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How hard is it.....

Colin Gordon

No Longer a Member
to catch fish, moreover barbel?

After reading some of the posts/threads over last season and what there has been of this. I am literally amazed at what some (many?) seem to think is necessary to catch a stupid creature, albeit a wary one but none the less STUPID!!

Though based on carp its still very applicable to barbel (or any other species), I think a read of James Harrison's article is in order for many on this forum. Click the link and then the download attachment at the bottom of page, I think James's article is first up, on about page 4:


And yes it is only one man's opinion but a heck of a lot of truth in what he writes, I'd say.;)
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Ninety percent of success is showing up.

Woody Allen

And didn't Dick Walker say; 90% of the fish are caught by 10% of the anglers....

Woody Allen, hardly a man renowned for his piscatorial skills me thinks.

Before commenting, I would seriously recommend reading the article.
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Hi men ,

I played fottball to div 2 of my local league , div 1 found me out , there are alot of us div 2 players out there Colin .

Mark, look on the bright side I'm fishing at non-league standard, with more chance of Luton Town winning next season's FA cup than there is me gaining promotion.

Its all about 'getting back to basics' instead of looking for easy 'quick' fixes and when all said and done, fish are unintelligent primitive creatures.
A good article that and with a lot of truth.

I agree that there is a lot of truth in the article.

Turning back to Barbel the keys of sucess from my, albeit limited sucess, seem to be location, location & location, or basic watercraft. I spend time when not fishing trying to understand were the fish might be, likely swims etc. If they are not there it doesnt matter what rig / set up you have you wont catch. :(

I have a very simple rig that has not really changed much over the last few years and seems to work well when the fish are there.
Ah, I see the tongue-in-cheek nature of my post went unoticed, probably on account of my not using those silly emoticons. There is some truth to it mind.

Declan, you are right of course and he might have added "turning up at the right place and the right time"
Colin, for me it is down to how you enjoy your fishing, and where you fish. Some people like to make a science out of everything, and if that gives them a kick then fine. Others like Ray Walton adopt a much more simple approach. Having confidence in what you are doing is key. I agree with Michael that one of the most important aspects is water craft, not withch craft.
How I aproach it will depend on how much angling pressure there is, how many barbel frequent the stretch, how much weed growth etc., but generally these days I like to keep it simple.
Good article, pretty much sums it up.
As Haydn says, right time right place, plus time on the bank and right bait. But also a big slice of luck!
Well they're my excuses for not catching anyway:)
I am a glass half empty person. But my opinion is that fishing can be easy provided you don't get some 'laws' wrong - if you'll excuse the choice of words. Trouble is, it seems that these laws are easy to break, or maybe even go unnoticed.

Adhere to certain rules and fishing seems easy. Get just one little thing wrong and it can seem like the water is devoid of fish.

I think Richard Walker had 5 laws?
MH Quote:
Turning back to Barbel the keys of sucess from my, albeit limited sucess, seem to be location, location & location, or basic watercraft. I spend time when not fishing trying to understand were the fish might be, likely swims etc. If they are not there it doesnt matter what rig / set up you have you wont catch.
I have a very simple rig that has not really changed much over the last few years and seems to work well when the fish are there.

CB Quote:

Colin, for me it is down to how you enjoy your fishing, and where you fish. Some people like to make a science out of everything, and if that gives them a kick then fine. Others like Ray Walton adopt a much more simple approach. Having confidence in what you are doing is key. I agree with Michael that one of the most important aspects is water craft, not withch craft.
How I aproach it will depend on how much angling pressure there is, how many barbel frequent the stretch, how much weed growth etc., but generally these days I like to keep it simple.

Agree with all of these points!
I think that one can get confused, especially when starting out to where the chopping and changing of tactics and equipment to gain confidence can go on for years and years.
However, there must be a point concluded where the angler begins to realise the most productive and way he/she wants to fish for barbel.
No doubt some methods, tactics and baits are seen as superior to others in catching at times, but really, after all is said and done, barbel can be caught on the simplest of them all at the right time and place, especially if the barbel are hungry at the time, as they are 'scavengers'.
However, from my observations and experience in the past, I do believe there are some individual barbel that are more 'intelligent' than others, and are somewhat wiser at times, but when their initial caution/guard is lowered and they feel safe and confident, they can be 'opportunistly' caught by a thinking angler. If the fish is starving, then the barbel will revert to the 'basic instinct' of survival and must eat whats available to where they can be more easily caught.
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Come on then, what are these 'laws'?

'' First find your fish , 2nd avoid frightening them , 3rd use the right tackle , 4th choose the right time to fish , fifth, use the right bait '' Six use a split cane rod and a centre pin .. only joking ! These are the words of the master Dick Walker , follow his path and you will reach enlightenment grasshopper
'' First find your fish , 2nd avoid frightening them , 3rd use the right tackle , 4th choose the right time to fish , fifth, use the right bait '' Six use a split cane rod and a centre pin .. only joking ! These are the words of the master Dick Walker , follow his path and you will reach enlightenment grasshopper

What about if the river is coloured ...Master?:rolleyes: