Steve i dont think there are that many who dont realise that a lot of new members are also fairly new to barbel, hell the tackle trade and fisheries promoted it enough (barbel fishing that is), the new boards are a bit slow
at the moment but bearing in mind a lot of the old members are not yet posting on here, mainly for a lot of the reasons the new BFW was conceived,
for experienced guys that are a tad bothered by many queries on tackle please remember a forum once releived of any type of posting about barbel
will quickly become a very limited point of interesting posts and threads, we need newer guys to barbel to ask whats this and why ect., then others give their opinions and ideas ect and the simple thread takes on a totally different
front, simple questions with lots of answers and reasons why and maybe offers to show at an event ect is what made the old comeradie, not guys harping on about this and that, not guys bored because they already know, if ya know then offer up your experience and the bonds of friendship begins,
obviously most of this aint aimed at you Steve,
someone said cant guys be more specific on the reports, well they must have come on board a bit later, once we all discussed sections, potentials, baits, current catches and conditions ect ect. then a lot started getting publicised, guys would ask things and low and behold the asnwers started to appear in press articles ect

consequently when someone new asks abot a specific section now instead of offers to meet up and get a few tips on the water and get to know other members they get pointed in a basic direction and left to it, this is not because of so called cliques its because guys generosity and hard learning was taken for granted sometimes-- i repeat SOMETIMES.
baits and results of bait testing/making were discussed openly, ok maybe a tiny bit missed but info and results were freely offered, hell! Andy Francis
was the kind guy who brought halips and salips to barbelmen, not only that he took on the tiring task of delivering fresh batches to us too, Money motivation? i doubt it very much, Andy being the generous guy he is just
gave us the benefit of his findings, just like the range of harrison bfw rods
again we were made aware of the marvellous range of barbel rods again not hype just a chance for us to get out hands on stuff thats up to the job,
christ if he was earning bundles of cash from us he wouldnt be working elsewhere would he, no just a really nice bloke, ok that m,e off me soapbox

but seriously guys think on whats been said and no doubt i have missed lots more good bits on why and why not.