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somerley estate

What the hell is going on?

Surely to God if there is something to share to save people from grief then spit out!!

Talk about playing games.
It's always good to make sure before spitting something out.
I'm sure all will come out sooner rather than later.
Many thanks for actually making the effort to sign up to this forum and posting a reply to quash rumours. It's been a while since I have praised an official from CAC but you are a credit to the club.
Thanks again.
Somerley syndicates

Details of the syndicates have now been published by the Estate.

The river coarse syndicate and the stillwater coarse syndicate are priced at £300 and £350 respectively or £550 for a combined ticket. Top whack is their 'Gold Ticket', which includes salmon, trout and coarse and is priced at £650.

Haven't had a chance to read the rules yet but will add any relevant details when I have.

Makes the Christchuch ticket seem to have been a bargain doesn't it and it will be interesting to see how many takers they have for the various options?

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Re Somerley syndicates

Update on rules.

These are fairly standard but night fishing is included above Ibsley bridge; on the Lifelands stretch; and below Ibsley bridge on the east bank down to the pink cottage and on the west bank down to the confluence with the Harbridge Stream. Quite a major concession there (only available on the Hucklesbrook length under CAC).

Also, "limited guest tickets" will be available but there is no further detail on this at this stage.

Thanks for the update Dave, where were these details published, as not yet personally received an email from the estate, or seen anything on the Avon Diary?

It was a failing on behalf of the club David that they could not see how things were elsewhere with fisheries like the Somerley.
How simple would it have been to have implemented a two tier membership?

Received my email this afternoon. Perhaps yours is still in the pipeline. If you haven't received anything by say Tuesday, I would contact the Estate Office again.


Before I was forced to resign, the possibility of setting up a two tiered membership was being discussed (much like the additional fee for night fishing on Spinnaker) but, for whatever reason, this was never pursued. It would have been an additional administrative burden but was not unworkable and could, at least, have been put to the membership as an option but the Committee obviously did not see fit to do this.

in all honesty, given the attitude of certain key members of the Committee, and the rapidly deteriorating relationship between the Club and the Estate, it was never likely that a new lease of the Estate would ever have been agreed.


Received my email this afternoon. Perhaps yours is still in the pipeline. If you haven't received anything by say Tuesday, I would contact the Estate Office again.


Before I was forced to resign, the possibility of setting up a two tiered membership was being discussed (much like the additional fee for night fishing on Spinnaker) but, for whatever reason, this was never pursued. It would have been an additional administrative burden but was not unworkable and could, at least, have been put to the membership as an option but the Committee obviously did not see fit to do this.

in all honesty, given the attitude of certain key members of the Committee, and the rapidly deteriorating relationship between the Club and the Estate, it was never likely that a new lease of the Estate would ever have been agreed.


Well, quite clearly they had their heads so far up their own harris', or each others perhaps.
You reap what you sow. I hope the syndicate goes from strength to strength (though I am disappointed about the night fishing being granted) and the club fall on their plastic sword.

No. The main part of the Estate, accessed via Ellingham or Ashley Farm, remains daytime only (times not confirmed yet) it is only Lifelands and the northern end above and below Ibsley bridge that can be night fished.

Gents, although not strictly barbel related, I thought that some of you would be interested to know that Christchurch Angling Club are in confidential negotiations with the Somerley Estate to relinquish the Ibsley Complex and hand it back to the estate.

As those of you in the club will remember, the Ibsley complex was a key bargaining chip for the club during the negotiations over the main river lease and resulted in the main estate become syndicate water.

Thanks for that update. The Club got it wrong, as they thought that the long lease of 'Ibsley Island' included the right to fish the main river but it only covered the lakes and the trout stream. Not surprised, therefore, that they are seeking to get rid of it now although that will mean that they will have to find a new home for (what's left of) the maintenance equipment, tools etc that were stored in the containers in the compound near the Pink Cottage.

Will be interesting to see how this additional water is dealt with under the new syndicate arrangements, assuming a deal is finalised.

Hi Colin
Neil is correct, and I raised your question on the clubs forum this afternoon.
It is an oversight and as Neil suggested, the website is being updated.
As far as I can see, the stretches of Avon in question are Lifelands and Bickton to Ibsley.
I must say that this should have been sorted, but at least I got an honest reply from a committee member within 5 minutes of asking the question.