Howard Cooke
Senior Member
Your last post Bobby appears to contradict your first post on this thread....... Has the wind changed direction or something....
One of the reasons why BFW shines more brightly than FB when it comes to deeply emotive debates such as this, is that for the most part, people are cordial in battle and mostly keep on topic. If this debate was taking place on FB the thread would have been closed down days ago to prevent digital disharmony escalating into fisticuffs in an Aldi car park.
I think we should avoid the temptation to resort to personal provocation and encourage all to participate fully in a debate on a very important matter. Full credit to Bobby in my view for posting again on this thread expressing an evolved view after hearing the concerns of many stakeholders. That's a mature and necessary approach in my view.
Full credit to you and Lawrence (plus others of course) though Rich for drawing meaningful attention to the issue of Powick weir.