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Polish fisherman

Dave, actually Germany produces nearly twice the quantity of milk as we (the UK) do and even France produces in excess of 50% more than us.;):)

That is what you meant isn't it?:D:D

Hi Colin,

Not really fella :D...BUT....it wouldn't surprise me, the way things now run in this country, if we give all our home produced milk away as another form of foreign aide (so that Mugabe and others can afford another Lamborghini to park next to the Rollers etc. in the warehouse sized garage of their mansions in Switzerland or wherever) then buy what we require from the surplus produced by the countries you mention...at a premium price of course....despite the fact that we paid the lions share of the EU farm subsidies to keep other nations inefficient farmers in business in the first place :D :D

Cheers, Dave.
(and so i hear not just wildlife either) Ian, what did you hear ?


Well they are just rumors Stephen, i've heard around the centre of the town where the homeless migrant population is worst that more than a few cats than normal are going missing, pets kept in garden hutches that sort of thing.
Though i have to say nothing has been reported in the press recently.
What is fact, and lends credence to the rumors is that some of these people are starving, living in shanty type shelters, i know one group that were shacked up in a derilict petrol station due for demolition that was boarded up, they're getting their food where ever they can find it, whether begging for money, ( fact ) prostitution ( fact ) or killing animals they catch or steal ( rumor )


Edit........ I'm not aware that an of these people i've spoken of are Poles by the way, who seem to be all a pretty decent hard working lot.
I think most of them have got the message about catching for the pot.
The problem is i believe mostly gypsies of various nationalities from Eastern Europe, together with a mass of young people with the same diverse nationalities.
The Gypsies i guess are living as they did in their own countries, and not much has changed for them i guess, and if there's any substance to the rumors i wouldn't look much further than them.
Most of the youngsters i guess are lost in a strange country, no family support, can't speak the language, and living off their wits, getting roped into crime, and prostitution etc to survive.

My take on this is, we - the British people shouldn't have to live with this, no foriegn government collective or otherwise should be allowed to inflict this on us, this, and previous governments have been derilict in their duty in preventing this happening in that respect.

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Absolutely Peter....in a nut shell....spot on. Of course the reason they get away with it is that the various bodies who should be enforcing these regulations now have a ready made excuse for doing nothing. They are told by the legions of muddle minded do gooders and politically correct ding bats who have spread their insanity from Brussels to infect the whole of Europe....that it is wrong to single out any ethnic group, nationality....or pretty well anyone else you care to name...and accuse them of any wrongdoing, or of being responsible for anything. It would seem that now, even if you catch someone in the act of wrongdoing, you cannot take them to task for their actions, because that would be infringing on their 'human rights' :rolleyes:

If you will allow me to digress slightly here, there were three items in the news the other day that demonstrate what I am saying about the madness that is Brussels and the EU....and the reaction to them highlighted at last the long awaited dawning of understanding within our politicians that it is time to say no.

Brussels have muted plans to levy new taxes on the British pensions systems, with vague ideas of taxing the payments made into pensions at the outset, and then taxing them again as they mature. The idea is to pour the billions thus raised into the economies of the EU countries who have proved to be incompetent at running their own affairs (such as Ireland, Greece etc.) to keep them afloat....the very same countries we have already bailed out once! The cost of those first bail outs the government now admits equaled pretty much all the billions saved by the cuts in our economy that they imposed...those cuts that are squeezing the worst off of us to death at this moment :(

The second was a response by Brussels to grumblings about the fact that we, the British tax payers, have to fork out millions every year to support the families of EU people living/working in this country. It seems that if such a person comes here to work, we immediately have to pay (or soon will, I can't recall which) child allowances etc. to that persons family, even though the recipients are still living at home in that persons home country :eek: It seems Brussels intend to reinforce and even extend that regulation...

Lastly, a rather nasty Muslim religious instructor was recently found guilty of various acts of encouraging and supporting terrorism, supplying funding for terrorist training etc., and as a result was quite rightly banned from entering Britain, where he had intended to tour our local mosques to spread his evil. When this person decided to ignore this ban and come here anyway, he was arrested by customs and held for deportation processes to be enacted to return him from whence he came. As ever, this person appealed, and the ruling of the appeal court is that 'Although the initial judgement on this person, and the consequent decision to ban him from Britain were correct and just'....we now have to pay this individual as yet undecided sums in compensation....because we 'Failed to explain clearly or soon enough WHY he had been detained' :eek:

I gather that even old opponents of British policy, such as Germany and France, have now joined in at protesting at some of the crazy rules and new regulations recently handed down by the EU, or forced upon our legal system by diktats from the EU, many of which seem to be specifically aimed at Britain.

Perhaps there is light at the end of the tunnel? However, I for one shall not hold my breath while we wait :(

Sorry for the long whinge....I just get so fed up with the ever increasing madness of the EU, which seems intent on making us the milk cow for the rest of Europe...and determined to force us to stand still in silence and take it, by imposing this very manufactured madness called 'political correctness' into every corner of our lives....including the original point involving our fish (if you can remember back that far :D:D:D)

Cheers, Dave.
I've got a rotten cold, this cheers me up no end.:eek:

If I had a pound for every time I have seen really reassuring articles like that, which lists all the wonderful, infallible things that are in hand to end the problem, whatever the particular problem involved happened to be....I would be a very rich man.

