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Otters again

Thanks for the detailed reply Ian, I have never been a fan of commercials and know how in or out of form rivers can be. i would be interested in a contact number for the TFCC as I feel crayfish are the biggest menace threatening our rivers. As stated before, I don't doubt the EA have some very hardworking people in their ranks, I just can't see evidence of their claims made in the press but am happy to be proved wrong.
Ian C Quote:
"I am amazed at how often people contact our club committee and say things like, "the fishing is bad, all the fish are gone, what are YOU doing about it?" WE, being the club's voluntary committee, and the complaint being because the angler has not been able to catch a fish for a few months. This season things are mostly back to normal and the complaints have been pretty much zero."

Ian...It's probably because the complaining anglers are fed up with hitting their heads against a brick wall!
Possibly, when the club membership numbers begin to drop then you may have to take the genuine moaners a bit more seriously. There is no smoke without fire. It is very easy to get sucked into what the EA might say on one hand, but generally the orders come from the top and not on the ground.
So do you think that the EA/NE sponsored otters are doing a good job on behalf of the club in removing the resident fish, wildfowl and wildlife? If you release some Beavers, there will be little need for work parties also!
Another thing to consider is that these are not the normal wild otters. They have been reared in a comfort zone and hand fed solely on fish! In my opinion, they 'will' exhaust their larders as they have been doing in the other parts of the UK and just move onto other areas looking for new sources to replenish them. When they breed in the wild, they will multiply and spread out to every river and lake in the UK which is the prime original intention of the Otter Trusts, Environment Agency and Natural England.
In some other countries, predatory species of endangered animals that have been bred and reared in captivity by humans would normally be released to take their place in a protected 'controlled' environment, if at all, but in the UK, they are released ‘willy nilly’ by the EA and NE with little regard to other wildfowl, animal and fish species that might also be protected and endangered, or will become so very very quickly due to predatory Otters which feed on them.
Otters are not a lot different from mink, just bigger with more potential destructive ability, in that they can do a lot more damage to the riverbank and surface water inhabitants in order to survive and sometimes just for pleasure.
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Ian C Quote: Ian...It's probably because the complaining anglers are fed up with hitting their heads against a brick wall!
Possibly, when the club membership numbers begin to drop then you may have to take the genuine moaners a bit more seriously.

Ray, although I generally respect you and your opinion on most things, how, on this occasion can you possibly have a clue about what I am referring to? Firstly the complaints are not about otters, we do not seem to have a problem in this area yet. I feel very offended that you presume our particular membership feel they are banging their heads against a wall.......in fact, according to a recent members poll they are very happy with the proactive nature of the clubs VOLUNTARY committee and the work we do, so please get your facts straight before stepping on to your soap box.............my reference was purely to ighlight the attitude of most anglers to always expect someone else to fix the problems for them and give them their fishing RIGHTS on a plate with salt, pepper and a napkin!!!

More generally, if someone were saying let's do XXXX about the problem, I would be one of the first to step up and help....e.g. if someone said let's get a few thousand anglers to protest outside No. 10 about the Government's lack of respect for anglers, angling and fisheries in general, I would be there but they don't. As always the common thread is "someone needs to do something about this"............

Alex, Colin, etc... have you joined the Thames Angling Conservancy?? it was started earlier this year on here if I remebre correctly by a few anglers wanting to start to take action about the Lower Thames mainly but it would be a good starting point........
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Hi men ,

Ian , when the TCA started , I stoped thinking about doing my thing as an individual ( moaning ):D. This was also around the time that Beanny did his thing on the Cherwell , and it was shown through his work that you really needed to be attached to a club , which I had not been on the river I was concerned about ( Windrush ), as I fished a private stretch with a landowners permision .

Some of you may want to have a read of this:


A small excerpt:

'Logic and mathematical theory suggest that when prey are numerous their predators increase in numbers, reducing the prey population, which in turn causes predator number to decline. The prey population eventually recovers, starting a new cycle.'

