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Stillwater barbel fishing 2010

What absolutely staggers me is that when,as you continuely keep mentioning,you were on the BS committee as a founder member you threw away your opportunity that you had then to harness these attributes.I find it unbelievable to be honest and I am sure that new people looking in on here will wonder why too.


Hardly, Rich.

A Nobody (like myself) reading these posts with no "history" of the BS and the parts you've all played, past and present, is not going to give two hoots for your posts which allude to ancient history in an particularly oblique fashion, put across in a condescending manner, while not responding to Ray's points in any way, shape or form.

This is what was termed in "All The Presidents Men" as a "non-denial denial".

Why don't you answer the question(s)?

Especially if you feel that "your" side holds the moral high ground?

Give us Neutrals something argumentally tangible to choose between rather than have to trudge through the tediously, thinly veiled insults? :rolleyes:
I spoke to Steve earlier...not one single person has bothered to contact him to ask him directly.Why don't you just do that?
Posting anything on here,as you can clearly see,simply lights Raymond's fire.
There is no sides....just people that do and people who just talk about.
Ask the question....has Raymond insigated any reaserch or anything with his organisation??That should be tangible enough.
Not sure why you edited my post that you quote Simon...very clever.
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Others will be able to detail it better than I, but Ray has been conducting his own research in to numerous aspects of barbel welfare, distribution, health and other apsects for three decades (longer perhaps?). Whatever you may say, Rich, he has been a 'doer' in the barbel scene for a very long time. As a recent 'returner' to the sport, you may not be aware of it, so I thought it helpful to point out.

Thank you for contacting Steve Pope though; at least now he has the option to respond.


Hi everyone
Well here we are again..I did inform rich of my reasons why i wont join the bs again and to be honest he answerd my concerns truefully..I wont say what was said because its between me and rich and the bs as a whole..Its a crying shame ray walton and others are no longer part of bs and in my opinion its a great loss..Like all political parties and commities its only as good as the people that represent them..
Regards craig..
I spoke to Steve earlier...not one single person has bothered to contact him to ask him directly.Why don't you just do that?
Posting anything on here,as you can clearly see,simply lights Raymond's fire.
There is no sides....just people that do and people who just talk about.
Ask the question....has Raymond insigated any reaserch or anything with his organisation??That should be tangible enough.

Hands up how many posters have Steve's phone number? :rolleyes:

Conversely Rich, Steve has not made one single post on here in response.
Perhaps he'd sanction you to make a reply by proxy?

Like Jon, I have seen various publications showing Ray's research (with much input from other concerned anglers) I remember the stuff on the Lea fish on barbules, sores etc.

So the answer to that is Yes.

