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Ebay madness

7 years ago I was fortunate enough to buy a secondhand, but unused, Edward Barder Barbus Maximus for around £550. It was a lovely rod to play a fish on and during that summer I had some nice barbel on it in conjunction with my Chris Lythe 'pin on ledger tactics.

I found a very productive, pacey, swim that I fished for 3 days. I had 3doubles, 5 nines & 11 eights among many other back up fish. At no time did I consider the rod overgunned & I certainly didn't feel I abused it in any way.

The reason I am writing this is that the rod was taking a set in the direction of the flow of the current. I was a regular user of cane rods which were less 'precious' than a Barder and, yes, some do have bends in them. After that happened I never felt I could enjoy using it again, because at the time it was a £900 rod. I gently straightened it, sold the rod & got my money back. I only owned it for 4 months before I realised it wasn't a rod I could enjoy using.

Many people buy a Barder to use & they probably accept that they will depreciate with use. Many others buy them as an investment. If you want one then consider what you want it for & are you prepared for it to take a 'set'? There are many cane rods that perform just as well at a fraction of the price. It's horses for courses I guess!
Fascinating read Bob, I think if I invested so much into a rod of that value I would be on tenterhooks when using it, sort of takes the reasoning out of owning one I suppose, best kept on the wall in the study I guess.
I've got a mate who owns a couple of Barders, and I've noticed that when he fishes with them, he wraps a cloth round his rod rest so he doesnt scratch the varnish on the rod.

Not my kind of fishing.
It's all relative isnt it ? How much do we all lose each year on our cars in depreciation ? If you spend 700 on a rod and in a few years it's still worth 500 you've had a bargain in my opinion. Enjoy these things for what they are.

looks like time ,to breakout the 2 spare spools i held back when i sold my jap.stradic x gtmh for £130 last year ,i have the origanal instruction leaflet someware i wonder if that'll fetch silly money too

i'm actually tempted too put my high speed one on ebay (with its spare spools) ,but not sure if its the right aged stradic x gtmh ,as i aint used it in three years.


i don't know if its the origanal version as i never brought it ,i won it in a game of poker in 2004 (kings over aces beating queens over eights) but i could easily check as i know a few match anglers who'd know .

i supose i could sell it and put the money towards something i might actually use .

i put my stradic on e-bay the other night and it barely made the hour out before it was snapped up ,it really is madness the money somethings are fetching i got £130 for it and 2 spare spools
Very strange the way the original Japanese Stradics go on Ebay. Last Christmas they were going for stupid money. The Christmas just gone you were lucky to get much more than £50. Now they seem to have taken off again.:confused:
As far as I'm concerned I wouldn't go fishing without McCartney albums I believe they are classic barbel gear that is only going to rise in prices. Gonna sell my speedias my cane and Gary Mills centerpins and invest in McCartney albums.

Hope this helps........
Do you buy a platinum gold or silver McCartney or settle for a cheaper Yoko?
As far as I'm concerned I wouldn't go fishing without McCartney albums I believe they are classic barbel gear that is only going to rise in prices. Gonna sell my speedias my cane and Gary Mills centerpins and invest in McCartney albums.

Hope this helps........

Oh Ker-ist. Not another thing you can't go without.....and has wings......

Cheers, Dave :D