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Ebay madness

Surely to God thats being bid up ?! no-one in there right mind would even want one of those nowadays, i know, i had one back in the 70s and it was rubbish then !
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Yet I can understand the appeal of those first of their kind efforts at gear at an affordable price for the working man just out of Post War rationing and ... with Fred J. Taylor working at the Balham factory at one time...

What now?

In my own case, a man who has used and continues to use a lot of just the right tackle for the job in hand, well, only the other week I took two Fox chairs and a Korum to my local recycling centre, glad to see the back of them, knowing they will only be melted down and turned into something equally heavy, uncomfortable and generally awful...
Last time I built a cairn was beside the River Ganges in the Himalaya whilst making a film in 1989, placing a single stone on a little riverside pile I had started every time I walked across a beach to fish and placing another on it as I left the water on my way back to camp. I seem to remember that the director of the film saw the little 3-foot-high pile I was making and added one or two pebbles himself, whilst probably quietly praying that the river would fall (as I had told him it would) and that there would be fish for his cameras.

It did, and the mahseer began eating our spoons and plugs. I believe I wrote about that little cairn in a book, about how a small white stone that caught my eye on the pebble beach as I was about to start another session was added to the pile with a silent "Please, a big one...".

It duly came. 52 pounds.
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Perfect for regally minded social and fishy climbers, that one, I suppose. Myself, I like to walk unencumbered and am happy to squat on a little square of foam mat.
Possibly pathetic, even snide comments still coming from the Usual Suspects, I see. Shame, as this incarnation of BFW (which I was invited to join by Andy when many of you didn't know that the old BFW was about to have its plug pulled on account of repeated argy-bargy and unpleasantness) was supposed to be so nice. Could be again, if a can't-help-themselves few were reined in occasionally.
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Possibly pathetic, even snide comments still coming from the Usual Suspects, I see. Shame, as this incarnation of BFW (which I was invited to join by Andy when many of you didn't know that the old BFW was about to have its plug pulled on account of repeated argy-bargy and unpleasantness) was supposed to be so nice. Could be again, if a can't-help-themselves few were reined in occasionally.

And that should have been kept to yourself.
This site works perfectly well and I don't see why you are comparing this with the old, everyone (well almost) is making an effort it seems.
Not at all, Neil. This site is for everyone provided that they abide by the rules, not a place that can be made a no-go area for an individual by a few, unknown to that individual, hit and run types who, for reasons probably only known to themselves, cannot contain themselves if he so much as appears on it.
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I have no idea what is going on here but the thread was entertaining and eyeopening especially the efgeeco item , got an old efgeeco box in shed in good condition was mine in mid 70's when my dad had the one sold on ebay , passed mine to my daughter when she went for a while in mid nineties