I'm sorry Simon, for me and I dare say a lot of others out there this debate has very little worth.
Using a modicum of common sense it is quite easy to see what exactly is happening here;
Firstly, you cannot argue that it would have been great for the Society to have undertaken the simple research that Ray mentions and maybe the possibility would have existed for that research to have been taken forward by someone which may have culminated in a thesis that might have been taken seriously by the relevant authorities. It would have been great!
Secondly, now, it would be great to see some research projects undertaken with funds from the R and C accounts, that, like above, might end with some real authoritative work. That would be great too!
Let me tell you where though in this argument both of these points (and others previous) fall flat on their face - because of Ray Waltons insistence that this is what should have happened, because of his unrelenting notions that all of what he puts forward should have been obligatory on the part of the BS, not only to their members, but to the much wider angling community. What does that tell me? It tells me that such is Ray's dislike for his decision for leaving the Society, he is compelled by himself to put forward unbalanced arguments of obligation and duty in a conscious bid to see the BS wither.
I believe 100% that Ray Walton, as others who've put forward unbalanced arguments about what the BS should and shouldn't have done, truly dreams about joining the Society mainly for what it has acheived with the undoubted hard work of those involved, hindered however, by their monumental egos, they can't.
This argument is not about a discord with what the Society may be seen to do, it's about a discord within Ray Walton!
You wont find anyone in the country with the knowledge ray walton has on barbel..He has practicaly devoted his whole life to barbel..Ray has only expressed his opinions which given his vast knowledge i think hes quite entitled to do so...Ask any leading top angler what they think of ray and his knowledge as indeed mentioned in several books...Ray has forgotten more about barbel than most of us could ever know...Yes he may well be outspoken but given his knowledge and research hes done off his own back i think hes more than entitled to have a big say..:p
I don't fish much in still waters and think that the idea of fishing for Barbell of all fish in a still water is stupid. and pointless, but each to his own. I also really don't give a flying wotsit about the history of the Barbel Society...life is too short for the rows of celebrity anglers over many years to so effect us mere mortals!
However returning to Ray's original questions
With the help of others should we still be persuading the E.A. to stock barbel in suitable rivers and to dissuade from stocking barbel in stillwaters?
As far as still water goes I wasn't aware that they were, but if they are and are using either tax payers money or our license fee to do so then this should be strongly opposed. If they are doing it commercially to make some cash to put back into real angling then I would be all for it.
Stocking rivers should be done when pollution or predation has caused a short term reduction in stock. If the problem is one of recruitment then the causes of lack of recruitment should be investigated and dealt with. Stocking is a short term option not a long term solution to problems on rivers.
Should we remain resolutely be opposed to the stocking of barbel in stillwaters?
Is this the royal we? I am pretty indifferent to which fish are stocked into still waters as long as it its done correctly, avoiding contamination of the river systems and without removing wild fish from their natural habitat. I am not keen on zoo's but I wouldn't stop other enjoying them.
The barbel is clearly highly adapted to life in flowing water with consistently low temperatures and high oxygen levels, and requires great care on return to the water after capture.
There is little evidence that barbel already stocked into stillwaters thrive or survive in the long term, or that there is a strong or genuine demand from anglers for stillwater barbel. Should we urge still fishery owners to refrain from stocking barbel into stillwaters, and also expect the Environment Agency to review their policy of allowing such stockings.
The first part is an obvious statement of fact. Barbel, as a species, cannot breed in still water, so as a species could not survive. If the royal Ray Walton wishes to ask the EA to review its policy then the royal Ray should do so.
The moral and ethical arguments against stillwater barbel are also considerable.
Not to me. It isn't a moral question or an ethical one to me. I do not believe in the concept of "Animal Rights". Only the human animal has the capacity to have morals, ethics or rights.
Are putting barbel into lakes like keeping kestrels in a chicken coop?
The Kestrel would have a lot of short term fun in a chicken coop, whilst the chickens wouldn't. I can't see the point of putting kestrels in coops as they don't taste too good (I don't know this from personal experience, but if anything tastes very good and is capable of captive breeding people would have done it long ago. I agree with keeping animals for human usage. I am not a vegetarian and even if I was I wouldn't want to force this on everybody. If we keep animals in captivity for food, or other purposes we should do this in the best manner we can, because this produces the best meat, if for no other reason. So I don't eat eggs or the flesh from caged birds. I don't eat farmed Salmon, but I do eat farmed trout I don't eat barbel at all, but iif people are silly enough to want to fish for them in still water then that is a matter for them and not something I would want to ban. I am not for banning things just because I happen to disagree with them. I leave that to this government!
Overall I think there are much bigger and more important issues than still water Barbel, and even more important issues than which particular celebrity angler is sponsored by which particular bait company. I still fish for barbell in rivers not still waters and select my bait on the basis of what is on special offer that week at my local tackle shop!
Sorry Pete, had a few beers and can't be arsed to read your post....as informative as they normally are....this time, like I said last time...before I knew your real name on the last site I do not like your inpersonal approach to be knowing it all and your forever all knowing ******

As informative as it may be.

And apologies
This argument is not about a discord with what the Society may be seen to do, it's about a discord within Ray Walton!

I don't agree, Damian.

It's a valid point about the wisdom of accepting a sponsorship deal with a Commpany that is supporting a mainstay of one of the Barbel Society's (and Steve Pope's) "Anti" Campaigns.

To wit: Makins Fishery.

We still haven't had any kind of satisfactory answer.

Despite all the sidetracking and evasion that's taken place on the last couple of pages.

I'm not interested in what the BS has or hasn't done. I'm interested in how Steve antes up this apparent conflict of interests, as an individual barbel angler and as Chairman/Presidente (whatever) of the BS.

