Clive Kenyon
Senior Member
Clive why is it do you think that 99% of tackle manufacturing companies feeders have a swivel attached…(not including inline ). Or am I missing the point and korum ….drennan…..Kamasan etc have got it all wrong and you are right … you must get some serious line twist when you are fishing…… or do those feeders fall to pieces on the retrieve ….. they wouldn’t be allowed in my tackle box let alone attached to my manline
And why do you have this weird obsession with dumping everything on the river bed there must be enough lead on the bottom of your local river to build a nuclear shelter
In a word fashion. People expect it. You have proved that point in your later comments. It is all about appearance, not function. For the record I don't have any issue with line twist because as most of us know feeders don't spin. And the feeders are strong enough to do the job they are designed for. They might not look pretty, but they last until they are lost.
Now tell me what is the practical benefit in having a swivel on the feeder as a pivot rather than having the same swivel connecting a feeder to the line?