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What happened to the other Specialist Angling Group organisation that was proposed on BFW a few months back?
Potentially there are 1000's of members out there (NASA had in excess of 11,000 at one time)

I'd join one that got all SA together but not another barbel group. Been a member of both other barbel organisations (BCC/BS) but neither gave me from the barbel fishing prospective what as a chub angler I get from the CSG, each to their own I suppose.
However as with any such group, members HAVE to become involved, not just pay the subs and then moan when things don't go your way, or the "wrong" people get elected to positions within that organisations.

SA's/SA groups of all species desperately needs a new umbrella organisation, the ATr has patently failed, at least IMHO .
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Just noticed this in one of the replies on this thread.

"As for joining, I'm not so sure. I've discovered that since i made the transition from the old BFW to the new I've become a lot more traceable on the internet (by anyone). If i joined the ABF with my own credentials that would probably double my exposure again, which isn't something I'm keen on. This is one of the reasons why my BFW posts are kept to a minimum".

Sadly it's probably too late to do anything now. On the two web sites I have (CSG/DCAC) I can track a visitor to within a few yards on the Google maps, wouldn't worry too much 'Dan'
You'd be surprised at just what is out there already.

Just saying, don't let info being out there put you off joining the new Ass, but I know what you mean.
To prove a point, the last visitor to the CSG web site was from Spring St, Rotherham, ISP is BT, has a Firefox 3.6 Browser and uses a MacOSX O.S. Screen resolution of 1280x1024 and stayed browsing for 2m-57 secs

I got myself agitated a while back when CD's of the CSG 'Chevin' magazines went on sale on-line. They contained members names, addresses, Tel numbers and e-mail addresses, and not something I was altogether happy with.
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Conrad and all AFB members, well done on making the constitution public - good move.
However as with any such group, members HAVE to become involved, not just pay the subs and then moan when things don't go your way, or the "wrong" people get elected to positions within that organisations.


To quote another poster:

"I usually steer well clear of angling "bollotics" "
(Just an example, no disrespect to Hayden)

There's your answer John.
Same reason democracy becomes autocracy. Because people sit back and allow it to.

Anglings participants are in it for the leisure, any political dimension is seen as antithetical to it's pursuit and enjoyment.
Politics is also seen by many as a "foreign language", which they happen (they believe, probably mistakenly) not to speak. Which is also unfortunate.

I think we are becoming less political as a nation as time goes on.
I Hope Not....

Hi Simon,

Looking at the current and (now) 'joining' membership the Association of Barbel Fishers has, it would be difficult the envisage too many of these guys are ever going to be sat back and allowing the intended 'democracy' to revert to 'autocracy'.

These people are going to relish having their say and their opinions listened to and acted upon; we believe that they will allow structured debate and resolution of issues, where they can have input which will be acted upon.

Time will tell and if things continue at the present rate then the membership will be actively involved, very soon, in selecting their own nominated officers for election to the committee.

Not for me. We have seen it all before. Great for a year or two, and then the personality clashes start to surface, a few will then start tantrums and throw their toys out of the pram.

I hope the ABF is different and wish you luck, and if still going strong in 5 years may well re consider.
Hi Simon,

Looking at the current and (now) 'joining' membership the Association of Barbel Fishers has, it would be difficult the envisage too many of these guys are ever going to be sat back and allowing the intended 'democracy' to revert to 'autocracy'.

These people are going to relish having their say and their opinions listened to and acted upon; we believe that they will allow structured debate and resolution of issues, where they can have input which will be acted upon.

Time will tell and if things continue at the present rate then the membership will be actively involved, very soon, in selecting their own nominated officers for election to the committee.


Hi Mike,

I sincerely hope you can make it work. My comments were general and not aimed at your group specifically.

Joining a single species group is not for me regardless, as I don't have a "special" focus on any particular species within my angling, other than what I'm targetting at the time. My (mulit-species) Specimen Group membership ticks all those boxes.

And we send a representative to the A. Trust meetings.

Since the B.S isn't interested, maybe the ABF would look to represent Barbel Fishers Interests at a national level when you've grown on a bit? The Angling Trust seems a bit "bogged down" with Match and Game Fishing voices currently. :(
I agree with what your saying about the ATr and your multi species group, but I would encourage all groups, large or small, single/multi species, even the BS, to become actively involved with the AT's SAFG. That way we might just get the ATr to take notice.

I recon that Specialist/Specimen Anglers currently make up the majority of anglers in the UK (we certainly spend more cash) but to-date do not figure in any way, at least outside of the SAFG committee, and from the meetings Ive attended the SAFG seems to have no affect what so ever on ATr policy. SA can't even get a mention on the ATr web site or in any of it's newsletters.

Does anyone outside of the specimen angling world even know such groups exist any more? At the last SAFG meeting I attended even the ATr didn't know which groups were in membership! At least with NASA/SAA we all each knew about each others groups. In January 2009 I was told that several member groups of the SAA would not be joining the ATr, I still don't know just how many of the SAA membership moved over.

Living where I do (Northumbria) I didn't know the CSG existed pre 1986. I'd been chub fishing for years alone not knowing there was 'a peg' as it were, to hang my hat on, not until I read a tribute to Dick walker in the Angling Times from the then Sec of the CSG, Dick had been its President up to his untimely death. I applied just after reading about the Group, more in hope than expectation, and have been a member ever since.

As I wrote earlier, NASA had over 11000 members, those and probably more SA could be a powerful force within the ATr
Sadly the way things are panning out there will not be any SA input at the ATr

Just which group are you Simon, Osprey?
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John, yes I'm with Osprey.

Bob H went to the AT meet last week and was very disquieted by the way they seem to operate. Politics (capital P) over-riding politics (small p).
They appear to have some good initiatives on the go (various research bodies producing some results I think many will be surprised at), but don't seem to understand that it's the "grass roots" anglers they need to engage.

Your comments re SAA and Specialist Angler numbers are spot on. They are currently the backbone of angling, but hardly seem to register.

I've been "requested" to attend the next meet, so help me.

I think Fred's trying to tell me that the B.S. is looking to join up once they've ironed out a technical issue which has been holding this up. That's a bit more encouraging. Certainly the more the merrier and the more of a Voice the majority has, the more it can look to involve the "angler on the bank".
Pleased Bob is on the mend. Just couldn't do the last journey. Struggling with road works on the A1 is not the best way to spend a day on a wet mucky Sunday in November.

I think the next meeting will be February so we should still be in membership, our continued membership is on the AGM agenda the end of Feb 2011. Just make sure you take sandwiches, and probably a carton of milk :)

Please give my best regards to Bob (I'm sure he's lurking somewhere)
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Yes, I will thanks. He's "lurking" in bed with flu and a temp of 102 at the moment.

Still, when you've had a triple by-pass you do what the docs tell you for once. :)
Well I registed recived a e mail with username & password tried to log on all Igot a message you entered a invalid username or password what up like to get on the site
Tight lines to all
Hello Barrie I am very sorry that you are having problems. I have reset your password and tried it for myself and it is definitely working now. I have sent an email to the p.lee email address.

Please let me know how you get on.

If anyone is having any problems of a similar nature please email admin@barbelfishers.com, it seems to be working well for most but with spam filters and the such like things can go wrong.


What I have noticed is that when entering my user-name (real name) when the auto fill kicks in after typing the first letter it is not recognised and I have to type the whole of my name in.
This also happens quite often on the Chub Study Group's forum, Chub Chat.