That's a cracking theory, but just a theory. I really cannot see an end to the misery Otters are placing on the natural wildlife of this Isle. The only solution to me is everything turns upside down and the Otter starts eating its way through the endangered mammal(water Vole) and Bird(Bitterns) populations.
I fully understand about natures balance of predators and prey.However what is now happening on some rivers with the otter population is not natural but indeed man made..Im affraid no angling group can do anything about it now its simply too late..It seems some rivers are suffering more than others(at the moment) which explains why some think otters are not doing any harm because their local river has not been affected..Im at a loss to explain the stupidity of those who thought reintroducing an apex predator into an already fragile enviroment would do any good..The best thing that could happen would be to remove ALL the reintroduced otters from rivers that are suffering because of their reintroduction and put back into captivity untill proper ecological surveys have been carried out regarding fish stocks and all the other problems that have caused fish stocks to decline..Im affraid the EA jumped on this otter bandwaggon simply so they could say to joe public "Look at the fantastic work we are doing" if only that statement were true we wouldent even be having this debate..If the public were made aware of the truth regarding legal polluting and many other things the EA support that no one realised they were doing,im sure their opinion would change..I feel sorry for the otter because to a degree this animal is being condemed to a slow death due to the state some rivers are in..Not to worry though because the EA and NE and all the others will just breed some more so joe public can say"ah aint they cute" and the EA can stand tall telling everyone how great they are and what a fantastic job their doing..:D:D:D:D:D
Jon...They do already and the RSPB/NE/EA know all to well about it.
Rhys...These are re-introduced otter and not totally wild, so it may be different.

Ian Quote:
"Regarding otters, I am pretty much on the same wavelength as Adrian in that no predator will empty it's larder and a balance will be reached with the unnaturally large and lethargic fish suffering and angling will have to adapt........"

No offence meant Ian, but it is an Otter thread!
Sorry, but otters take 'any' fish (smaller) in the population which they eat the heads or whole and not just the "unnaturally large and lethargic fish suffering" together with anything else that they can catch, including all wildfowl, amphibians and animals when they are hunting. It is unlikely that small fish corpses are found unless they just take the heads and leave the body, so it would be harder to prove if otters are the cause of anglers catching less fish.

Ian Quote:
"The damage done to our environment has been done over many, many years, mostly by man and will take time to heal."

Agreed, but re-introduced Otters also do serious damage that will 'hinder or destroy' any healing to the river environment/fish stocks caused by man in the past, albeit by a different approach.
When the Otters eventually begin to frequent the Loddon, then you may begin to have a different opinion, to which many affected clubs and anglers in the UK are voicing concern now.
You are right that anglers will have to adapt to catching less fish (due to otters eating them or fish scattering to other areas, if any), but it will eventually effect the club when members leave to try and find elsewhere in the hope that there are still some fish left and much easier to catch.
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Your right about the re-introduced otters not being totally wild, which is probably why they take so much, due to them having been 'spoilt' with all the fish they can eat, whilst in captivity. But over time and generations, this will be bred out of them, especially when there's less fish (see predator/prey theory).

But in an ironic way, this is very similar to what Paul said about today's anglers, with them having been spoilt with easy fishing over the years. Now there's all these so called 'apex' predators around, which means less fish, making catching them more difficult, everybody's screaming 'its not fair'.
I think you do have a valid and good point rhys..I guess we have been spoilt to a degree but this messing about with nature will have very serious dire problems in the coming future we just dont know what that will be as yet..
Thanks for your response Ray, much appreciated.

I am not convinced about the "otters will destroy everything" theory, and it is as much a theory as anything else on here...........

My point about man's destruction of the rivers includes the otter issue, they were present in numbers many years ago until we killed them off together with the fish stocks..........

I must say that where I grew up in the North West, there were very few rivers with ANYTHING living in them, in fact if you fell in you would not survive for long with all the chemicals from the cotton, wool, colouring and bleaching mills/works spewing all their liquid waste into the river system........

In fact, not that long ago, there was nothing living in much of the Thames.........the good times we have had did not take that long to build in real terms, 70 years or so........much 20 to 30 years in the case of many of the northern river systems.........

The biggest problem we face is ourselves, we keep growing and spreding and living longer, this means more water abstraction, more sewarage treatment, these are the real problems and until we stop burying our collective heads in the sand and move to de-salination and better, safer water treatment systems, which will never be acceptable because it will cost us more money, our rivers will continue to decline and otters will not make the slightest difference because the fish stocks would be gone with or without them..........

