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For those who use bite alarms

I only used alarms as I'm prone to been distracted by wildlife , alot of time there not turned on but baitrunners always are
Alarms have their uses as a secondary bite indication. Pikers use them as a back up just in case they miss a run even when float fishing. I appreciate that there is a difference in the necessity for bite detection.

In terms of barbel fishing, they are fairly redundant during the day unless I take the dog for a decent walk along the riverbank or go to the car to replenish beer stocks, that's where the TXis really come in handy. At night time they can be useful when nature calls after a few cans!
I fish the lower seven in the dark. Some times i stop there till early hours of the morning. Yes i do use alarms and sit by my rods at all time.Low severn can be slow at the best of times. I must be a NODDY carp angler .Think some need to move with the times. Where does it say barbel anglers should not use alarms. If alarms are need so be it.
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God knows how this turned into yet another Pro v Anti alarm thread?:confused:
However, I still don't get the vehemence on the anti side. Surely it's better to admit fallibility and use them rather than sacrifice yet another rod, and possibly a fish, to the nymphs of the river. I can't honestly suggest that I can maintain 100% concentration for every second that a baited hook is in the water. I'll continue to use bite alarms and I'll maintain my record of never having lost a rod.
If those that object to bite alarm use do so on the basis of nuisance noise, I'd suggest that you start blaming the individual user and not the alarms themselves. It may also pay to not tar all bite alarm users with the same brush. We don't all drink while fishing, sleep, turn alarms up to disturb all and sundry, wander away from rods etc.
How many of those who object to alarms fish rivers where you can see the fish ? difficult to see them on the tidal trent :)
Hi Robert,

What has being able (or not) to see the fish got to do with the use of alarms?

Hi again Chris, as this is a barbel forum, there are bound to be a fair amount of "floppy hatters" about. Again, IMHO, which doesn't count for much, barbel fishing is about the use of one rod and feeling for bites, which, if you have done it, is the ultimate barbel fishing experience. Sitting behind multiple rod set ups and using electronic alarms IS carp fishing as far as i'm concerned. As Mr Wilson eluded to earlier, I have NEVER taken a seat barbel fishing. I have NEVER seen anyone catch a barbel with a seat so to my mind is completely superflous! Yes, I MAY be mad, but as I said, we are all different. Some more so than others?


Hi Robert,

What has being able (or not) to see the fish got to do with the use of alarms?

Hi again Chris, as this is a barbel forum, there are bound to be a fair amount of "floppy hatters" about. Again, IMHO, which doesn't count for much, barbel fishing is about the use of one rod and feeling for bites, which, if you have done it, is the ultimate barbel fishing experience. Sitting behind multiple rod set ups and using electronic alarms IS carp fishing as far as i'm concerned. As Mr Wilson eluded to earlier, I have NEVER taken a seat barbel fishing. I have NEVER seen anyone catch a barbel with a seat so to my mind is completely superflous! Yes, I MAY be mad, but as I said, we are all different. Some more so than others?



that's fine and dandy, but why bother comment on a thread entitled "for those that use bite alarms" when you, and those like you, can patently offer no advice whatsoever?:confused:

My "advice" would be to go barbel fishing and not carp fish for barbel.

As I said, each to their own and you may not agree with my opinion but I'm sure you would agree that I am entitled to one?



My "advice" would be to go barbel fishing and not carp fish for barbel.

As I said, each to their own and you may not agree with my opinion but I'm sure you would agree that I am entitled to one?



You can have whatever opinion you like, just don't forget that plenty of those that will use alarms can happily fish without them and have experience of fishing either way.
However, it still doesn't make much sense to me as to why those that don't have any experience of alarms would answer a thread wanting specific information about alarms. It just looks like some want to take digs and provoke a bun fight.
For what its worth, i think Chris J and Robert B have made some pertinent points for the use of a bite alarm. I have never used them myself as yet, but i can think of times that they would have been very useful on the few times i have managed to go fishing recently. I have not lost a rod yet, but there have been ocassions when watching various wildlife etc, that i have missed movement of the rod tip only to be alerted by the noise of the rod on the rod rest. Maybe it's just me, but i have never gone fishing just to catch fish and if alarms are used sensibly, with consideration for others etc, why not?


I believe the thread was started because of closed season boredom rather than an advice request. I would not dispute being bored out of my mind at the moment. A "bun fight" is something completely different. I aIf I appear to be "taking digs", then I apologise. As expressed earlier, I believe and you agree that I am entitled to my opinion. As this is an open forum, there will be individuals who will always take things however they wish. To me it is a bit of fun and my "advice" is valid.

You may well be able to fish for barbel without using alarms but many on here cannot and I believe they would benefit from leaving the carp gear at home and trying alternative traditional methods. I believe that they would catch more fish in the long run as a result so do think my "advice" IS NOT AS NEGATIVE AS YOU ARE SUGGESTING!


