Worse than the effect of any otters and cormorants, in my opinion, is Anglers' sense of their own pitiful victimhood; we have been infantilized and become terrible-two greedy in the past couple of decades (as has much of British and Western society), quick to take, even quicker to chorus when the goods are no longer delivered on demand "It's not fair!".
Hi Paul,
What a hard man to please you are dear chap...in an earlier post you told me I
must complain if I see the need, that it is something that you do all the time.....and yet here you are telling us that to complain is to demonstrate ones 'sense of pitiful victimhood'.......or did you really mean that I should only complain in a way that meets with your approval?
As for becoming 'infantilized' or 'terrible-two greedy' in the last couple of decades...or at any other time, come to that, I would suggest it might be better to have actually met, and better still come to know someone, before you can fairly hurl accusations like that around. That is gratuitous generalisation at best....in my opinion.
The fact is Paul, we all have our own thoughts about the otter issue...you have yours, and I have mine....and we are both entitled to state those views on this forum...that
is what it is for (provided we do so within the rules of course)...and I shall continue to do so, whether you like it or not. And no doubt you will continue to respond in your inimitable style, whether I like it or not
Talking of which...I doubt whether many who bother to read these otter threads would be in any doubt exactly what my opinion is on this issue (ignoring those who persist in interpreting things to suit themselves), but I will wager that very few are absolutely, copper bottomed, 100% certain EXACTLY what your views on the whole issue are.
Obviously, everyone is pretty damned clear on the fact that you will have absolutely no truck with the idea of calling for a cull, or interfering with otters in any way, shape or form whatsoever. Further, that you see any attempt by others at doing so as counter productive at best, and potentially suicidal for angling as a whole at worst.
Where it becomes confusing is that many of those who speak out because they are upset by one or another aspect of this issue are actually not about to argue with much of that...I think most would agree with you on many/most of those points. However, what many on here cannot understand is why it is (that being the case) that anyone concerned enough to stand up and assert their right to complain...or heaven forbid, to actually dare mention the word 'unfair', is immediately submitted to one of your, errr...dare I say it...slightly surreal posts, filled with scathing, sarcastic and frequently totally unfair

p) comments....and that's only the bits we understand

Despite your seeming denials Paul, there
are such words as fairness/unfairness....they describe a concept that is quite valid, and there is nothing wrong in using those words to describe some of the issues under debate in an otter related thread. That's only my opinion of course....
I guess what I am saying Paul is...why don't you discuss the issues raised, air your own views/arguements in response to those posted, rather than merely dismiss them in your usual rather...unique...manner? Or are those of us that have dared to put a toe on the wrong side of the imaginary line you appear to have drawn around this matter deemed unworthy of a straight forward reply?
Cheers, Dave.