Otters are a very convenient distraction we can discuss/blame and not worry about discussing the real problems which we would all have to make major personal sacrifices to fix!!!!!!!!
Hi men ,

Rhys , I doubt the members of the now defunked syndicate on the savaged Adams Mill are screaming "its not fair" , they have just given up . Its my local bit of river , and I hear that along with "eastern europeans " have taken a fancy to the nice perch population .

Ian your absulutely spot on with what you have just wrote..Ive been fishing the Stour today and now the weeds gone water levels have dropped alot..Unfortunately mr otter will now have easy pickings due to there not being many places the fish can hide..Its not the otters fault,I hold those who released them FULLY ACCOUNTABLE they knew better than anyone the problems that rivers were already facing due the biggest problem(water abstraction)..Some rivers will be in critical condition within 5 years due to this ever increasing problem and thats also what i meant about condeming mr otter to a slow death also..:eek:
The Chairman on Sunday

A major otter release by The Angling Trust, the E.A. and Natural England.

Off you go!

As ever,


Otters - The facts

Press Release 22/10/2010

The purpose of this fact sheet

The recovery of otters in the UK is impacting inland fisheries through predation. The situation is complex, and it is not clear why some waters have not been affected, even though otters are present. The Angling Trust, Environment Agency, Natural England and others are working together to improve understanding about the interactions between otters and fish. This document summarises our current knowledge and is intended as a starting point for further work. It does not present solutions; these can only be found by working together and will be explored in further publications.


The only otter species in the UK is the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), one of a number of species found worldwide. Otters re-colonised the British Isles after the last Ice Age, and they were widespread across the whole landmass during much of the intervening 10,000 years. More recently, otters were present throughout Great Britain in the early 1950s, but from the mid-1950s to late 1970s there was a dramatic decline. This mirrored what was happening across much of Europe. The decline occurred across Scotland, England and Wales, but it was most dramatic in England. By the late 1970s the only healthy populations were in parts of Scotland, although small populations remained in Wales and northern and south-western England.

Reason for Decline

The decline of otters was closely linked to the introduction of certain organochlorine pesticides – such as dieldrin – that were used in agricultural seed dressings, and sheep dips. When first used these chemicals were applied in very high doses and caused large-scale mortalities among many animals. Their impacts were greatest among top predators, notably birds of prey and mammals, because of the way these chemicals build up in the food chain. After dieldrin and related chemicals were withdrawn from use, bird populations recovered relatively quickly. Otters that had survived in areas with low-intensity agriculture also responded, though more slowly because of their relatively low breeding rate and, unlike birds, their inability to cover large distances.


Natural Recovery

At the lowest point of the decline, in the late 1970s, otters were absent from parts of Scotland, much of Wales and most of England. In England, the first national otter survey in 1977-79 found evidence of otters at only 6% of sites examined. Since then, the surviving otter population has expanded eastward and southward from Wales, south-west and northern England; Wales and Scotland are now extensively occupied and England’s population, though still expanding, has few large gaps outside the south-east corner of the country (see the Fifth Otter Survey of England report 2009-2010, available from the publications calalogue on the Environment Agency website www.environment-agency.gov.uk).
Direct counting of otters is impossible due to their mobility, often secretive behaviour and largely nocturnal habit. Otter surveys are therefore based simply on presence and absence of otters as shown by field signs such as spraints (faeces) and footprints. It is not possible to use these data to estimate numbers, given the flexibility in the size of otter territories and the inability to distinguish between individuals using field signs. While the distribution and frequency of field signs is used as an indicator of the health of the population locally, any estimate of numbers would be highly speculative. Nevertheless, it is likely that there are several thousand otters present in England today.

Role of Reintroductions

In the early 1980s, when it looked as though otters might be lost completely from England, the Nature Conservancy Council (now Natural England) worked with the Otter Trust to develop a reintroduction programme to repopulate parts of Eastern England with captive-bred otters. The intention was to try and ensure some continuation of occupancy and allow any surviving otters to interbreed with released ones and perhaps keep any locally adapted genes in the population. At that time there was no evidence of a natural recovery, but as this situation changed and there were signs of a slow natural recovery, most organisations involved in otter conservation preferred to rely on this rather than on re-introductions to restore otter populations in the UK.

