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Kicked out for catching too many!

Maybe, but what's Angling coming to? I well remember catching a 10-06 barbel, from bite, to fight, to resting in my net, to taping, weighing and careful return, in front of a Colne Valley club committee member when he had stopped to chat with me several years ago, with he barely able to say goodbye to me (correcting my "Goodbye, Dave" to "David") as I passed him as I walked off the river half an hour later after packing up and heading for home, with my name dirt in local tackle shops and on the bank forever afterwards.
What a bunch of miserable, small minded cretins. Unfortunately, all too typical of match dominated committees.
Paul, your experience sounds a scenario that could be expected from Banbury DAA, they absolutely hate anyone who isn't a match angler. You weren't on the Cherwell by any chance?
An awful lot depends on the type of club it is. I know of a few "clubs" that are just a group of likeminded and similarly talented anglers that meet periodically for knock up matches. They have no water of their own and exist just or friendly competition. If it's that type of club then I've no doubt that any individual winning consistently, especially if money comes into the equation, would be asked to leave the group. There aren't many folks that enjoy a "competition" where they may as well turn up, give a tenner to the same bloke every week and bugger off home.

Sounds like it's time he moved on up the match fishing ladder to swim with some bigger fish.
Is my experience exactly of a certain match dominated West Yorkshire club. It's a shame there are so many clubs like this.

You can imagine just how popular one West Yorkshire club is in my neck of the woods (and further north).;)
But surely this is absolutely no different than any other sport, if Man Utd were playing in the Championship and winning every year they would be expected to move up to the Premiership.................. Many sports have seeding, similar to golf having handicaps, competitions where people are paying money to enter should be based on a fair level of capability where possible. I would be fully behind such a decision if it had to be taken in our local club, if someone is streets ahead of the rest they need to move on, otherwise numbers will just drop............
But surely this is absolutely no different than any other sport, if Man Utd were playing in the Championship and winning every year they would be expected to move up to the Premiership.................. Many sports have seeding, similar to golf having handicaps, competitions where people are paying money to enter should be based on a fair level of capability where possible. I would be fully behind such a decision if it had to be taken in our local club, if someone is streets ahead of the rest they need to move on, otherwise numbers will just drop............

Spot on Ian...the type of person who continues to gain pleasure or satisfaction from being the figurative 'Big fish in a small pool' are more than a little sad in my opinion.

Cheers, Dave.
It's a difficult situation but not an isolated one and can happen in different ways ie bait bans , banning a particular method. That said it seems the long term future of the club in question was the motivation not just a simple case of sour grapes. Difficult to know exactly without more information.
Its not often I disagree with Crooky and Dave but afraid I do here.

Where's the incentive from the other anglers to up their game. To improve their own angling. To learn a few extra skills.

They buckled at the challenge. Duffers.

Its not often I disagree with Crooky and Dave but afraid I do here.

Where's the incentive from the other anglers to up their game. To improve their own angling. To learn a few extra skills.

They buckled at the challenge. Duffers.


Turn that 180 degrees, where's the challenge for the frequent winner? How is he ever going to improve further? Or does he simply revel in beating, and possibly taking money from, that bunch of duffers?
To stay on top Chris.:D

If you are that good where's the challenge in beating duffers? Move onto the bigger matches with better anglers and really test yourself. If you don't then you run the risk of appearing to be a bit of a shark.
Its not often I disagree with Crooky and Dave but afraid I do here.

Where's the incentive from the other anglers to up their game. To improve their own angling. To learn a few extra skills.

They buckled at the challenge. Duffers.


As Chris says Graham, is it not a bit sad that an obviously competitive person can continue to find satisfaction in constantly beating the same small group of anglers week in, week out? Does that not show either a lack of ambition in him....or a somewhat worrying outlook on life?

As for that small group of 'Duffers' this chap keeps beating.....could it not be that they are, again as Chris said earlier, a group of like minded friends of similar abilities, happy as Larry just doing what they do, simply enjoying themselves....with the 'match' bit just thrown in for a meaningless bit of fun? Is that relaxed, fun way of viewing the art of fishing so wrong Graham? Is it essential to be competitive? Or can anglers just enjoy fishing in a light hearted way if they wish? If fun IS a legitimate reason for fishing, would it not be fairly understandable for those guys to feel a certain level of resentment at someone coming along and disrupting their laid back idea of a weekends pleasure?

Everyone to their own is a reasonable thought I think Graham, live and let live and all that. If these guys are happy doing what they do, then good luck to them and long may they continue to enjoy their idea of what fishing is all about. This guy is obviously a competitive angler and should go find a true match orientated club, with other like minded anglers to pit his wits and skills against.

That's the way I see it anyway....but that is just me mate :D

Cheers, Dave.
Sorry can't agree. He may enjoy fishing with his mates in the club!

Why should he change because he is succesful?

It'll be the few who won before who are getting rid of the competition.

They are after all.......matches. And I guess the Club rules don't include

"If you win too many matches you will be kicked out of the club!"
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Its not often I disagree with Crooky and Dave but afraid I do here.

Where's the incentive from the other anglers to up their game. To improve their own angling. To learn a few extra skills.

They buckled at the challenge. Duffers.


Couldn't agree more Graham ;)

It's for these other anglers in the club to up their game to try to beat this banned angler, find out what's he doing different from them and not just turn up and be pool fodder :rolleyes: not just do the easy option and ban the bloke :rolleyes:
Just to add another dimension to this debate.

In a four year period of Twyford and District Club that I entered fish into the Trophy specimen fish competition I managed to win the Chub cup 3 times and the Barbel cup 4 times (I think) including a River record.

Should I have been banned? (don't answer that Crooky!;))

Should I have been told to fish elsewhere? Maybe to up my game and fish the Hants Avon only?

I just happened to love the River and its moods and beauty.


Cheers Nic. Same views exactly.
He may enjoy fishing with his mates in the club!

He might enjoy it but it doesn't look like his "mates" did, they've just banned him.:D

It's for these other anglers in the club to up their game to try to beat this banned angler, find out what's he doing different from them and not just turn up and be pool fodder :rolleyes: not just do the easy option and ban the bloke :rolleyes:

I half agree with the principal. However, if it's meant to be just a friendly knock about of anglers of similar ability, it's a different story. As far as I'm concerned, the simplest solution in this case would be to ban pools and match fees (presuming every angler is a club member). I don't know many that object to getting beaten by better anglers. They do tend to get a bit miffed if all they are doing is subsidising other folks fishing.

IMO, pools are what stops most average anglers from ever match fishing.
Anyone that feels that they are being milked for cash isn't likely to keep going unless they believe that they can become one of those doing the milking. No matter how good the anglers concerned, I openly question the morality of pools in match fishing.