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Stillwater barbel fishing 2010

As for the other business, if Makins fishery still stocks barbel and the society is still preaching that it is against the stocking of barbel into stillwaters then Steve Popes continued association with Dynamite is clearly a conflict of interests, a point I actually made on the old forum 6 months ago.

Like I said earlier Adrian, assuming anything of an official nature from Steve's association with Dynamite Baits is wrong.

Let's look at another example;
The Society minute from one of their meetings that a vote has been taken on the matter of whether to join the AT or not. The majority vote no, so it goes through. The vote gets the support of the membership. Now what were to happen if one individual member from the Committee was found to have of joined the AT?
The answer? Nothing!
You may call Steve Pope a hypocrite, as may others for his link with Dynamite Baits, tenuous though I suspect it is, but it cannot accepted as having any official significance.
You can however argue about the partnership between Dynamite and the Junior Section of the Society, BUT, and it is a big one, I would say that in this partnership not one pound has been exchanged between the two, ie. it consists of Dynamite offering some bait to help the Juniors along. An exchange of a little bait for a bit of advertising.
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Well Well Well, i have never ever seen a still water barbel,
i never want to see one.
i want nothing to do with anything that encourages me too.
i have loved true barbel fishing for over 50 years now:) i would love to know young anglers could enjoy the same experiences as i have.

Ray has purely brought to the surface a few points of note that most of us were unaware of, this has more to do with the ethics of barbel welfare ect than personal attack from what i can see, others have shoved it away from its intended purpose.
Has anyone asked Ray if he has any desires on involvement in a societies running? i doubt it, the guy just has a total love affair with barbel and all aspects of the species, WAKEY WAKEY! he is undoubtably one of our most
informed barbel experts we are ever likely to have,
much to our good fortune he is usually ever ready to share such a wealth of knowlege, maybe we should digest what hes telling us rather than diving in,
i have no interest in the barbel society, i have no interest in Steve Pope
i do have an interest in the welfare of the future of barbel....j.w
John...Raymond is the Chairmen of the Barbel Specialits.
That can't be true....................................

The Yorkies would never have GIVEN them away..........................;)

How did you get those contact thingys on your posting page?

If I were in charge of the UK, one of the first things I would do would be to remove every barbel and king carp from every stillwater I take a shine to, and restock with crucian carp.

Support crucians!!!
You can however argue about the partnership between Dynamite and the Junior Section of the Society, BUT, and it is a big one, I would say that in this partnership not one pound has been exchanged between the two, ie. it consists of Dynamite offering some bait to help the Juniors along, in exchange for a little bait and a bit of advertising.

That, if I may say so, is a very dangerouis interpretation and conclusion. :eek:

You're not, by any chance, standing for election are you, Damian? :)
Like I said earlier Adrian, assuming anything of an official nature from Steve's association with Dynamite Baits is wrong.

Let's look at another example;
The Society minute from one of their meetings that a vote has been taken on the matter of whether to join the AT or not. The majority vote yes, so it goes through. The vote gets the support of the membership. Now what were to happen if one individual member from the Committee was found to have of joined the AT?
The answer? Nothing!


Are you being deliberately obtuse? A better example would be the chairman of the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Conservation Association being sponsored by BP.
I do however find it interesting that so many luminaries from the society can not, or will not, see the hypocrisy in this. As my old Nan used to say, "There are none so blind as those who will not see".
I've caught a few stillwater barbel in the dim and distance past (Makin's and others) and i can honestly say hand on heart that they were in cracking condition and fought nearly as hard as their river cousons (lack of flow=lesser fight?)

Now i'm not saying i agree with barbel being stocked into stillwaters, it's just an observation i've made.

I've caught a few stillwater barbel in the dim and distance past (Makin's and others) and i can honestly say hand on heart that they were in cracking condition and fought nearly as hard as their river cousons (lack of flow=lesser fight?)

Now i'm not saying i agree with barbel being stocked into stillwaters, it's just an observation i've made.


Glad it's not just me then!;):D Would you like to form our own little splinter barbel club? The Real Barbel Society, The People's Barbel Society or Judean Barbel Society? Might I suggest that we avoid anything that can be shortened to BS.;):D
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I fully understand Rays point on all this, the way I see it is Ray looks at and fully understands the whole point of being a barbel angler...and then he keeps his eyes wide open to everything current in our ever changing environment.

Very simple...if you stick with the past and don't move forward you will be buried....maybe the way the BS is going

However things are changing that fast nowadays so you cannot dismiss anything.

Up to us lot to learn a bit and not dismiss anything when it comes to protecting your rivers...or your prefered species

Very steep learning curve and however we think we know it and can predict the furure....we can't


Just had a wade through this thread . Jason states that '' Ray looks at and fully understands the whole point of being a barbel angler '' Q -What is this whole point ? Perhaps if all sides in this largely destructive ' debate ' knew the answer we might find some common ground . Just a thought ...
Hi Mike....thanks for reminding me what I have written, I say things as I see them and speak off the top of my head with no real thought alot of the time. I don't take the time to write the perfect post or thread either.