The Otter Trust released 117 captive-bred otters between 1983 and 1999, mostly on East Anglian rivers, but with some elsewhere. Their last release was of 17 otters on the upper Thames catchment over a six-month period in 1999.

The Vincent Wildlife Trust released a further 49 rehabilitated animals (i.e. orphaned and injured wild otters kept in captivity until fit for release) between 1990 and 1996, many of these as part of a release programme in Yorkshire.

By the early 1990s it was clear that a strong natural recovery of otters from their strongholds in Wales and south-west England meant that reintroductions were no longer necessary, and by the end of the decade the Otter Trust’s programme was wound up. Now descendants of the released otters form only a tiny proportion of the otter population of England, and most wild otters are the result of the natural recovery of the species after the banning of toxic pesticides.

The Environment Agency, Natural England and the Wildlife Trusts concentrated on encouraging natural recovery through improving river habitat, and they continue to do so.

Release of Rehabilitated Otters

A few orphaned and injured otters are taken into care by the RSPCA and other wildlife rehabilitation centres each year. The RSPCA has developed a protocol for the care and release of these animals which has been agreed with the Otter Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Steering Group (see below). Other rehabilitation centres are encouraged to follow these guidelines.
There is a legal requirement to return these animals to the wild once they are fit for release. Cubs may be kept for over 12 months as they need to be mature enough to fend for themselves before release. The numbers involved are very small compared to the numbers of wild otters now present – on average less than ten otters a year. Releases should be as near as possible to where they were found, but pairs of cubs found in different locations that are later reared together may go back to the point of origin of one of them. There is no programme of using rehabilitated otters to colonise currently vacant catchments.

Institutional Roles

Natural England is the statutory body that advises government on the natural environment. Among other duties, it administers a system of wildlife management licences in accordance with national and international law (see ‘Legal status’ below).
The Environment Agency is the government’s leading environmental regulator and has statutory duties which include:-
• to further the conservation of species associated with the aquatic environment.
• to maintain, improve and develop fisheries.

Along with the Wildlife Trusts, the Agency is the lead partner for the otter under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP). The Otter BAP Steering Group is a national steering group that co-ordinates and advises on actions for the recovery and conservation of otter populations in line with the UK BAP. The members are:-
• Countryside Council for Wales
• Environment Agency
• A representative from the Otter Specialist Group of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
• Joint Nature Conservation Committee
• Natural England
• Northern Ireland Environment Agency
• Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
• Scottish Natural Heritage
• Water UK
• The Wildlife Trusts

Otter Biology


Most of the otter’s diet is fish (usually 75-95%) but amphibians, crayfish, waterfowl and small mammals are also taken. Otters are opportunistic feeders and show no strong preference for one fish species over another. They will take them in proportion to their local and seasonal availability. Eels are often cited as a ‘favourite’ food source, and where present and abundant they are frequent prey. However, studies across the range of the Eurasian otter show that there is no general dependence on any particular prey species – they will exploit those species available locally. Where eels have declined, otters will take a higher proportion of other species, some of which may be more abundant as a result of the lower number of eels.

Otters catch and eat predominantly live animals; there is limited evidence of dead fish being eaten, although this does occur occasionally. Their average daily consumption of food in captivity is about 1.5kg/day.


Otters have been recorded on virtually every type of water body. Otters in England and Wales are mainly found on freshwater systems but they can also exploit coastal habitats, and there is growing evidence that they are doing so more often as populations recover. In Scotland they are familiar animals of rocky coasts, where they are sometimes referred to as ‘sea otters’, but they are in fact the same species.

