing was a simple pleasure?
Whoever though, why do we always have to complicate the Hell out of what essential is a ..
Simple pleasure?
Of course there must be some merit in whether you chosen sick of carbon is better than another similar stick of carbon or indeed worse but are we all a bit too wrapped up in the detail?

I can remember John Wilson who indeed sold fishing tackle very successfully too was never too far away from being grounded and remembering how we all started as kids and the sheer joy of using basic gear one rod and reel was all we needed or in his case just a willow branch a hook and a slug to fool a chub or two.

I am afraid we are all victims of being tackle tarts, but occasionally as was yesterday a chap fishing a local pond had rediscovered fishing as a boy, now in his 60s using just the one cheap rod he owns and was catching more than the latest carbon buzzer bivvy brigade alongside.

As they say 'just sayin' 😏
It sounds a little bit of an arrogant reply to your message Neil but not it’s not meant in that way but we do it because we can.

Why not have something really nice to the finest detail and get quite passionate about it.

I mean don’t get me wrong there’s a line between passion and dissing others choices which shouldn’t be crossed if a respectful post is made but there’s certainly nothing wrong in spending your money on something special and reaping the rewards or sharing the information.

I personally love a good float rod chat. I love float rods of the highest quality and I love the style of fishing more than any other despite being a self confessed “all rounder” To me it’s not a stick of carbon but a precision tool and the subtle differences between them make for very interesting discussions and debates
It sounds a little bit of an arrogant reply to your message Neil but not it’s not meant in that way but we do it because we can.

Why not have something really nice to the finest detail and get quite passionate about it.

I mean don’t get me wrong there’s a line between passion and dissing others choices which shouldn’t be crossed if a respectful post is made but there’s certainly nothing wrong in spending your money on something special and reaping the rewards or sharing the information.

I personally love a good float rod chat. I love float rods of the highest quality and I love the style of fishing more than any other despite being a self confessed “all rounder” To me it’s not a stick of carbon but a precision tool and the subtle differences between them make for very interesting discussions and debates
All OK Rich..I was trying not to come over as being judgemental as I am as guilty of 'tartism' as anyone, but just a little bit more trusting of manufactures claims not only fishing tackle though.
I enjoy lapping up all the new gear write ups and you tube vids, but when you step back and look at the sheer madness of it, it could be argued we maybe are over complicating?
You are a good engineer tha happens to fish so I should not be surprised with the chaos 😀 In fact my Uncle Doug who as a kid inspired me to fish was a brilliant engineer too, he made split cane rods and light meters for photography, and if that wasn't enough was a top match angler .
As a guess I’d hazard the 14 to be stiffer than the tsi and not quite as stiff as the 13 🤷🏻.

I'm not too sure about that regarding the 14ft specci and 13footer. I have kind'a took a shine to the 14ft speci rod over the 13footer because it feels that bit more powerful when i've been catching barbel with it. Same scenario with the 13 and 14ft sphere wagglers, I find the 14 footer to edge the 13 for power and control of barbel.
For power and control of harder fighting fish I have always prefered my 13ft rods in the past over a 14 footer, but in the case of those two rods my preference has switched round....atm at least lol.
How the 15ft speci compares to the 14 footer for power I have no idea, it may well be more powerful than the 14 in actual use?

Since getting the 12ft FS rod which feels less powerful than the 14 and 15 footers i'm a little confused with these rod builds and their power.