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For those who use bite alarms

No but it sounds as if you have been, just because he uses a pin.

As I said it is down to the person fishing to the conditions, and he certainly does that if you take the trouble to read what he has written.
Thanks for the non aggressive post Dean, others looking in should take a leaf out of your book.
I use one for what they are designed for, trotting a float for silvers, for barbel NEVER, like I say its just wrong to play a barbel too long on the pin.:mad:

Well, I say that you don't know what you are talking about. If you make a sweeping statement like you have then be prepared to evidence it. So far you haven't.
Read my last post please. Take it in then think before you post. Many thanks
Surely if you are using strong enough line and hooks for the size of your quarry and the swim conditions that is more important than wether or not youre using a pin or fixed spool.
It is totally down to the competence of the angler how long he takes to land a barbel and has nothing whatsoever to do with the reel. I have seen an angler on Ian Heaps water in Pembrokeshire take 20 minutes to land an 8lb carp on a fixed spool reel with 10lb bs line. On the same day I landed a 12lb carp on a centre pin loaded with 10lb bs line in three minutes. By your way of reasoning Patrick, I have made a cast iron case for the banning of fixed spool reels for carp fishing :D
3 minutes? ?? That's a long time let alone the other guy. Do you often time the duration you play a fish?
I use one for what they are designed for, trotting a float for silvers, for barbel NEVER, like I say its just wrong to play a barbel too long on the pin.:mad:

I believe that F W K Wallis caught many barbel, including the 14lb 6oz record fish, from the Royalty trotting with a pin.



I have never read such a load of pretentious twaddle since last close season.

Use your alarms when carbeling on the Trent or Severn, Use your pins (the original bite alarms and bait runners) when fishing the smaller rivers. It's simple really. Why we have to make such a fuss over a personal choice I have no idea.
When I fish the Dove I have both rods on alarms with the sound turned off as the light is plenty of indication at night when my eyes wander from the isotopes on the rod tips, I have a baitrunner on the one rod which is a tricky cast to a far bank crease and a Barbel catcher centrepin on the other which is placed under a near bank bush.
I have been given funny looks by both camps, the floppy hated traditionalists and the 'tackle tart' new kids but I'm happy I'm using the best tools for the job in both swims.

Well said Adrian, can't wait for the season to start, then we can get some proper barbel talk. Think a lot are bored and knarky if you ask me:D.
Well said Adrian, can't wait for the season to start, then we can get some proper barbel talk. Think a lot are bored and knarky if you ask me:D.

Adrian I didn't say that you can't use them, It was just my thoughts on the subject. I don't use them for barbel and never will. Those who do will just be fishing irresponsibly IMHO.
When you use a pin mate you can often simply wind them in, no pumping needed, its just a steady pressure to the fish and they often simply swim into the net.
have nt use an alarm, its eyes and isotope, but i do have forty winks, with line around index finger:p, think will use alarm this season,on low volume:)
Cheers knew about the dongles but was hoping they did one that didnt need one other than txi , had some prologic ones that are wireless but managed to get them dragged into rocks on Trent and broke screws off , did glue them but never sure fully water tight and been using some tfg rollers to get by but had an issue with line going round support on a couple of takes that caused line to break , might bite the bullet and get the txi's