Absolutely agree mate. It’s far more convenient to adjust a clutch from the rear than it is the front.
However…….. you loose a lot of the clutches responsiveness and smoothness by having all the plates with load on them transferred through a 6 inch shaft to a cross pin which is then inserted into your spool.
Your setting your clutches tension at the opposite end of the item you want to be directly effected by that setting and the drawbacks are it will never perform as nicely as a clutch that is tensioned directly in the spool itself.
You can fit better washers, you can service it, you can even get them helped along with a bearing race around that shaft but it will never be as smooth or responsive as a clutch spool in one.
Double handles are just marmite. Yes they are more balanced if you spin up your reels without load on them….. Well ok but that’s not really important to me. Once there’s tension on the line I can’t honestly say that Balance is noticed personally.
What they are though is tiny little rubber grips. Something you hold between a finger and thumb a bit like a poxy China tea cup…… no thanks. Not for me. Give me a proper handle to grab!
Of course each to their own