Mike Hodgkiss
Senior Member
Some good / logical thinking there Graham but I would be very suprised if any of these actions would be sanctioned by government for the simple reason that it is not a vote winner . Allying your party / government to the policy of '' controlling '' lovely cuddly otters would be political suicide . So , one might say, why have the conservatives gone with the Badger cull ? Well in my view , and putting aside the scientific TB spreading evidence , the farming lobby is very powerful , farming is a multi billion pound industry , votes and money talk ... There is also the fact that that Kate Humble is not doing a lot of primetime programmes about poor old Brock , and let's face it he is not as cuddly as an otter , not that I would like to cuddle an otter with their pointy sharp teeth and bad attitude ..Compared to the big shout of the farming lobby , we anglers are no more than a whisper in a gale , we are not , despite our numbers a united lobby , our pastime in ethical / cruely terms is contradictory to say the least . Yes , people will quietly go about controlling otters , however no amount of huff and puff on here , or anywhere else is going to make the slighest difference in terms of gaining public or political sympathy , otter clubbing , shooting , controlling , call it what you like, will never gain us any allies
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