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There is nothing worse than an unsuspecting angler who travels a long distance to fish a club water or other venue and then finds that the riverbed is strewn with excessive pre-bait or left over bait.
This does apply to ‘local’ unsuspecting anglers too.
Often, the excessive pre-baiting angler deliberately wants to make the venue his/her own and stop other anglers from catching what one believes are his/hers fish.
When the river is a bit coloured and you can't see into the water, then there is a good chance that you will be fishing on top of someone else’s pre-bait or other.
I have seen this many a time and it is very depressing for the confidence of the arriving angler.
When you see this uneaten bait on the riverbed in many swims, which is the pretty much the norm nowadays, then it is 'Selfish' in my opinion, especially if the perpetrator knows that other anglers will be fishing the venue and do not apply the same 'catch at all cost' and ‘wannabe tactics’, and this at the expense of f****g up all other laid back anglers fishing and their normal enjoyment.
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Nick, heavy baiting in the Thames isnt a problem as we both know the massive bream shoals will quickly devour most of it within 2-4 hours,
now i am a guy who prebaits,
but if there were only a few carp (i assume from the post thats what the target is) then even half a dozen 20s can polish off 3 kgs very easily,
but if like the post said they may be in there? well maybe aint much to go on
remember guys 130kg of bait costs a fair few quid, but on other hand if they aint in there then continous pumping in daily for months could (I SAY COULD!)
end up with soured bait in the swim, now in that context then i guess it could be construed as unfair, me personally given same stretch to try locate only a few carp i would be far tighter with my freebies and a lot mor swims covered, a dozen quality baits in right place is worth lorryloads in a place the carp aint;) pyramid baitings fine in correct circumstances and if theres a large enough fish population to polish it off:)
Now there is a question of some relevance, which as yet remains unanswered......

Cheers, Dave.
Not last night, but seeing as we are chasing 10/15 carp in a six mile stretch of water a few blanks along the way are to be expected. Seems to me a few on here who think their way is the only and right way well just to say that aint my view and each to their own providing they dont affect others. The swims i have been baiting have been cut out by me and Rich, cleared of snags by me and Rich and are at least 200 yrds from the next nearest swims and even those aint fishing on a regular basis. Now if im being selfish in some of your eyes so be it because to me its just hard work and the bit of extra effort we are making compared with 99% who are fishing their way on their waters. I like my fishing to be hard and to target fish that to me when caught mean something, now i am basically a carp angler but i dont fish known circuit waters i want the unknown in my fishing and thats why im fishing where and the the way i am at the moment. Not all my fishing is bait orientated and for instance on the Teme a handfull of pellets will last me the day but sometimes a different approach is needed and in the long term can pay off. Now i've had enough of this thread and i wont be posting on it again because i really dont see why i should have to explain myself to anyone.
Have a good season to all of you.

Oh, thought you might have had at least a bream or chub, seeing as there are of course hundreds of fish to mop all that bait up........... that is most likely still sitting on the bottom.

Have a good season yersen. :)
Not last night, but seeing as we are chasing 10/15 carp in a six mile stretch of water a few blanks along the way are to be expected. Seems to me a few on here who think their way is the only and right way well just to say that aint my view and each to their own providing they dont affect others. The swims i have been baiting have been cut out by me and Rich, cleared of snags by me and Rich and are at least 200 yrds from the next nearest swims and even those aint fishing on a regular basis. Now if im being selfish in some of your eyes so be it because to me its just hard work and the bit of extra effort we are making compared with 99% who are fishing their way on their waters. I like my fishing to be hard and to target fish that to me when caught mean something, now i am basically a carp angler but i dont fish known circuit waters i want the unknown in my fishing and thats why im fishing where and the the way i am at the moment. Not all my fishing is bait orientated and for instance on the Teme a handfull of pellets will last me the day but sometimes a different approach is needed and in the long term can pay off. Now i've had enough of this thread and i wont be posting on it again because i really dont see why i should have to explain myself to anyone.
Have a good season to all of you.



Your explanation in the post above seems pretty reasonable to me, and I could not argue with your logic in any way. Obviously you don't have to explain yourself, but once the question is raised, it is better if the air is cleared...and for what it is worth, you have done that for me at least.

It would be nice if you kept us posted on future catches from your baited areas...I would be genuinely interested fella.

Cheers, Dave.

