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Is it me? Is it real?

Closest we ever got to them was once with a pair roaming around a field just above a lambing area, distance was about 150 meters, but with or without binoculars it was clear what they where
I don't know if this is an old story or not, but reading MSN news page today, there was someone that say's he had seen a very large Black Cat with a tail that was 3ft long:eek: It did sound believable and the police advice was not to feed it:)



Down Bedfordshire way
How about we do Ghosts and Ghouls next....MUCH more believable:):):)

Or how about Phantom Big Cats???...I'm sure someone's seen one (on the way back from the pub maybe:))
Naah Mike, I'm tooo much of a cynic. But I'm sure there's someone on here that got 'evidence' of a ghost, ghoul, or goblin that haunts the banks...especially the Bite alarm, Bivvy, and Beer Boys:)
Maybe it was one of those beasties that ate all the Teme barbel:eek:
I don't think if a big cat had you by the knick knacks and a ghost had you in a headlock you'd consider it evidence Terry! :D
Actually I'm 100% agnostic when it comes to both/either. I think the wisest stance is one of "I don't know" (and in actuality, I don't really care either :eek:)
Hello Terry not sure what you mean by being agnostic , but I reckon deep down you are interested in this whole field of mysteries and unexplained phenomena , as you said in one of your earlier posts keep an open mind . Whether you believe or not, what I find very telling is that some people are prepared to put themselves in a position to be shot down or mocked by sceptics as they KNOW they saw something . I for one think that a fairly courageous thing to do
I meant it in the sense of... I don't know, I don't think I'll ever know, and I'm totally ok with that:)
Re. "...knowing they saw something.."... Aaron Beck (the founding father of the now 'in Vogue' Cognitive Therapy) said something to the effect of.. 'what happens in your life is not that important, its how you perceive it'. I think 'perception' is totally subjective, and can't be trusted. Anyone who's taken a pill (or drink!) or two knows that!
There's 'knowing' and there's 'believing'...and they're about as different as 'want, and 'need'. Totally different 'animals'.
Well not having taken a pill or a drink or two that morning or previously I know what I saw that morning, it wasn't something that I perceived it was something that I saw, I couldn't care less if others that haven't seen anything or have closed minds on the subject ridicule what I and others have witnessed I saw what I saw and nothing can change that.
Well not having taken a pill or a drink or two that morning or previously I know what I saw that morning, it wasn't something that I perceived it was something that I saw, I couldn't care less if others that haven't seen anything or have closed minds on the subject ridicule what I and others have witnessed I saw what I saw and nothing can change that.

Trouble is what we 'see' and what is actually occurring can be totally different. I am sure you are giving an honest account and you did 'see' something, just that I don't believe in the Paranormal, if we were to let that genie out of the bottle then anything would be possible, why there even might be a God!!!
I'm a believer! I'm positive Claire and I saw something a number of years ago when walking home from a pub (!) in Castle Combe. It was dusk and we were on the valley side when a large black animal shot across the meadow below us. It was much bigger than a labrador but had the running 'scampering' of a cat.

A few years later we found this print, which unfortunately our dog (a largish flat coat retriever stood it the middle of). The bigger print looks pretty big to me.


I mentioned seeing a big black cat to the local farmer shortly after and he told me, in no uncertain terms, to shut up and not tell anyone else! Hope he doesn't read this!!


Andy F
Hello Andy .Yourself and Claires experience is similar to many others and the farmers response typical . They much prefer to keep stum and deal with the problem themselves ,i.e. shoot or trap the animal , stick it in a big hole , job done,[ although I am not saying this was an action taken by this particular farmer] . Of course taking a photo might convince the nay sayers ,but then the publicity would inevitably backlash on the farmer '' heartless farmer murders ultra rare big cat '' the press would cry . It would have the same effect as shooting an otter and crowing about the fact.
Trouble is what we 'see' and what is actually occurring can be totally different. I am sure you are giving an honest account and you did 'see' something, just that I don't believe in the Paranormal, if we were to let that genie out of the bottle then anything would be possible, why there even might be a God!!!

I SAW a big cat. I SAW it clear the road in one bound from one garden to another. It was NOT an apparition, it was NOT a large moggy, and to be honest i couldn't care less whether you or anyone else believes me, what i do care about is rudeness and it seems that is the only way that you can argue a point, shame really.
As i have said before big cats roaming the countryside is a great romantic idea and there has been evidence of a few cats out there...i do though struggle with the idea of farmers dealing with them and keeping stum; this is not something they would keep quiet about just a mention over a pint and... Also as most big cats seen seem to be black and so are probably leopards they would not leave their prey in the open they take it up trees or wherever so others cannot get it and such behaviour is unlikely to change, so finding slaughtered lambs i find odd and given i have seen leopards take down prey much bigger than them i struggle to see that there would be much of a lamb left after a feed...now the odd fox killing a lamb is a different matter. May be it is the otters taking out the lambs and just feasting on the key organs :D
Hello Paul . If you read back in this fascinating thread you will see somewhere mention of piglets[ dead] been found high up in trees , and we are not talking flying pigs here :D I can assure you that the farmers response to a threat to their livestock IS to kill it , dispose of the evidence and leave it at that .Just as some keepers response is to kill the raptor that eats the grouse , or kill the Otter that gobbles his Salmon or Trout .These folk just take , rightly or wrongly, direct action but are not daft enough to shout it from the rooftops
Ooooooooooooooooh, I shouldn't have gone fishing today...I've missed SO much!!:)
ATVB...and respect to all.
I'm a believer! I'm positive Claire and I saw something a number of years ago when walking home from a pub (!) in Castle Combe. It was dusk and we were on the valley side when a large black animal shot across the meadow below us. It was much bigger than a labrador but had the running 'scampering' of a cat.

A few years later we found this print, which unfortunately our dog (a largish flat coat retriever stood it the middle of). The bigger print looks pretty big to me.


I mentioned seeing a big black cat to the local farmer shortly after and he told me, in no uncertain terms, to shut up and not tell anyone else! Hope he doesn't read this!!


Andy F

Yep thats it for me then, those are pretty much identical to the ones I saw on the Teme. There is a big cat in the Teme valley END OF!!