If I and my business (pets) jumped into bed with an RSPCA sponsorship/endorsement, after attacking them left, right and centre for many years (as I have), then I would quite rightly be pilloried by my trade and customers who would want an explanation.
Sorry Pete, had a few beers and can't be arsed to read your post....as informative as they normally are....this time, like I said last time...before I knew your real name on the last site I do not like your inpersonal approach to be knowing it all and your forever all knowing ******

As informative as it may be.

And apologies
here's a way to avoid ever having my posts polluting
Well Pete there's a really adult way of dealing with it, not...... Can't see you, can't hear you la la la:rolleyes::rolleyes:.

Christ my six year old can come out with better answers than that:eek:.

As Jason wrote, he can't be a***d to read your POST (singular), not POSTS (plural) and not that he's so childish as to need too set a ignore default on your posts:rolleyes:.

Of course I am assuming that you've not imposed an ignore clause on my posts:p.
There is no sides....just people that do and people who just talk about.
Ask the question....has Raymond insigated any reaserch or anything with his organisation??.

I've no idea exactly what reasearch Ray Walton has carried out but regards supplying myself with info, ideas and support in aiding me in trying to improve the river Cherwell, his help is unsurpassed.
And how did he do this, by spending well over an hour of his time to talk too me on the phone passing on his wealth of knowledge to me.

True to say Pete Reading from the BS has also troubled himself to talk to me but essentially this thread isn't about that, its about BS hypocracy over stillwater barbel stockings, so please like Simon King has asked, if you're going to place answers on this thread answer the question being asked. Rather than continually digressing.
I was actually telling Jason Bean how to avoid the terrors of my post.Not saying I was ignoring him, I was trying to be helpful as he is obviously easily upset.
True to say Pete Reading from the BS has also troubled himself to talk to me but essentially this thread isn't about that, its about BS hypocracy over stillwater barbel stockings, so please like Simon King has asked, if you're going to place answers on this thread answer the question being asked. Rather than continually digressing.
I thought the thread was originally about Barbel in still water, that was what I just responded to a series of questions asking people here for their opinions.
Wouldn't matters relating to the Barbel Society be better raised on their board? Or is this board just to become a discussion about a relatively small organisation in the great scheme of things, which many people here aren't actually members of?
I'm glad Ray has brought the issue of stillwater barbel on to here, imo these are captive born fish and they survive as well as any other species of fish in similar surroundings. From a personal point of view in 2010 I could not give a hoot about barbel stocked in stillwaters.

However; that was not always the case; back when the Society was formed many of the barbel which found their way into commercial fisheries were taken from the rivers, I was approached by the owner of the Beeches fishery at Madley on several occasions in the early 90's while fishing on the Severn in Ironbridge and offered free fishing in return for the contents of my keepnet.
It was this theft of wild fish which drove Andy Orme (et al) to wage war on the then Daiwa now Dynamite, Makins fishery.

As for the other business, if Makins fishery still stocks barbel and the society is still preaching that it is against the stocking of barbel into stillwaters then Steve Popes continued association with Dynamite is clearly a conflict of interests, a point I actually made on the old forum 6 months ago.
I was actually telling Jason Bean how to avoid the terrors of my post.Not saying I was ignoring him, I was trying to be helpful as he is obviously easily upset.

I fully understood your response to Jason, hence me writing this line;
"As Jason wrote, he can't be a***d to read your POST (singular), not POSTS (plural) and not that he's so childish as to need too set a ignore default on your posts."

Oh and maybe not easily upset, perhaps just easily bored.

Regards the subject of this thread and subsiquent questions that it has brought to the fore, well this IS a forum based around barbel fishing and the BS is an organisation set up for and by barbel anglers, so this is a ideal place for such discussions I'd say.
Plus being impartial but moderated, perfect, me thinks.
Personally the only reason I moved to Berkshire is so that I can have "proper" barbel fishing on the Thames, Loddon and Kennet.

And can only say to those fishing the Hants Avon, Severn, Teme, W Avon , Wye etc.................................................................

Can we have our fish back please.:p

Yes, I'm joking.........

I think you'll find that most of them originally came from Yorkshire rivers.

