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One Reason..8,000-10,000 barbel eggs laying on your unhooking mat or dripping eggs or milt! Probably a whole year class and generation lost because of idiots!

Well said that's why we should retain the close season.

I don't necessarily disagree. However, that's fine and dandy if the fish happen to cooperate and spawn in the closed season when they are meant to.

I agree with your point but don't agree with the current closed season at all:(

The dates currently set as the closed season do not match with the reasons for keeping it in my view.
Over the years I have seen more fish spawning outside of the closed season than during it:confused:
There is no easy solution to this but I feel research should be done into adjusting the dates for example Apr-Jul so that the majority of fish have spawned whilst we are not on the bank;)

Only my opinion though
One Reason..8,000-10,000 barbel eggs laying on your unhooking mat or dripping eggs or milt! Probably a whole year class and generation lost because of idiots!

The above statement most definitely does not stand up to scrutiny. If this were a reality then it would apply to all fish that were captured during spawning not just Barbel. We have no close season in ponds and lakes and we also have no year classes lost because of "idiots", if we did then we would have no recruitment at all according to this flawed logic. It is my experience that when fish are spawning they are all but impossible to catch, and I am also sure nobody has told them they have to spawn between the 15th March and the 16th June, that rules out most of the Perch in my local ponds.

But just for arguments sake lets say we were allowed to fish all year and just for arguments sake lets say that a few Barbel did end up shedding eggs on an unhooking mat, do you seriously think that is going to make any significant diffrence? The whole strategy of animals that lay thousands of eggs and then play no further part in their offsprings upbringing is to allow for high levels of attrition.

Your argument is based on nothing more than an emotive response.
The above statement most definitely does not stand up to scrutiny. If this were a reality then it would apply to all fish that were captured during spawning not just Barbel. We have no close season in ponds and lakes and we also have no year classes lost because of "idiots", if we did then we would have no recruitment at all according to this flawed logic. It is my experience that when fish are spawning they are all but impossible to catch, and I am also sure nobody has told them they have to spawn between the 15th March and the 16th June, that rules out most of the Perch in my local ponds.

But just for arguments sake lets say we were allowed to fish all year and just for arguments sake lets say that a few Barbel did end up shedding eggs on an unhooking mat, do you seriously think that is going to make any significant diffrence? The whole strategy of animals that lay thousands of eggs and then play no further part in their offsprings upbringing is to allow for high levels of attrition.

Your argument is based on nothing more than an emotive response.

So is yours. Anyway it's the prospect of hideous school fees and so many moody teenage fish that gives rise to abandonment.

Plus it's Christmas- stop being so argumentative. Pour yourself a sherry or something.
I do tend to agree with Richard on this point, the close season was put in place to prevent people taking gravid fish for the pot before we had a culture of catch and release.
Ironically that is the very thing which now goes on during the close because the local anglers are not on the water to police those newcomers to this country who come from a culture where they do take fish for the pot and roe is a delicacy.

Plus it's Christmas- stop being so argumentative. Pour yourself a sherry or something.

If I know anything about him it's more likely to be a pink gin, but please don't encourage the old soak.
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The Closed Season was put in place a long time ago ! As to if its dates are still relevant I'm not so sure ? BUT I am sure that a LOT of Barbel and Chub etc. spawn later than the glorious 16th ! Strangely, not that many people shout and holler about people targetting species such as Dace when then are at their heaviest and carrying spawn at the tail end of the Coarse Season ! We put Barbel on a pedistal at times whereas all fish should be treated the same ! How many times have you caught Trout spilling Milt/Spawn whilst trotting for Grayling etc. when allowed to fish on game waters after October ?
It's a very difficult subject and when all's said and done, we are talking about hooking a fish and taking it out of its natural environment !
Barbel don't spawn in April, they probably wake up and feed like mad in preparation, quite probably an ideal time to catch them (hey ho) !
All the above said, I still favour a Closed Season of some kind..........even If the dates are currently a little debatable. I enjoy the break and feel that the banks need the break. Without it I think that fishing becomes a bit too much of a rat race. The current break coincides nicely with the onset of spring and re-growth. To my mind, long may it remain !
Sure, people will argue against my views, for and against, but I'm quite happy as it is !!!!
One Reason..8,000-10,000 barbel eggs laying on your unhooking mat or dripping eggs or milt! Probably a whole year class and generation lost because of idiots!
does that include salmon anglers, because we all know coarse fish get caught during the closed season and some don't go back.:mad:
I suspect that the presence of anglers all year round would help deter cormorants and goosanders etc. that have a field day when the banks are deserted, especially in the more remote locations. The benefit of this would far outweigh any losses incurred due to the extra angling pressure, I would think.
That's not to say I'm in favour of abolishing the closed season...

And what's any of this got to do with BJ fishing for shad??!
Scrutinise this then Richard............. it's illegal and no one is going to change that any time soon, therefore we will continue..

Nothing to talk about, not even in March. :)
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i see the same aguments against as i heard when the stillwater season was scrapped.
don't hear much objection today.
One day it will dawn on the fast buck men at Whitehall they will be able to charge 25% more if they give us 25% more time. Perhaps holding yer breth is an option
How cant they charge 25% more ? licence covers you for a full year , if you dont fish during the close season ( I dont always ) then thats your choice
At the end of the day Bob only got done because he had the wrong kind of fishing rod in hand. Since it is possible to target coarse fish with a fly, and in my area you can fish worm, there is effectivley no close season on rivers - just restrictions on bait and methods.
That used to be the case on the yorkshire rivers years ago not sure now , think having journo with him from a coarse fishing magazine was just as damning ,still think most of it was down to arrogance , am afraid after the thing I have heard about the guy he should be stripped of the right to guide
And that's the thing behind most postings - Bob obviously has 'previous' with some people which is distorting their views on suitable punishment for the offence in question.
Just think that even without knowing all the other **** he has done , he has set a bad example and handled really badly but knowing the stuff it dont really surprise me and makes you wonder what else he has done on similar lines
Never Mind Bob its seizure day!

I'm sure the Pandas will like it!


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