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Near record barbel

Mind you I know he would swap that fish for a 3lb Roach from a river by design and so would I!!

My sentiments too.

But none the less a real clonker of a fish, and very well deserved from a 'proper' angler that doesn't even own a computer, which obviously is the way to go, rather than spend too much time on Fishing Forums he is on the bank :)
Personally, I couldn't care less where this fish came from, not my business as I don't believe in chasing known fish, too much like sloppy seconds:eek:

Secondly, what a cracker of a fish that is.

Well done that man, congratulations on a fantastic achievement.
congratulations what a superb bertie, and it defo a nene fish from my beat. day tickets £5 concessions £3 !.


I'm sure the clubs concerned could do very well if there was a little publicity.

It's not like the swim or even the area fished needs to be mentioned, just the river and the club.

Anthony, are you saying its polluted ?, Are you some sort of authority on the river ? if so, then please explain. The locals who fish off the wall, by the customs buildings don,t do too badly, codlings, flatties etc. Even the odd octopus, which i,m told is the sign of a very clean river. Or are we talking about a completely different stretch, away from the city.

Octopus are the sign of a very clean river :eek: I always said my river was dirty, and that just proves I am right....I just NEW it :D

Cheers, Dave.
Hi men,

Can understand it to protect the fishing of the local anglers on the stretch , or if they are going to return , but as they are starting a guiding service I would have thought it would be common knowlage in the end , and with a three month break , people may feel different about fishing there .

will the guiding service be free of charge for BFW members??? always spoils it when money is involved for catching a few fish.............
Hi men ,

It was just a bit if info on the catch report in the Times , announcing that they are doing a guiding service next season , no prices .

2 guesses from me for what its worth, Berkshires Loddon, a grueller of a stretch but a chance and the Sussex Rother a few real suprises possible from both. For me nah, give me the Hant's Avon anyday, 13's, 14's' 15's, chance of a 16 from a few stretches and a 17 never to be written off. :) Just love the Avon, roll on June!
Good guesses John,..I hope your wrong about the Rother though, otherwise we're be tearing up the Petworth and Bognor tickets,..parts of the Arun are starting to resemble bivvyland at Longham at weekends without more rumours!
I'm with you mate,..give me the Avon anyday.
Derek, I stand corrected:

Water quality improvements now mean the Mersey supports a wide range of fish species, including migratory fish such as salmon. The River Mersey now supports salmon, trout, lamprey and dace. The increase in the numbers of fish in the river has encouraged a number of other animals to return to the Estuary. These include porpoises, grey seals and even octopus.

Source: http://www.merseybasin.org.uk/archive/assets/5/original/MERSEY_6_MINUTE_EXPERT.pdf

If I'm wrong, I'll say I'm wrong.

P.S. It doesn't mention barbel;)
Derek, I stand corrected:

Water quality improvements now mean the Mersey supports a wide range of fish species, including migratory fish such as salmon. The River Mersey now supports salmon, trout, lamprey and dace. The increase in the numbers of fish in the river has encouraged a number of other animals to return to the Estuary. These include porpoises, grey seals and even octopus.

Source: http://www.merseybasin.org.uk/archive/assets/5/original/MERSEY_6_MINUTE_EXPERT.pdf

If I'm wrong, I'll say I'm wrong.

P.S. It doesn't mention barbel;)

that's because there's none in;)
2 guesses from me for what its worth, Berkshires Loddon, a grueller of a stretch but a chance and the Sussex Rother a few real suprises possible from both. For me nah, give me the Hant's Avon anyday, 13's, 14's' 15's, chance of a 16 from a few stretches and a 17 never to be written off. :) Just love the Avon, roll on June!

Loddon...wish it was but doubt it John. Rather not know to be honest.

Congrats to Dave. The Times was worth buying today...just to have a sneaky look :D

ps. Nice perch Mark
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Picked up a copy of the AM for the first time in ages yesterday to read whilst nursing my little un with chickenpox. Smashing fish, many congrats.
The photo in the Anglers Mail really shows the fish well, superb catch.
Must admit I was more interested in the grayling feature inside though, not far from home!