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whats your pb barbel???

I feared that this thread might degenerate. I have resisted posting my pb, it's respectable but not record threatening, and I'm very happy with it.
I just like fishing. I think that's good enough.
I agree with you Phil just being in such surrounds is enough for me...
OK gents it would be nice if this thread didn't degenerate into mudslinging !
PB's matter to some and not others, we all enjoy our wonderful sport for our own reasons and each to their own !
I long since stopped worrying about my Barbel PB ! Would I like to up it ? Do Bears !?
Am I slightly obsessed with catching a 1lb+ Dace ? Probably !
Do I still enjoy my fishing ? By learning to diversify (something Shippo and I have learned the last few years) yes I very much do !
If you are happy to fish without aims, goals etc. Then why not !?! I have mine, some are 'Pie in the sky' i.e. a Marden or Bristol Avon Grayling ! Others.......a 3lbs Chalkstream Roach are probably beyond my angling skills or commitment ! Some, i.e. upping my Carp PB from a very low double are pretty easy with application ! Will I try to achieve all of the above and more at times ! Of course !
I hope that's not aimed at me.......All I'm trying to do is lighten the mood a bit. If you want to flex your moderator muscle why not have a go at the person who chose to personalise the thread and take it off topic with their own agenda and personal vendetta in the first place.
Take it easy Adrian....I dont always blank:D
Didn't name names, just hoped that the thread would stay civil ! If I wished to 'Flex My Moderator Muscle' Towards an individual i would PM first and politely ask them to reconsider their comments !
A few too many digs going in all around ! Think that the thread is interesting and has taken a nice twist by moving away from just Barbel PB's onto other species and as to what fishing means to the individual !
Howard. That was funny and brilliant. How ard was that to think up.:D

My original post was to highlight that its good to have a bit of a change from constant barbel, something following on from the way the thread had changed as Paul has highlighted.

I must remember to add my website address to my posts....:rolleyes:


Are you Barbenching, Barbreaming and Barbroaching as well as Barbarping?? :D

Good to see you still don't lower yourself to the level of the snipers, doubt anyone who knows you well would support those views. Hope you are keeping well mate
I'm reasonably happy with my barbel pb but would like to up it a bit while there are still some big fish around. We have possibly lived through the best barbel boom most of us are likely to see in our lifetimes and I don't want to regret not making a reasonable effort to beat my pb while the chance is there.

Tench are my personal bugbear as I have never had one over seven pounds. Not that I fish for them that much but I have had periods when plenty of fish in the high sixes have come along but nothing much bigger. I would love a seven or eight pounder but realise I need to go tenching a bit more to achieve it. There are so many fabulous tench waters within half an hours drive, so that is next springs target. No fishing this spring due to other committments, but next year the effort will be made!
Graham Hunt- is your post directed at me? It has been a quiet month so I am up for some libel action. If it is me which sites have I been banned from other than yf.net? one of which's moderators found that to be an easier option than trying to explain to me why they were so willing to constantly post racist posts on their website.
What planet are you off Geoff?..Libel action,:D:D:D..I would be careful of that yourself if i was you..Still well done youve tried your best to ruin yet again another thread..You really do need to give your head a wobble..:D:D:D:D..Moderators, do you think you should allow a person to insult someone personally?.Bearing in mind many youngsters see whats written..
I agree with Graham, it is always good to do a bit of other fishing, I will soon be getting my Pond pig rods and buzzers out again for a bit of a thrash!!

This Autumn Graham and I are going to go after the Roach again, you lot will be green with envy with the size of the Roach we are going to catch:D

But then again we do seem to be quite good at catching Chub instead!!!:eek: