Hi all
Came anyone help me out im having runs on the baitrunner but when i strike its a little pull and then nowt on.
Robin, I assume it's the word "baitrunner" that's giving you problems?
If the guy's set up his stall with one, then it's reasonable to tell him how to use it. First principles.........if you're using a baitrunner
and you set the "resistance" properly, you don't need to "strike".
You seem to be deliberately misunderstanding the application of the "baitrunner" clutch and what it's used for in this context e.g. river barbel fishing; against stillwater carp/tench fishing etc. as well as their being a normal "fighting clutch".
If you set it for "minimal resistance" as Paul appears to be doing, you are not likely to be hooking fish. Your "statement of fact" aint so, I'm afraid.
The "function of the clutch" as you have it, is exactly as it is on a normal fixed spool. You pre-set it to give line during the fight after you've picked up the rod and clicked off the baitrunner clutch.
The two are pre-set for entirely different jobs. One to hook (and pay out some line), one to fight. The only time I'd use a baitrunner set for "minimal resistance" is possibly in predator fishing. It's a good way to get birds nests if you're not careful.
Try reading through my advice again. You don't seem to have "got it"?
There are no "fancy rigs" involved, just a hair, a lead and a lead-clip.
You may not like the fact that this set-up, when used as I've described it, is an extremely "killing" method of catching barbel. I've been using it very successfully (and so have many others) for a good few years now and, with the rare upstream case that I mentioned on a particular river, I don't lose fish. Once they bite, they're as good as in the net.
Meantime, I can roll my cigarettes, brew up some fresh coffee, answer natures call discreetly, watch the wildlife etc without being hunched over the rod getting "quivertip" elbow and cross-eyes.