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Pair - fox kevlar barbel multi tip rods

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"Yawn" To me Justin, i dont like the ethics of how you have sold these, offers, closed bids etc....
only my opinion and my standards, and you have also upset my mate Jim......
What do you mean Jon 'you dont like the way i sold the rods'

It was simple, you make an offer as to what you want to pay........

How can that be ethically wrong?

If you think that Jim or John actually bid on the rods at any time then you are wrong. It appears that you have been 'had on' by your mate!
No Justin, highest Bidder, offers etc. i find a rather ungentlemenly way selling an item. I much prefer a fixed price not a bidding war.
What do you mean Jon 'you dont like the way i sold the rods'

It was simple, you make an offer as to what you want to pay........

How can that be ethically wrong?

If you think that Jim or John actually bid on the rods at any time then you are wrong. It appears that you have been 'had on' by your mate!

you'll do as you see fit. However, almost every forum I've ever been on requires a seller to name their price clearly. Naturally, that doesn't mean that is the final selling price but it's a start. The way you've done things isn't against any rules I've seen on here but it would appear that plenty don't like it. It does leave things wide open to abuse and I'll not get involved in auctions where there's no transparency for the bidders.

The problem with the name your price system is that the gullible may price things way too low and get their arms ripped off. However, no one forces them to put a low price and if they do their research before posting they'll know the going rate. I suspect you wouldn't be one of those anyway and that you had a damned good idea of what sort of price to expect.

I'm afraid that it may be you that's being "had on" if you think that more than a tiny proportion of the posts on the thread are entirely serious.

P.S. You think that you've had the last laugh because you got a good price for your rods. Sadly, I suspect you might have actually got more had you put them on Ebay.
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I also am not completely happy with the prospect of having a price agreed and then for the seller to change their minds because they've had a better offer.

I'm for the fixed price as well but, as Chris said, Justin can conduct his business any way he likes as long as he's not breaking any rules.

I think that Jim and myself did make early offers on the rods.
i have bought quite a lot through liquidation auctions and the simple rule with their bid system on line is that the last bid/offer by a certain time wins and the sale is not over until that time but if a bid/offer comes in in the last hour then the clock gets reset to 60 minutes until no other bid comes in. i had a couple of lots go to within 5 minutes from the end before getting out bid then had to bid again and wait another hour to find out if i won. sounds like a strange system but everyone knows where they stand and unlike eBay, you don't get lurkers with faster internet connections bidding in the last few seconds.

if your going to let them go to the highest bidder, don't let someone think they have won them, just let them know they have the highest bid so far and fix a time for all bids to be in.

as i see it after looking back again, Justin wasn't the person that told jim they were his and it all went out of shape after that.

a little clarity needed on forum classified sales i think;)
chris, mike & Jon

Yes, I had a good idea of the selling price - and as im human - I want the best price I can for the rods. No body was forced to make any bid and those who did were told if there offer was within negotiation and that a descision would be made that weekend.

When the price was finalised i agreed to meet the buyer where upon he was under no obligation to buy if he was indeed unhappy with the description of the rods. How that can be ungentleman like is beyond me.

With regard to ebay and listing them there, i dont know the exact figure but i imagine that charges of 10% + would apply to the sale and to be honest - i would rather have the money in my pocket than in theres.

I have seen sales on here before with people being open to 'offers' and to be honest i cant see whats so offensive. If i am interested in the goods i am free to open negotiations, if not i can read on. If i find the add offensive to my morals, ungentleman like or underhand then as its a free site i can post my distain. As far as i can see, there are no clear rules as to how to conduct a sale on here - perhaps this should be looked into? altho i dont think its required as, we are all free to do as we please regarding if we choose to enquire or not.

I cant help thinking that this has been blown out of all proportion as the people i have had communications with have been fine and in regard to those who have voiced there distain...well out of how many thousand views the add received.....what is there 4 or 5 negative comments - not scientific i know as most wouldnt even bother to comment as life's just to short....
as i see it after looking back again, Justin wasn't the person that told jim they were his and it all went out of shape after that.

Is it just me that sees pretty much the entire thread as an exercise in extracting the urine. So many are taking it seriously that I'm starting to think I've got the wrong end of the stick.:confused:
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