Julian Griffiths
Senior Member & Supporter
Just done a count up of my rods and it's embarrassing!
I'm being kind to myself by saying I've got issues, but the count to my mind is bordering, if not passed a long time ago, the ridiculous stage!
Although I have to confess there was a time I actually enjoyed 'collecting' them.
I wonder if anyone else is in the same boat as me?
I know I can't be alone on this issue!
The main issue I have about selling on, is the fact they're good decent rods, some of them no longer available, others are custom builds.
I've sold rods in the past & have regretted doing so ever since. An example of these were my entire Seer collection.
So how do you go about making a decision on what to sell, when you know that the quality around is no longer there! (If you wanted to replace one in the future)
And your not wanting to regret selling them in the first place. (been there!)
And you know, your not likely to get a decent return on them, as money is understandably a bit tight for many of us at the moment....
I'd be interested if theres others out their, that are at the stage I'm at, knowing they're in need to thin out their rods, but can't make that step....
Sounds like a counselling session!

I'm being kind to myself by saying I've got issues, but the count to my mind is bordering, if not passed a long time ago, the ridiculous stage!

Although I have to confess there was a time I actually enjoyed 'collecting' them.
I wonder if anyone else is in the same boat as me?
I know I can't be alone on this issue!

The main issue I have about selling on, is the fact they're good decent rods, some of them no longer available, others are custom builds.
I've sold rods in the past & have regretted doing so ever since. An example of these were my entire Seer collection.
So how do you go about making a decision on what to sell, when you know that the quality around is no longer there! (If you wanted to replace one in the future)
And your not wanting to regret selling them in the first place. (been there!)
And you know, your not likely to get a decent return on them, as money is understandably a bit tight for many of us at the moment....
I'd be interested if theres others out their, that are at the stage I'm at, knowing they're in need to thin out their rods, but can't make that step....
Sounds like a counselling session!

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