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For those who use bite alarms

Blimey if you ever move swims you will need Pickfords, but at least you can make the lads a cuppa:)

It's only banter, only 46 days to go....

The fresh cuppa is what makes my sessions so enjoyable, Neil. :)

If you make the effort to be on fish in the first place, you shouldn't have to move. And that goes for all species. :cool: ;)
What has being able (or not) to see the fish got to do with the use of alarms?

If I fish small rivers then its one rod and bare minimum of tackle , because of the shifts I work I tend to do alot of late sessions and overnight and mostly on the either the tidal or middle trent so its usually 2 rods both using different rigs and bait alarms go on when its gets really dark , if there is wildlife worth watching or of cooking or brewing , never have sound on just remote in my pocket on vibrate . I spend alot of the daytime when possible trotting , in short I use whatever method I feel will give me the best chance of a fish , I dont criticize how anyone goes about there fishing as long as the fish are treat with the respect they deserve

I think your last sentence sums it up for a lot of people Robert. Why DO these things upset so many? What business is it of anyone else how another person choose to dress, fish or whatever....what exactly is the problem?

Why does using bait runners or alarms upset some folk? Why does the fact that some choose to wear camouflage clothing cause such a stir? Why does the fact that some folk like to camp out in a bivvy for a day or two bother others? Why is using boilies or pellets so dreadful? Why does using three matching set ups send some into a hissy fit? Why does carp fishing wind up barbel fishers....and vice versa? Why are we so divided, taking every opportunity to attack each other over such seriously unimportant issues? What are we all like :eek:

In a word (or three:p) why don't all these wingers, pee takers, call them what you like....keep it to themselves? Why not live and let live, get on with what they want to do....and allow others to do the same. If you see others fishing/dressing in a way which is at variance to your chosen style....so what? GET OVER IT PEOPLE :D They are entitled to do just that :rolleyes: Smirk and feel superior if you like, that probably comes natural to some of you anyway :p....but stop with the criticism. There are so many REALLY worrying issues for us all to contend with right now....how to catch fish in dry river beds for one, how ever unlikely that seems just at the moment :D

Cheers, Dave.
David Gauntlett wrote
Why does using bait runners or alarms upset some folk? Why does the fact that some choose to wear camouflage clothing cause such a stir? Why does the fact that some folk like to camp out in a bivvy for a day or two bother others? Why is using boilies or pellets so dreadful? Why does using three matching set ups send some into a hissy fit? Why does carp fishing wind up barbel fishers....and vice versa? Why are we so divided, taking every opportunity to attack each other over such seriously unimportant issues? What are we all like

It must be akin to those who believe in a particular religion and have that fear of arriving at the pearly gates only to find they were on the wrong team. "Sorry mate, it's Delk's and camou gear only!":D
Hi All,

Just to set the record straight as it seems to be causing much heated debate.

I have nothing against alarms, i have nothing against carp fishing, you can all really do whatever you want and it makes no difference to me BUT, i am entitled to my opinion and that's that. I'm not upset, i did not go out to cause offence to anyone and i do not need to get over anything! Honestly!! Carp anglers!!!

The fresh cuppa is what makes my sessions so enjoyable, Neil. :)

If you make the effort to be on fish in the first place, you shouldn't have to move. And that goes for all species. :cool: ;)

Agree with the first sentence Simon, not so sure about the second though.:)
Hi just a thread to keep it busy lol. what alarms do you all use and what's the reasons of your choice?

well ,i've come to ONLY one conclusion here.:D:eek:

Hi All,

Just to set the record straight as it seems to be causing much heated debate.

I have nothing against alarms, i have nothing against carp fishing, you can all really do whatever you want and it makes no difference to me BUT, i am entitled to my opinion and that's that. I'm not upset, i did not go out to cause offence to anyone and i do not need to get over anything! Honestly!! Carp anglers!!!


Quite right Jeff, it's a forum and differing opinions are what make a forum work. I couldn't give a toss who uses what, but I do like to read various takes on different things. I don't feel people expressing different opinions suggests they are being elitist at all, they are simply contibuting to a topic :)
Speedia for me. Them noisey bite alarms should be banned on Rivers IMO. Along with night fishing.

Ray Thorpe.
I don't use modern bait alarms. I do what I did as a kid and balance a fifty pence on the top of the spool and place a tin below.