Dave Quinn
Senior Member & Supporter
Great post
I agree completely !......and I would never dream of buying a secondhand set of Avon scales that NOW can not be serviced or repaired ?
why would you chance buying something like that ?
unless it was for nostalgic reasons and you dont give a monkeys about how accurate the weight is but if thats the case why bother weighing at all ??
surely if you can be interested enough to weigh it you would want to know the proper weight ?...and with plenty of cheap scales around that are bang on the money ?
I might be on my own in this but I’m not normally bothered by getting the weight of fish I catch correct to the ounce, as long as the weight is roughly correct I’m fine. I’m not telling people about the size of anything noteworthy, I generally keep sizes to myself or talk about fish in terms of pounds and half or quarter pounds. I’ve caught a lot of double figure bream this year but I couldn’t tell you exactly how many or what all their exact weights were. Even the largest I only really know to the quarter pound.
I’m fishing somewhere now where there’s an outside chance of producing something (not a barbel) huge. I’d probably still settle for knowing I’m within a quarter pound of being spot on but if I was to catch something nearing record size I might regret not having scales that can be relied on to be more accurate
Not having a dig by the way. Could you recommend some new cheaper ones that are accurate?