If we all joined the countryside alliance and started supporting peoples rights to go fox hunting then angling may go down the pan quicker than if we were not part of the alliance, I dont know the answer and you are right about strength in numbers but i would like to see that about angling only...
Hi John,
Your stance on the cruelty issue is understandable, and fortunately for us as anglers, quite a common one. Were more people to actually stop and analyse the similarities between angling and other forms of hunting, we could be in a world of trouble

As has been said, the 'warm cuddly' versus 'cold slimy' factor is probably the only thing that saves us.
As for your comment 'But I don't kill my prey'....that really is a non starter John! Unfortunately, we can't discuss this in too much depth, because an open forum where anyone can (and udoubtedly do

) spy on our every word is hardly the place. Sufficient to say that if you think the act of 'killing your prey' is the part of angling considered cruel by the antis, then think again! If you are unclear on this, you might wish to consider why the powerful Green Party in Germany will
only allow anglers to fish at all, providing they DO kill each and every fish they catch.....
Your point that if we support hunting etc., we may go down with them, is possibly a valid least it may have been under the previous government. However...what odds will you give me that fox hunting will eventually be reinstated under this present regime?
It may be as well to remember that anglers are traditionally an apathetic lot, and what little energy and passion we can dredge up is usually directed against other factions of our own sport, rather than in fighting the many threats ranged against us. One only has to consider the fact that we are supposedly far and away the largest participant sport in the country, and yet oury ONLY representative body has probably got a membership lower than the 'British Tiddlywinks Association', and has a voice about as powerful and widely heard as a sparrows f@rt
And the body your original query was about? That is possibly nearing the final stages of tearing itself apart's what we anglers do mate...egos take over I fear...
With that in mind, would it not seem a reasonable idea to ally ourselves to bodies who have proven to have more 'clout' per member than we anglers will ever manage as long as we have a hole in our botties

If just one of these bodies in question can take on the canoeists and had better believe that we need them an awful lot more than they need us
Your wish for a powerful body concerned ONLY with angling issues, whose voice is heard and taken notice of in places of power, is a good and worthy dream John. But in my opinion, that is all it is...a dream. Our hobby has had centuries to get it's act together and speak as one voice...have you seen any signs of that happening any time soon mate

My opinion, for what it is worth, is that it is time to admit that we are NOT good at such things...we just want to go fishing

Long past time then that we allied ourselves to those who have proven themselves able and willing to take on anyone....and win!
Cheers, Dave.