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Severn river trust

Well Nick, thats a great response and I thank you for it, whilst we have been mocked and ridiculed for our views, its us through our lobbying, that has now got the EA to rethink and to start talking about compromising, they have now acknowledged that there will be significant water loss upstream of the weir, something only a few days ago we were mocked for even suggesting on here, wheres the evidence the detractors said, well the EA have listened to us, but I still think 50% loss of the weir is too much, but we are talking and they are listening which is good.....

You are not one for over-egging any puddings are you?!
It certainly appears that the weir is of historical importance, but that had absolutely nothing to do with it being designated as a SSSI in 1996.

The reasons for notification are detailed in the citation (see below).

Sites of historical significance are notified as either Scheduled Ancient Monuments (SAMs) or are listed on the County Historic Record (HER).


Hi Joe...... I think the point is that with the removal of the weir the sssi will be affected upstream and potential down too. The weirs historical importance falls under another criteria as you rightly point out. Either way..... it needs to stay. :)
This all good news, I think you guys have great opportunity to ensure the weir partially remains and other lasting features can be placed around it.

Good to see you mellowing a bit Lawrence........:D
I put my thoughts to SRT and Tony...fair play answered swiftly. I reckon this could be a building block for future Teme projects.....shame I live in Oxford

Dear Jason,

Many thanks for your message.

The investigation and modelling work is continuing regarding the potential removal of Powick weir and as part of this work the Severn Rivers Trust is sponsoring a three year PhD study into Teme Barbel. Anglers have been concerned over the state of Barbel stocks for some time and we are working as best we can to establish the courses and suggest actions which may in the future be implemented to assist stock recovery. The first year of the study has already thrown up some very interesting results and we look forward to publishing the findings of the study at the end of the project.

We do understand the concerns of all anglers, however removing the weir will be of benefit to all species not just migratory species. Obviously the river level will be reduced immediately upstream, however the river will over time revert to its natural pool and riffle regime. It is therefore possible that Barbel along with other species will benefit from increased spawning habitat and the river may well provide more varied angling opportunities upstream, but nothing can be guaranteed, and currently this is all being investigated.

We will ensure that you are on our distribution list further information as and when it is released, plus there will be a number of meetings to discuss the proposals during the next twelve months.

Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Best regards, Tony

Tony Bostock MIFM, CEnv, AIRTE, ASOE
Chief Executive - Severn Rivers Trust
Tel: 07817 622919
E-mail: tonybostock@severnriverstrust.com
Home - Severn Rivers Trust
And all divides, personnel or society and or whatever need to stop......

The local guys need to take hold, get the best for barbel and all species

There has to be a realition that the Teme was and always be a game/migratory spate river
Wow. So objective views are now seen as mocking, ridicule and even crass comments purely to cause unrest! Any less pathetic I might have been offended.

Anyway, back in the real world, 50% reduction of the weir sounds like a fair compromise.
I would like to echo Howards fine comments regarding the efforts of those with local knowledge and experience that have contributed to a possible re evaluation of what appeared a done deal.

Couple questions.

Did the BS support removal.

Did local clubs support removal

Will the work re phd Teme assessment be relevant to other rivers

What are the initial interesting first year outcomes to date that many of us have contributed funds to.

How coincidental that with the content of this thread at this particular time of the year to find Tony Bostock has been honoured in the new year honours list!
Hi Terry, any more news from the rivers trust?....last I heard it was all under review as I previously said. Need to keep on top of them and not wriggle free into just cutting a gap in the rocks.