An otter will occupy a ‘home range’, which on fresh waters usually includes a stretch of river as well as associated tributary streams, ditches, ponds, lakes and woodland. The size of a home range depends largely on the availability of food and shelter, and the presence of neighbouring otters. On rivers, a male’s home range may be up to 40km or more of watercourse and associated areas; females have smaller ranges (roughly half the size) and favour quieter locations for breeding, such as tributary streams. Although their social behaviour has some flexibility, on river systems otters are strongly territorial, with both sexes defending occupied territory from others of the same sex. Fighting is common, particularly in populations which are nearing carrying capacity, and this may result in death. Otters without an established home range are known as ‘transients’. They are mostly juveniles looking for a territory of their own, or adults that have been pushed out of their territories. Transient otters may use an area for a short while, but they will move on if conditions are not suitable or if they are driven away by resident otters. Transients will have been important in extending the range of otters during the recovery process, but they are very difficult to identify from field signs.

Within a home range an otter may use many resting sites. These include above-ground shelters, such as stands of scrub or areas of rank grass, and underground ‘holts’ – for example, cavities under tree roots and dry drainage pipes.


Otters breed at any time of year. Females normally breed in their second or third year and select an undisturbed holt close to an abundant food source, giving birth to two to three cubs. The cubs remain in the holt for about three months and stay with the mother for up to a year. Male otters occupy separate holts and play little or no part in the rearing of the young.


Most otters live for three to four years in the wild, although they can live longer. Mortality is high among young animals looking to establish their own territories, particularly in areas with well established populations. The most common natural causes of death are likely to be starvation for young otters unable to fend for themselves or establish a territory. For adult otters, injuries sustained from territorial fighting are common causes of death. The most frequent reasons for non-natural mortalities are road kills and drowning in fish and crustacean traps.

Otter Activity and People

In fresh waters, otters are mainly active from dusk to dawn, when most people are unlikely to see them. Activity of coastal otters is linked to the state of the tide, and they can often be seen during the day. Even on rivers activity in daylight is becoming more common. This reflects not only their increasing distribution but may also show that, with the lack of persecution, otters are becoming less wary of people. Habituation to people may result in some individuals being more approachable, but these are not tame animals.

Impacts on Fish Stocks

Eurasian otters eat a range of fish species, but generally they take whatever is most abundant. Studies reveal that on average the fish they take are less than 300mm length; although very large fish can be taken, their choice of fish prey generally reflects what is available in the environment around them.

For a variety of reasons fish populations in some river and still water fisheries have come to be dominated by large individuals. Large fish may be more vulnerable to predation, and their loss will be more noticeable.

However, it is clear that not all fisheries are being adversely affected by otters. Evidence gathered so far indicates that specimen barbel and chub populations have been hit hardest in smaller rivers, particularly where stocks are dominated by older fish, but rivers in the north and west, where otters have always been present, appear to be less affected.

Otters have the most visible impact on unprotected stillwater fisheries that contain fewer but predominantly large fish, especially large carp. This does not mean that otters do not take smaller fish, or that they do not take fish from densely stocked fisheries, but in these cases their impacts are less noticeable.

Legal Status

Otters are now protected principally under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2010), with additional protection under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), as amended. The combined effect of these is that a person is guilty of an offence if he:
• deliberately captures, injures or kills any wild otter;
• deliberately disturbs wild otters including, in particular, disturbance which is likely to:
o impair their ability to survive, to breed or reproduce, or rear or nurture their young; or
o affect significantly the local distribution or abundance of the species;
• damages or destroys a breeding site or resting place of such an animal.

Or if he intentionally or recklessly:
• disturbs an otter while it is occupying a structure or place which it uses for shelter or protection; or
• obstructs access to such a place.

The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations provide for the granting of licences to prevent serious damage to livestock, foodstuffs for livestock, crops, vegetables, fruit, growing timber or any other form of property or to fisheries. However, a licence cannot be granted unless the licensing authority is satisfied:
• that there is no satisfactory alternative, and
• that the action authorised will not be detrimental to the maintenance of the population of the species concerned at a favourable conservation status in their natural range.

Licences for the prevention of damage in England are determined by Natural England.
Satisfactory alternatives might include exclusion techniques (e.g. fencing) or the use of deterrents. However, it should be noted that the use of deterrents themselves, in some circumstances, may require a licence.
For more details contact Natural England’s Wildlife Management and Licensing Service:
Natural England, Burghill Road, Bristol, BS10 6NJ.
Tel: 0845 601 4523 (local rate); Email: wildlife@naturalengland.org.uk

The Way Forward

There is a need for further studies to examine why otters seem to be having a more noticeable impact on some fisheries and not others. This will be explored in future publications from this group. These will seek to better understand the impacts on fish stocks and the likely long-term response of these fish populations.