Sadly, I have yet to see ANY recognisable improvements, in ANY field of life, after such reassuring articles were issued :mad:

Call me a cynic, but......:rolleyes:

Cheers, Dave.
david, oh, i don't know, maybe we could drag a few of them to tyburn, that might stop them.
Just to bring this up again really, having been fishing a local river all season as wide as a bath and doing really well to say the least , with not many anglers knowing it, I couldn't believe it today when I went down to pre bait and as I walked back to the car I bumped into two EE's who said to me "I been told is good barbel and pike here" I fobbed them straight off told em it was too shallow and not right as the river wasn't visible from we're I saw the EE's, I had to make an excuse up as though I was looking for somewere myself, anyway they turned round and didn't continue to have a look at the river for themselfs, was I a touch harsh after all I am against fish been took which in all fairness it's the EE's that do that or could they have been genuine anglers??
Just to bring this up again really, having been fishing a local river all season as wide as a bath and doing really well to say the least , with not many anglers knowing it, I couldn't believe it today when I went down to pre bait and as I walked back to the car I bumped into two EE's who said to me "I been told is good barbel and pike here" I fobbed them straight off told em it was too shallow and not right as the river wasn't visible from we're I saw the EE's, I had to make an excuse up as though I was looking for somewere myself, anyway they turned round and didn't continue to have a look at the river for themselfs, was I a touch harsh after all I am against fish been took which in all fairness it's the EE's that do that or could they have been genuine anglers??

No i'd say you'd used your head Wayne, probably saved a few fish ending up as a stew ! :mad:
Well done mate :)
No i'd say you'd used your head Wayne, probably saved a few fish ending up as a stew ! :mad:
Well done mate :)

Yeah I had to think quick off top of my head, but why mad me very curious is to how they are finding out about these small stretches that few people know about getting abit shockin and it's a stone throw away from me so I l know if they have been there but they didn't seem bothered when I fobbed them off so time will tell but I hope I don't see them there ;);).
I understand what you mean, it was just a massive shock as there isn't that many anglers who fish it probably 15 at the very most all of whom keep things close to heart and who's been fishing it a fair few years, I know there's only that many and Iv had a good chat with most of them as I fish it at least 4 times a week!
Had reason two speak to two EE's yesterday. Polish or not most, not all, have a truly shocking attitude towards their fishing and enjoyment of the great outdoors. These two yesterday made my blood boil after I saw them launch their beer cans in a bush ! In my capacity as a warrant officer for local authority I attempted to issue a fixed penalty notice for littering. Predictably they gave the old ' don't speak English ' excuse so ended up telling them inthe universal language to get out my sight. Neither had rod licences or landing nets, but plenty of Tyskie. I know we should'nt generalise when talking about EE's but they still have much to learn. The stretch ofThames I was patrolling is an absolute disgrace in terms of the sh!t they leave behind !

Had reason two speak to two EE's yesterday. Polish or not most, not all, have a truly shocking attitude towards their fishing and enjoyment of the great outdoors. These two yesterday made my blood boil after I saw them launch their beer cans in a bush ! In my capacity as a warrant officer for local authority I attempted to issue a fixed penalty notice for littering. Predictably they gave the old ' don't speak English ' excuse so ended up telling them inthe universal language to get out my sight. Neither had rod licences or landing nets, but plenty of Tyskie. I know we should'nt generalise when talking about EE's but they still have much to learn. The stretch ofThames I was patrolling is an absolute disgrace in terms of the sh!t they leave behind !


Just got no respect at all, there is a minority who go fishing for pleasure and decent in that way but I mean a small minority, they have got hell of a lot to learn and so have our government IMO, most places are absolutely disgusting now with litter and old line why not do as any decent angler does and take a carrier bag for rubbish and chuck it in bin on way down path at home simples then the banks will remain a pleasant place for the next fishing trip.
Leaving litter is just out of order and it's not just EE's that do it, English anglers too and more than just a few.


You are not far wrong there. Went out on thursday, only 2 other people fishing, when we left, they had left a bag of rubbish, they had carried it down to the car park (at least they didn't leave it just on the bank), then just left it there.

With regards to the EE's, wait till Bob tells you about his ones at work, he opened the milk fridge at his work and found a bag of perch they were taking home.
There's an article in this weeks Angling Times,about a group of EE poachers caught with a carrier bag of ten Chub from the river Wye,also has a group photo of them,I think they were fined £750 or so.
Nothing new with litter, I will take some sarnies in a carrier bag everytime I go I fill it before I leave with other peoples rubbish, I don't get annoyed anymore it's just no excuse for these people that drop litter so I guess they have some sort of mental illness regardless of creed.

I look at this way, if I am fishing amongst rubbish it is distracting, likely people will assume it's mine and likely the land owner will withdraw fishing rights.

I am not writing this to say what a saint I am.... far from it just a bit of common sense for the future of river fishing whats left of it.