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Is it me? Is it real?

I submitted my data pretty early on (on request from Bobby/BS), and that was May 2015..so reckon it'll still be a while yet. A PhD can be done in under 18 months but most folk take 3yrs+
BTW..I actually got a sharp increase in barbel numbers immediately after the floods, but a decrease in average size. Luckily I'd been doing my own stats/research so had weighed over 500 fish:)
Jeff. Only having a giggle. Gotta take as well as give mate.

Btw. Did you take the Severn apart by walking across it ?:rolleyes:
Another one that springs to mind is a chap landed a nice Ouse double one evening and his angling partner took the obligatory trophy shot. In the background, on the opposite bank, the camera flash reflected the eyeshine of a big pair of yellow eyes, quite wide apart. The next morning, a black panther was spotted on the golf course that runs at the back of the river. Was tied in with a few more sightings in the area.
It's strange that this is the only section of river that I fish at night where I just feel uneasy.

Also read somewhere about a woman who was something to do with a zoo, released a breeding pair plus a male on to Dartmoor around 1980. Makes you wonder how many others did the same. Only recently there was a sighting out this way of cubs.....
Another one that springs to mind is a chap landed a nice Ouse double one evening and his angling partner took the obligatory trophy shot. In the background, on the opposite bank, the camera flash reflected the eyeshine of a big pair of yellow eyes, quite wide apart. The next morning, a black panther was spotted on the golf course that runs at the back of the river. Was tied in with a few more sightings in the area.
It's strange that this is the only section of river that I fish at night where I just feel uneasy.

Also read somewhere about a woman who was something to do with a zoo, released a breeding pair plus a male on to Dartmoor around 1980. Makes you wonder how many others did the same. Only recently there was a sighting out this way of cubs.....

Are you absolutely certain that they weren't brownies?

Cheers, Dave.
Are you absolutely certain that they weren't brownies?

Cheers, Dave.

Ahh Brownies, as a kid I was so keen on joining the cubs...I had to wait for some reason so my elder sister took me along to the Brownies :eek: I shall never forget the 'leader ' a certain Brown Owl, she was an imposing figure, never did go back:)

Anyway, 'nuff of these sightings, and blurry images of domestic cats from afar, how about some proper evidence to back up all of these ridiculous stories :rolleyes:
Proper evidence as in the ones that have been found dead and shot, fur that has been found and analysed and people admitting to releasing them?