Right or wrong, I think a lot of anglers will/would be quite secretive about their catches; otherwise everyone will be down there spoiling the tranquillity of having your own pre-baited venue, laced with special bait or other. Weaning the fish onto it in very large quantities will/can be detrimental to other anglers who are none the wiser, especially if the fish become addicted to it as sometimes happens in the first instance when no other baits go in.
However, the initial favourite choice factor of the fish don’t last that long and they will soon be looking for other naturals and what alternatives are on offer.
All I can say is that I bet the bream on the stretch in question are getting very fat indeed . I knew a chap who used to heavily pre bait the Yorkshire Ouse trying to attract barbel , the bream spoiled the party every time so he gave up . Anyway each to their own :)
I won't offer a judgement on the rights or wrongs of what's being done, that's up to the angler(s) to decide whether it's the best way to get a return on their strategy.

Personally I wouldn't be going about trying to find 10-15 carp in a six mile stretch the same way by heavily baiting one (or adjoining) swim(s). Always best to try to find the fish first...............then bait.

There are ways.

I am of the opinion, that with modern day prices for bait, if somebody wants to put 130kg of bait in then that is there choice. I know i couldnt afford to do it but if someone wants to do it to achieve their goal or target , which Jeremey says is 10 or 15 fish in 6 miles of water, then that is his choice. and it appears to have been done over a period of 6 weeks or so. its not as if it has been done in a fortnight. If you are just passing an opinion Tony why post it on here on such a well used forum? Naming the person as you originally did in my opinion, on a national forum, is worse than piling the bait in. It is clearly just goign to cause a debate and bitching, and as per normal brings into the light, the ever present problem of fishing politics. Fishing should be fun, about one man and his rod or rods. All this side is pointless and is just another example of someone being a keyboard warrior. I rarely post on this site anymore for that reason, there always seems to be people having a dig at others. I am probably younger than a lot of the culprits yet they seem to be grown men acting like children............. its boring.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

rant over......back to the beer!!

I am of the opinion, that with modern day prices for bait, if somebody wants to put 130kg of bait in then that is there choice. I know i couldnt afford to do it but if someone wants to do it to achieve their goal or target , which Jeremey says is 10 or 15 fish in 6 miles of water, then that is his choice. and it appears to have been done over a period of 6 weeks or so. its not as if it has been done in a fortnight. If you are just passing an opinion Tony why post it on here on such a well used forum? Naming the person as you originally did in my opinion, on a national forum, is worse than piling the bait in. It is clearly just goign to cause a debate and bitching, and as per normal brings into the light, the ever present problem of fishing politics. Fishing should be fun, about one man and his rod or rods. All this side is pointless and is just another example of someone being a keyboard warrior. I rarely post on this site anymore for that reason, there always seems to be people having a dig at others. I am probably younger than a lot of the culprits yet they seem to be grown men acting like children............. its boring.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

rant over......back to the beer!!


I am of the opinion, that with modern day prices for bait, if somebody wants to put 130kg of bait in then that is there choice. I know i couldnt afford to do it but if someone wants to do it to achieve their goal or target , which Jeremey says is 10 or 15 fish in 6 miles of water, then that is his choice. and it appears to have been done over a period of 6 weeks or so. its not as if it has been done in a fortnight. If you are just passing an opinion Tony why post it on here on such a well used forum? Naming the person as you originally did in my opinion, on a national forum, is worse than piling the bait in. It is clearly just goign to cause a debate and bitching, and as per normal brings into the light, the ever present problem of fishing politics. Fishing should be fun, about one man and his rod or rods. All this side is pointless and is just another example of someone being a keyboard warrior. I rarely post on this site anymore for that reason, there always seems to be people having a dig at others. I am probably younger than a lot of the culprits yet they seem to be grown men acting like children............. its boring.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

rant over......back to the beer!!

After walking the dogs this evening I'm off with a mate to drop into our prebaited swim on the Thames which has seen over the past 3 weeks in the region of 250 kilos of mixed particles and a 'few' boilies... On a river as big as the Thames with such a relatively low population of carp let alone barbel compared to the bream, roach and chub stocks, is this selfish or being prepared to put in the extra effort time and expense to tip the odds in our favour?

Nick, hang on a minute.....a quarter of a tonne of bait????

we have rain up our way to bring the water level up.....not bait......:p

enjoy chaps......:)
Selfish not in the slightest the guys made an effort to try and give himself an edge or maybe a better chance, anyone can do it and when we are talking about particles a bucket of hemp and maize etc once wet weighs about 25k.
Only one word that comes to my mind with the word selfish in fishing, a small group of anglers stiching up a stretch of river for themselves, SYNDICATE.
It will happen to you!

When this subject was brought up on BFW a couple of seasons ago, the general consensus was 'pre-bait not'. How things change!
Come the day when a mega pre-baiting angler does the same on ones ‘own' venue and crucifies one’s 'own' and others general fishing enjoyment and catch potential; no doubt you too will be a very happy bunny.:(