My main reason for alarms is the fact of I don't go fishing for a few hours I go for a few days at a time. However whe I'm fishing a local small river an alarm doesn't even come into it even of I go for 15-20 hours Im sat next to my rod with a baitrunner which does the trick plus any noise could spook the barbel in the stretch when I use my alarms I have the volume very low so only me knows I'm getting a bite not them that's 300 mile away in bed!! :):)
I use a chair on my local and I had 40-50 barbel last season whilst using the chair some people are clearly stuck in there ways which is fine but don't knock it until you've tried it and I use 15ft rods designed for barbel Fishing personally i wouldn't want to hold a 15ft rod all day and I don't know a rod that will cast to the far bank of the tidal Trent, I maybe using some tackle designed for carp fishing but it works for me and I never hear of anyone complaining about using baitrunners for pike fishing okuma baitrunners actually say livebait on/off on the back, just abit harsh saying that alarms are for carp anglers the only reason them sort of people say they are for carp is cos theres more carp anglers than barbel or pike!!
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I believe the thread was started because of closed season boredom rather than an advice request. I would not dispute being bored out of my mind at the moment. A "bun fight" is something completely different. I aIf I appear to be "taking digs", then I apologise. As expressed earlier, I believe and you agree that I am entitled to my opinion. As this is an open forum, there will be individuals who will always take things however they wish. To me it is a bit of fun and my "advice" is valid.

You may well be able to fish for barbel without using alarms but many on here cannot and I believe they would benefit from leaving the carp gear at home and trying alternative traditional methods. I believe that they would catch more fish in the long run as a result so do think my "advice" IS NOT AS NEGATIVE AS YOU ARE SUGGESTING!



Nope, many on here use methods that incorporate bite alarms to enhance their chosen set-up.

They do not necessarily use "carp gear" but may use carp-rigs.

They may well catch as many (if not more) barbel as the more "traditional" angler and his methods & gear.

They may well thoroughly enjoy the experience. :p

More of the usual condescending claptrap.

I use Delkims, barbel rods, baitrunners, bolt-rigs, boilies, pva, a comfortable seat, a kettle, Salters digital scales, an unhooking mat and a camera on a portable tripod (when needed).

Most of the people I fish with use the same, more or less.

I catch a good few barbel when I've a mind to fish for them.

I usually enjoy myself. :cool:
I do think that the type of river will influence whether alarms are suitable. A small overgrown river doesn't quite lend itself to alarms whereas their use on the Trent seems more in harmony with the surroundings. If alarms help and are not obtrusive or provide a bit more fun to some, then fine. I'm sure that the riverbank can accommodate all tastes of angling style, just a bit of tolerance required by both camps.

I believe the thread was started because of closed season boredom rather than an advice request. I would not dispute being bored out of my mind at the moment. A "bun fight" is something completely different. I aIf I appear to be "taking digs", then I apologise. As expressed earlier, I believe and you agree that I am entitled to my opinion. As this is an open forum, there will be individuals who will always take things however they wish. To me it is a bit of fun and my "advice" is valid.

You may well be able to fish for barbel without using alarms but many on here cannot and I believe they would benefit from leaving the carp gear at home and trying alternative traditional methods. I believe that they would catch more fish in the long run as a result so do think my "advice" IS NOT AS NEGATIVE AS YOU ARE SUGGESTING!



Hi Jeff
Have you seen Phil Smith set up Jeff ? Two rod set up and alarms think he catches the odd barbel so I been told . What I'm trying to say some times a alarms helps . On the middle Severn I use a pin some times now is that traditional for you ? but on the lower during the night I use my alarms cause it HELPS with my fishing .I'm not a one trick pony and will change my fishing when needed.I think "advice" would be to go barbel fishing and not carp fish for barbel is strange. We can learn alot from the carp lads who are miles ahead of us . Dracon hook lenght pva bag bollies a normal set up for barbel on some waters " opps! cant fish like this its a carp set up " Like I said some times you got to move with the times my friend
love Deano
Nope, many on here use methods that incorporate bite alarms to enhance their chosen set-up.

They do not necessarily use "carp gear" but may use carp-rigs.

They may well catch as many (if not more) barbel as the more "traditional" angler and his methods & gear.

They may well thoroughly enjoy the experience. :p

More of the usual condescending claptrap.

I use Delkims, barbel rods, baitrunners, bolt-rigs, boilies, pva, a comfortable seat, a kettle, Salters digital scales, an unhooking mat and a camera on a portable tripod (when needed).

Most of the people I fish with use the same, more or less.

I catch a good few barbel when I've a mind to fish for them.

I usually enjoy myself. :cool:

Blimey if you ever move swims you will need Pickfords, but at least you can make the lads a cuppa:)

It's only banter, only 46 days to go....
Hi Robert,

What has being able (or not) to see the fish got to do with the use of alarms?

If I fish small rivers then its one rod and bare minimum of tackle , because of the shifts I work I tend to do alot of late sessions and overnight and mostly on the either the tidal or middle trent so its usually 2 rods both using different rigs and bait alarms go on when its gets really dark , if there is wildlife worth watching or of cooking or brewing , never have sound on just remote in my pocket on vibrate . I spend alot of the daytime when possible trotting , in short I use whatever method I feel will give me the best chance of a fish , I dont criticize how anyone goes about there fishing as long as the fish are treat with the respect they deserve