I realise that it is done this way for economics reasons Paul, it's just that these things in Rays photos were invented when Noah was a lad....surely they can come up with something better in this day and age? If the farmers are the loudest voices in support of the whole thing, let the boffins who develop their agricultural machinery come up with something more advanced. Some of the technology in use on the large farms of today is astonishingly complex.
Up until fairly recently, I didn't give angling politics a second thought...Just went fishing in a very Tom Sawyerish kind of way, assuming those that enjoy such things would keep things running very nicely without me, thank you very much. To my shame I still don't get involved...but at least now I am aware of the fact that there are some very worrying things indeed going on.
One of the saddest things for me was to discover that the EA were not the comic book super heroes defending our angling rights that I had so innocently imagined. It turns out that they do not always have the best interests of anglers at heart at all...far from it in fact! Worse still was the realization that the health and wellbeing of our waterways was frequently low on there list of priorities as well
....now that REALLY hurts!
I suppose when one looks at the daily reports of the mind boggling mess the bungling, inept politicians that are running our country (World?) are making, then it would be a little unrealistic to expect the EA to be any different. Unless of course the top executives of the EA were being paid more than the prime minister...hold on though, that would put them in the same category as bankers, and THEY....no, I am not going there, WAY too depressing
Sod it then, just issue them with sticks of explosives and let them do a PROPER job
Cheers, Dave.