How many times have you heard that Andrew? About the same number of times as I have heard your reply, at a rough guess
We all keep pounding out our points of view, because that is what a healthy debate is all about.
My usual reply to your post would be as follows
You keep on pointing out that relatively healthy rivers such as the Wye and Ribble cope perfectly well with a varied predator population....which is true, but hardly surprising....that is the way nature designed it to work. The key words here are 'Healthy' and 'Balanced'. You also point out that many of our rivers are not in a healthy state, and that this is what we should all be uniting to fight. Again, true.
However, even healthy rivers will not cope forever, if the prey/predator balance is drastically interfered with, as it is now. Political correctness/European interference now dictates that everything with big money and public sympathy behind it is totally protected. That means that all the bigger predators are now untouchable...while
nobody but us gives a damn about the the critters they prey on. Human intervention has determined that all the critters that once controlled otter numbers no longer exist, which
would have been a problem....had gamekeepers and river keepers etc. not taken over that role.
But what will happen now Andrew, now that they are banned from doing that? And what will happen now that cormorants from Europe, with a preference for inland waters, have joined our native variety, swelling the numbers to unheard of levels....not forgetting that they too now enjoy what amounts to almost total protection?
The unhealthy state of many our rivers rivers has meant that their fish populations are struggling, they are on the edge. The few surviving fish, still hanging on despite the pollution, the masses of non native, egg eating crayfish and the many other daily battles they face....are now up against large numbers of protected predators. It doesn't take much imagination to realise that for many...that will be the final nail in their coffin.
Of course pollution, over abstraction and ALL those other evils need addressing....that goes without saying. They ARE the main problem...we all understand that Andrew. However, human greed and public apathy means that those battles are not going to be won any time soon, don't you agree? In the meantime, the many anglers who do not enjoy the great river fishing in healthy rivers that you do....have a problem. In many cases, their local rivers, rivers that just about support a limited fish population....are likely to be decimated. The sport they enjoyed every weekend after work is quite possibly about to be reduced to a shadow of it's former self.
Why on earth should they be happy about that? Why should they accept that a river (temporarily) full of otters and cormorants a reasonable exchange for what they once had? I accept that that is a very simplified and black/white version of things...but do you see the point I am trying to make? You have your stance on these issues, and not a lot will change it....while others see things differently....and not a lot will change that, either
We shall see, time will tell....and all the other platitudes you care to mention that fit here
Cheers, Dave.