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Pete, try float fishing a nymph - you'll be amazed... I've used a Sawyer Killer Bug or a GRHE Goldhead under a Drennan wire stem Avon. I've even had some good results using a 4m elasticated whip with a dibber pole float and a nymph or a maggot but it's a pain walking with it between swims and the pole can spook the fish unless it's deep water. Great for holding the float back though.

Same here with hooks to nylon and cold hands. Best ones I've found are Drennan Barbed Team England Super Carbon Maggot in sizes 18, 20 and 22 each of which is available in a heavier or lighter mono (blue packet). I use these for float fishing weed free swims or with a feeder.

For longer trotting, in amongst weed or when there is a bit of colour then Drennan Barbed Wide Gape Match (green packet) in sizes 18, 20 and 22.

In really clear water Mustad black nickel maggot hooks are flash free.
James, is that just downstream from the George Hotel? Unfortunately the only grayling I have caught to date was when maggot fishing on a barbel feeder rod so the fight was a bit one sided, need to get out and get one trotting.

Hi Stuart, it's upstream of Croft Bridge just below Skerne mouth. Not fished the place before, and it's not easy with a fair flow, but the fish are suprisingly very close to your feet.
James, is that just downstream from the George Hotel? Unfortunately the only grayling I have caught to date was when maggot fishing on a barbel feeder rod so the fight was a bit one sided, need to get out and get one trotting.

Upstream of Croft Bridge if I'm not mistaken Stuart...;)
just seen that James had replied...note to self must check last page :D:D:D
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With the amount of interest in this thread how long before we see a GFW website :D
Good idea...
Just the two of us then Shippo!

We would need a venue that geographically suits as many as possible. Any suggestions?
I'd be up for it....

Upper Severn and Teme have plenty?
What about the Upper Hants Avon?

Fished Timsbury a couple of weeks ago, but it wasn't what I expected.

Lots of fish, but almost as many suicidal trout as Grayling, and only one Roach between 7of us....

I ended the day with 12 Grayling to around 1/2lb, and about 15 Trout to 3 1/2lb.

I think Paul would be up for it.
May have my arm twisted........:D
how about Britford !? Plenty of water to go at !? Lower Itchen Fishery is good, but a bit far for any Midlanders.......Upper Severn/Wye maybe ?
Public access on the Teme would be difficult. Wye and Usk waters on the Wye, Severn, Irthon or Ithon are a better bet but are very subject to being unfishable depending on rainfall, therefore if people are travelling a long way this wouldn't work.

A chalkstream would be more reliable and I'd be prepared to make a day of it and travel further for more likely fishable conditions at the end of the journey. I can make enquiries with contacts at the WUF about a block booking if needs be but after a recent experience last month with a friend travelling up from London to fish the upper Lugg and it being perfect the day he arrived but chocolate 16hrs later (when he had booked to fish the beat) I wouldn't recommend it!
Public access on the Teme would be difficult. Wye and Usk waters on the Wye, Severn, Irthon or Ithon are a better bet but are very subject to being unfishable depending on rainfall, therefore if people are travelling a long way this wouldn't work.

From experience, the Ithon is good for grayling and few if any "fly only" restrictions from October, unlike many of the upper Wye beats. Not sure about the WUF beats, my fishing has been on club waters and no day tickets any more since the BAA gave up its Ithon. Even when there is a lot of water around on the Wye and Lugg the Ithon can remain fishable on the float and it keeps the fly anglers away. It's a really nice river and doesn't get any where near the attention it deserves.

Like Will, I can't think of anywhere on the Teme that is good for Grayling that is on a day ticket, except perhaps the camp site stretch at Little Hereford and perhaps the BAA bit at Stamford Bridge, I've fished the club waters nearby for grayling and didn't do that well, but other have. The best Grayling on the middle Teme I have had have all come from around Shelsy Beauchamp and I think it is all private club waters with no day tickets here. The upper Teme has great grayling fishing, but is usually no ticket and mostly fly only.
What about the Ludlow Town waters Will? Free fishing and I would have though it should hold quite a few.
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I would seriously consider Britford on the Hants Avon near Salisbury, £10 on the bank, plenty of water to go at and not just Grayling ! Check out London Angling Website.............If you know the keeper, he can be quite forthcoming with info too ! Midweek would be best if people can manage it....
Looked at Lower Itchen Website earlier, it's now £23 a day !:eek: Bit steep for a day (my local club book is only that much !)
Would be quite nice if we could tie up a post fishing social in a pub somewhere for a pint/chat/fodder !?
Ludlow town waters are not what most people would have in mind for a day's grayling fishing as the canal like pace, the width and appearance of the river here is unlike anywhere else on the Teme and doesn't lend itself to the methods most would expect to use. Wag and Mag works though! Until the salmon have shifted I doubt if the EA would welcome a fish-in there either :eek:.

You risk a sprinkling of lead shot if you try and fish at Little Hereford camp site. Private fishing. :D. Stamford bridge and elsewhere on the BAA book is a bit "peggy" for grayling with not much in-between.
Count me in:)

Dove or Dee? Decent grayling fishing on both, especially the Dee. BAA upper severn would be a good bet, pretty unfished
Robbed from that Grayling website Oh my!