Well actually I do offer help, and also not too proud to ask for it, and I agree that this is one place it all comes to-gether. My comments were directed to experienced anglers that is the norm on here, those that know one end of a rod from another but still need every last scrap of information as to tactics and even the best swims, let alone what flavoured boilies to take with them etc etc.That was the gist of what was Paul was saying, and I agree with that, nothing to do with not helping newbies to our sport.
Perhaps it's the way that society is, believe me there are a lot of youngsters that can't wire a plug or operate a washing machine Why because someone else always has done it for them..Get my point?
Yes Neil, I do get your point, but unfortunately you still do not yet get my point.
I am a what you may call an 'experienced' angler, and yet I recently started a 'What' type thread about a particular rod. I did so because there a several models of this rod (which has attained minor cult status) frequently available on fleabay, and some versions of the rod are more highly rated than others. I quite naturally wanted to tap the knowledge of the guys with personal experience of this rod, to ensure that I bought the best I could for my severely limited buck.
Does this make me 'lazy', or 'lacking in pioneer spirit', or 'unable to wire a plug'...or any of the other blinkered and patronising labels it seems one can attract for starting such a thread?.....I think not

But then, that is only my opinion, and you are just as entitled to yours
Taste the wine along the way, and all that stuff

Cheers, Dave.