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Search results

  1. N

    Birthday Barbel...

    I haven't done much barbel fishing this year but I decided to have a few hours on the Wharfe on Wednesday as it was my birthday. It was a pleasantly mild day but the river level was lower than I expected. There was another angler in the swim above where I was planning to fish and he had had 3...
  2. N

    Drennan Twistlock Handle ...again !!!

    My Twistlock Landing Handle will twist but it won't lock. Its quite an old handle which I've had for about 20 years but it has become less and less likely to lock until it currently doesn't lock at all. I've read all the old posts but I can't fathom the mechanism and I'm not sure what the...
  3. N

    DIY Rod Ring Replacement

    I have lost the ceramic centre out of one of my rod rings on my GTI and have got as far as removing the damaged ring from the rod I am reasonably proficient at DIY and am intending to whip on a replacement ring. I sourced a suitable Fuji BSVOG ring (the originals are Seymo but very similar)...
  4. N

    Broken JRC Chair - aluminium welder in Wakefield area?

    I have a 30 year old JRC Specialist chair which I am very attached to (no, nothing to do with superglue!). It broke when a suporting metal strap under the seat parted from the main frame (yes its a bad design). It happened before maybe 15 years ago and I got someone in Barnet to weld it. From...
  5. N

    Problem with Baitrunner Lever on Okuma Epix Pro 40

    I have an old pair of these reels which have suited me fine for the limited occasions which I use them. On one the baitrunner lever was not working - so opened both of them and checked the mechanism is OK which it is but when I put them back together the Baitrunner Levers are 'slipping' and...
  6. N

    Reasonable sized baitrunners?

    I have, after much online research , bought a pair of Shimano Baitrunner 6000 xtea but they are just so bloody big and heavy... have pity on me because I do 90% of my fishing with centrepins I am sure the engineering is superb but they just don't feel at all the right size of reel for my...
  7. N

    Spam - or not?

    I have just about recovered from no more Garlic Spam but found I caught just as well on standard Spam. Now I can't get my head around how expensive Spam is in the supermarkets. I therefore bought a tin of Aldi's Bramwell Chopped Pork and Ham before Christmas and I used it yesterday . It...
  8. N

    Prescription Polarised Sunglasses

    Time for some new prescription polarised suglasses because my 20+ year old metal frames are knackered and the lenses keep falling out - I have sat on them a few times which didn't help. The Pentax polarised lenses in brown glass have been very good.I have got a couple of pairs of Maui Jims...
  9. N

    Organising my rig bits

    Whilst fishing about in the pocket of my waistcoat to find a link swivel in the dark last night I thought that there must be a better way to organise my rig bits. Whilst not wishing to give anyone nightmares, my left hand zip pocket on the lower part of my waistcoat contains : lead weights...
  10. N

    Reel Repairs

    I have a couple of fixed spool reels which need repairs which are beyond my ability. One is a Penn Slammer Liveliner 460 and the other is a rare Shimano Twin Power - I don't want to bin either of them but I don't know anywhere to get them fixed and haven't found anywhere in my trawl of the...
  11. N

    Rods for Sale

    I have some quality rods for sale: Free Spirit Barbel Seeker 11ft 1.75 TC - Excellent condition - full cork handle - £170 (no longer for sale) Free Spirit Big River Barbel 12ft Excellent condition - full cork handle (sealed with varnish) - £170 Harrison Torrix 11ft 2lb TC - Excellent...
  12. N

    Posting Rods to Europe

    For many years I have limited my ebay sales to UK deliveries only, largely because many other sellers do this and I assumed for good reason, i.e. negative experiences. I recently had an enquiry from a potential buyer in Germany who wanted to buy 2 rods. I decided to give it a go and plumped...
  13. N

    Cormorants - Fake News?

    I have been mulling this matter over for a while. In a recent post on social media there was discussion taking place regarding cormorants which broadly split into 2 campsbetween 1) They have no place on our waters, eat all our fish and should be shot Versus 2) They are a nuisance but...
  14. N

    Is the burbot extinct in UK?

    I was listening to Radio 4 this morning and they had a piece called Natural Histories about the burbot. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05w9b5j They said it is common in mainland europe and used to be common in UK but has been extinct in the UK since 1969, Is it extinct? I seem to recall...
  15. N

    Arbour for Speedia

    I have heard mention of arbours for Speedia centrepins to reduce the spool depth and also the bedding in you can get using backing. Anyone know where these can be obtained? Neil
  16. N

    Posting a Rod

    Just tried to book postage for a rod via UPS Today who I have been using for some years but it seems they have reduced their maximum parcel length and will not accept a 6ft long tube anymore. Any advice on other couriers? Neil
  17. N

    Free Spirit Barbel Seeker SU 12ft 1.75lb test curve

    Free Spirit Barbel Seeker 12ft 1.75lb test curve. Used rod in outstanding condition. £150 collected from Wakefield or delivery via a courier at cost (around £20 to £25). I have a number of long distance journeys coming up in next few weeks so may even be able to deliver it myself. Neil
  18. N

    Wanted - Korum Precision Power Float 13ft 4-piece rod

    If you have one of these which you are prepared to part with I am very interested and may be able to collect. If you can help please message me or phone me on 07967 802334. Neil
  19. N

    Wanted - BFW iPower rod

    I'm looking for a BFW iPower rod. Prepared to pay the going rate for a decent rod. Neil
  20. N

    Fishing Books

    I have 3 hardback books with dust covers for sale. All in as new/excellent condition, Search for Big Chub - Tony Miles - £14.00 (small tear plus marks on dust cover). Barbel A Lifetime's Addiction - Trefor West - £14.00 A Kettle of Fish - Dr Terry Baxter and Friends -£20.00 - a Limited...