Further Information/References

Chadwick, E.A., 2007. Post-mortem study of otters in England and Wales 1992-2003. Environment Agency Science Report SCO10065/SR. Environment Agency, Bristol.
Chanin, P.R.F. & Jefferies, D.J., 1978. The decline of the otter (Lutra lutra) in Britain; an analysis of hunting records and discussion of causes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 10(3): 305-328.
Crawford, A.K., 2003. The fourth otter survey of England 2000-02. Environment Agency, Bristol. Crawford, A.K., 2010. The fifth otter survey of England 2009-10. Environment Agency, Bristol.
Jefferies, D.J., Wayre, P. & Shuter, R., 2000. A brief history of the Otter Trust’s successful programme of repopulating lowland England with otters bred in captivity with a special emphasis on East Anglia. Otters, Journal of the Otter Trust, 2000 3(4): 105-117.
Jay, S., Lane, M-R., O’Hara, K., Precey, P. & Scholey, G., 2008. Otters and Stillwater Fisheries. The Wildlife Trusts, Newark. Kruuk, H., 1995. Wild Otters, predation and populations. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Kruuk, H., 2006. Otters: ecology, behaviour and conservation. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Mason, C.F. & MacDonald, S., 1993. Impact of organochlorine residues and PCBs on otters (Lutra lutra) in eastern England. Science of the Total Environment 138: 147-160.
Strachan, R. & Jefferies, D.J., 1996. Otter Survey of England 1991-1994. Vincent Wildlife Trust, London.
"Territory: the otter is a shy, solitary animal and needs a large territory. One male has a territory of up to 40km of clean, undisturbed riverbank. It regularly patrols the territory, marking it here and there with droppings called 'spraints'. These have a scent which tells other otters that the territory is already occupied."

Does this mean that an otter will scarper if it gets the scent of another otter? Hmmm.... Otter poo swapping network anyone?

One wonders how an otter would react if it came across a Lion turd (available from a zoo near you)?
Alex, Colin, etc... have you joined the Thames Angling Conservancy??
I am nowhere near the lower Thames Ian but I will contact them as it would be good to get some ideas.
Well the otters present on the Dorset Stour obviously have not read that report on how they should behave!!!..I also read a report issued by the RSPCA in that report they said it would be kinder to put down some of the young otters that were found because usually they had been driven out by another dog otter and it would be condeming them to certain death if they were put back where they had been found..But obviously they cant be put down because the law says that no one can..Interesting read paul..;)
A few year back at newsham me an mooks witnessed a log coming down stream ,i said to mooks look at that log ,it came through our swim ,as it was passing what a splash it made as it passed me and was in mooks swim. later in various locations we both seen bubbles coming up in our swims in front of us ,knowing it was otters in dovecot ,newsham and port knowle......
Reason for Decline

"The decline of otters was closely linked to the introduction of certain organochlorine pesticides – such as dieldrin – that were used in agricultural seed dressings, and sheep dips. When first used these chemicals were applied in very high doses and caused large-scale mortalities among many animals. Their impacts were greatest among top predators, notably birds of prey and mammals, because of the way these chemicals build up in the food chain. After dieldrin and related chemicals were withdrawn from use, bird populations recovered relatively quickly. Otters that had survived in areas with low-intensity agriculture also responded, though more slowly because of their relatively low breeding rate and, unlike birds, their inability to cover large distances".

It is interesting that nothing is mentioned in the document regarding the decline of the otters being also due to the shooting and the use of otter hounds back then to control otter numbers when they were seen as 'pests'.
It is well documented that this was also the case.
Otters were even shot on the Royalty Fishery when they killed the big barbel back in the 1950's!

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Then again, we were still hanging people for murder - among them innocent people (or terribly provoked people like Ruth Ellis) - back then. For the vast majority of people, thank goodness, the world moves on, with the stuff they routinely did in the past now an endless source of acute discomfort and embarrassment, even shame.