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For those who use bite alarms

After placing the rod in the rest, remove a shoe, and sock, take some line from the reel and form an overhand loop, place the loop over your little toe, - well any one will do really, or some other part of your anatomy if you want really sensitive bite indication, and tighten..... await the take from a Barbel - asleep or awake i guarentee you wont miss it ! :p

After placing the rod in the rest, remove a shoe, and sock, take some line from the reel and form an overhand loop, place the loop over your little toe, - well any one will do really, or some other part of your anatomy if you want really sensitive bite indication, and tighten..... await the take from a Barbel - asleep or awake i guarentee you wont miss it ! :p


Don't really like sleeping when fishing, but after a long night and a long drive the next morning i tried this approach... Nearly lost my left nipple.

After placing the rod in the rest, remove a shoe, and sock, take some line from the reel and form an overhand loop, place the loop over your little toe, - well any one will do really, or some other part of your anatomy if you want really sensitive bite indication, and tighten..... await the take from a Barbel - asleep or awake i guarentee you wont miss it ! :p


:D :D.....I love it.

Pinky or winky, that is the question :p

Cheers, Dave.
I Usually get the Butler to wake me.

Failing that, those sea fishing bells are the new "anti pollution, energy saving, greener than you" things to use.

After placing the rod in the rest, remove a shoe, and sock, take some line from the reel and form an overhand loop, place the loop over your little toe, - well any one will do really, or some other part of your anatomy if you want really sensitive bite indication, and tighten..... await the take from a Barbel - asleep or awake i guarentee you wont miss it ! :p


I did this in the 70's and ever since I've supported Spurs! ;)
Right index finger and eyes/centrepin ratchet/red or orange float top;)

oh forgot to add.....

Rod butt smacking my leg when I fall asleep, turn round to get the flask etc....
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Originally Posted by Ian Grant
After placing the rod in the rest, remove a shoe, and sock, take some line from the reel and form an overhand loop, place the loop over your little toe, - well any one will do really, or some other part of your anatomy if you want really sensitive bite indication, and tighten..... await the take from a Barbel - asleep or awake i guarentee you wont miss it !


Not to be recommended if using braid!:eek:
Hi Mr Edisbury,
i hope you and Cat are both well, the reason you have not got an alarm is quite simple, you are tight, you can't even afford a chair, you save all your money for beer and curry.
good luck mate.
If someone ever sees me using a bite alarm on a river for barbel, you have my permission to kill me!



Cant see why people moan about others using alarms on rivers. Yes shoot me Ive used them a few times on the lower severn at night
i personally have never used a alarm on the river but to be honest used in the right situation ie: at night or if you've just finished nights and your prone to nodding off i dont see a problem!
what i would have a problem with is alarms being switched up in volume an running down the bank from your bivvie:( to hit your fish.
Delks for me.
Set extra sensitive when fishing near snags :D

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Hi Mr Edisbury,
i hope you and Cat are both well, the reason you have not got an alarm is quite simple, you are tight, you can't even afford a chair, you save all your money for beer and curry.
good luck mate.

I believe it is your round Mr Wilson. Hope you and Tina are ok?

It's about time we met up for a natter I think.

Best regards as ever,

Jeff and Cat
I think it would be the ones that are more prone to falling into bad habits of using a alarm as a bite indicator is those that have angled for carp, those of those that are of a purer disposition would never consider such a vial and intrusive item to sully ones own and others peace and quiet

Besides is it really necessary to use technology to catch a fish? Perhaps we could take it a step further and tag the better fish and locate them on our GPS telephones:)

Enough of this it's ''OK to do what you want mullarky'', it isn't, the things should be condemned to the Bait Boats and sunk, and then perhaps we can all get back to fishing as Issac intended :D
Cant see why people moan about others using alarms on rivers. Yes shoot me Ive used them a few times on the lower severn at night

As ever, each to their own!

IMHO, so long as it doesn't bother anyone else, then I have no issue with it.

Experience, however, would suggest that this is rarely the case.

My purely elitist view is that as soon as I see someone using an alarm for barbel, I immediately think "NODDY CARP ANGLER< avoid this area like the plague for several weels as the aforementioned noddy has tipped a low loader full of bait into the swim and has completely ruined EVERYONE EL:SES chances of catching for the entire season but is probably too stoned to realise or care".

Yes, i could probably be accused of being a floppy hatter but I would probably take that as a compliment!

Best regards to all!