With Ray, never met the guy and i've not been fishing for barbel that long, perhaps a mistake is to say barbel angler in my earlier post as it could mean any angler.

Ray does not come across well sometimes...you could say he's a bit of a mad man with a vendetor against the BS...that's not for me to comment on, interesting and informative to read though.

My opinion after reading alot of his posts are that his main concern regarding angling is the state of and decline of our rivers. He knows his stuff and done alot to help rivers. Now being a barbel angler, swim wild and swim free and all that the main concern for any angler should be the same...it's sad to say it does not come across as that on this site.

My opinion is if you don't join and support the AT that is your first failing, if you spend more time polishing your rod and pin than doing something to help your local river that's another one, the list can go on and on.....

We can all sit and winge and this post probably doesnt make any sense what so ever. I have my opinions that might differ to others and I perhaps say things out of turn every know and then...but I don't take offence to anyone on here in what they say...I just think they are perhaps nieve or mis-informed:p

And for those chaps that might have me blocked from reading will someone please quote me so they can read it:D

Hi Mike....thanks for reminding me what I have written, I say things as I see them and speak off the top of my head with no real thought alot of the time. I don't take the time to write the perfect post or thread either.

With Ray, never met the guy and i've not been fishing for barbel that long, perhaps a mistake is to say barbel angler in my earlier post as it could mean any angler.

Ray does not come across well sometimes...you could say he's a bit of a mad man with a vendetor against the BS...that's not for me to comment on, interesting and informative to read though.

My opinion after reading alot of his posts are that his main concern regarding angling is the state of and decline of our rivers. He knows his stuff and done alot to help rivers. Now being a barbel angler, swim wild and swim free and all that the main concern for any angler should be the same...it's sad to say it does not come across as that on this site.

My opinion is if you don't join and support the AT that is your first failing, if you spend more time polishing your rod and pin than doing something to help your local river that's another one, the list can go on and on.....

We can all sit and winge and this post probably doesnt make any sense what so ever. I have my opinions that might differ to others and I perhaps say things out of turn every know and then...but I don't take offence to anyone on here in what they say...I just think they are perhaps nieve or mis-informed:p

And for those chaps that might have me blocked from reading will someone please quote me so they can read it:D


For anyone who may have Jason on ignore and if you've got me on it also, you really are a childish tw*t who needs to develop both the self control not to read posts from people that you find insipid and also the mental capacity to not respond:p:p:p:p.

Anyone care to quote my post, but obviously not Jason, feel free.:rolleyes:
Just to put one fact straight as a person who occasionally used Makins and lives not far away the barbel were initially stocked by Billy himself. Since then it has had numerous owners including British Waterways (BWB Makins). A good friend of mine was manager there for a few years and he informed me that since the initial stocking by Billy Makin as far as he is aware no further stocking of barbel has taken place.

Glad it's not just me then!;):D Would you like to form our own little splinter barbel club? The Real Barbel Society, The People's Barbel Society or Judean Barbel Society? Might I suggest that we avoid anything that can be shortened to BS.;):D

I'd ask if it was possible for me to join your Stillwater Barbel Catchers Club, as last summer I caught a 10lb 6oz specimen from a pit that runs along side the river Windrush.
Trouble being I was tench fishing, so it wasn't caught by design, so it dunt count IMO, but if I catch one from Billy's, I'll be sure to apply for my membership.:D:D:D

Should also add it was in immaculate condition. I'd put its fighting qualities at 90% of a river dwelling barbel, same as a river carp or tench out fights its stillwater counterparts.

I'm not saying its right to stock barbel into stillwaters but to many river only anglers seem so oblivious as to what most stillwaters actually are, THEY'RE NOT ALL 2 ACRE STAGNANT PUDDY PUDDLES!!:rolleyes:
Jason you post as you think fit mate more power to your elbow :D. What I was trying to get across was how pointless these endless sniping sessions are about the BS , Steve Pope v Ray Walton , etc . I was not directing any criticism at you , I used your words to try and get people to think about what fishing is really all about , get some perspective ,and debate constructively . It shouldn't be about thinly veiled vendettas that a few on this site return to again and again for reasons known only to themselves .
Here, here Mike, I tried raising this on another thread, some people really need to find a life outside of only barbel fishing!!
I'd ask if it was possible for me to join your Stillwater Barbel Catchers Club, as last summer I caught a 10lb 6oz specimen from a pit that runs along side the river Windrush.
Trouble being I was tench fishing, so it wasn't caught by design, so it dunt count IMO, but if I catch one from Billy's, I'll be sure to apply for my membership.:D:D:D

Should also add it was in immaculate condition. I'd put its fighting qualities at 90% of a river dwelling barbel, same as a river carp or tench out fights its stillwater counterparts.

I'm not saying its right to stock barbel into stillwaters but to many river only anglers seem so oblivious as to what most stillwaters actually are, THEY'RE NOT ALL 2 ACRE STAGNANT PUDDY PUDDLES!!:rolleyes:

Hold the presses, I've got some new suggestions for names. How about Total Barbel Society, Complete Barbel Society or even Utter Barbel Society. There shall be a strictly enshrined policy of only ever abbreviating the latter two words and never the first.;):D