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Dog friendly waters

Mark Anderson

Super Moderator
Staff member
Hi men,

Any one know of waters where we can take our jack russell with us ?. Southern area , he will bite northen monkeys !:D ;)

Hi Mark,
I take my Springer regularly on Lower and Upper Benyons on the Kennet,also alot of the Wye fisheries allow hounds ie Ross,Hereford and Worcester angling club water and the Biblins(watch he doesnt go chasing the deer in the woods behind you).
Great thread as Im always of the look out for dog friendly waters
Mark, we allow dogs, controlled, on leads, on most of the Twford & District Fishing Club waters on the Thames, Loddon and St. Pats.......

In fact I have seen Richard and his Springer on a few occasions, beautiful dog Dickie...........
Hi men,

Thanks for replys men. Asked the question , as the syndicate rules where we are fishing does not alow dogs, yet we fended off loads of them from walkers / bird spotters today !!!. Bit gauling when ours is so well behaved, and theirs were running everywhere ????.

Similar situation with the clubs I'm in, a no dog rule applies but a lot of our river waters are on public footpaths. Does get annoying on the more accessible parts were people let there dogs jump in when they can clearly see you fishing.
Hi Mark,

Phoned the Wasing on a couple of occasions re dogs but as you say they a pretty adamant inspite of the fact that I said Id keep my pouch on the lead and that they are losing potential business.Anyway I'll keep asking every so often and keep the pressure on,maybe eventually things will change.

Cheers, Dickie.
My mutt goes with me whenever possible, its quite a problem working out where can be fished.
A couple of ballifs i've come across tolerate dogs even when the club runs a no dogs rule as long as they're under control, tricky working out when they are going to be tolerated.
Hi men ,

Dickie , same here mate . Even thought of leaving him in the car , fish for a short time , then drive of to a park to stretch his legs . Will keep on looking , may have to fish somewhere different , as the you take on animals , and they come first !.

Often wondered how the blanket no dogs policy on most clubs can work when the river bank is also a public footpath.
Dogs are allowed on the footpaths, under control, so how can a club say you can't take your dog. If you've got the club book your ok to fish as well as being a member of the public on a footpath with their dog.

Same dilema as Mark, will leave the dog in the car for a few hours to fish, then walk the dog up the footpath
In most cases the club only imposes the rules as it is a condition of their licence, normally where livestock are kept on the land accessed to fish, as in the case of one of our lakes, really don't understand why it would be the case where there is a public footpath unless it is just simpler for the club to have a blanket rule where they have some grazing land and some public access, easier to police I suppose..........
Hi men,

Ian , you know the bit I'm talking about , coming in from the pub end. For years locals have used it to walk their dogs. Not a problem with that . They regularly reach the salmon hut , and beyond , mainly twitchers, but Sunday family's with dogs were everywhere !. Dogs there, under control / on leads would be no problem , but I do respect the syndicate rules .

It would have been handy to have my mutt with me on a few occations when I asked some polish anglers to leave when the could not see the signs for the end of their bit Twice ! , and the two lads who parked up the road and walked on only to be surprised to find me and Sue tucked up in the first swim !!!!!.

There is a no dogs rule with my local club.
But every time I go fishing I am pestered by the dog walkers dogs the other day a dalmatian made off with my ball of paste it was liver flavour I bet he was in dog heaven :) it was so windy I didn't hear it sneak up on me, the owner did nothing!
I was not angry with the mutt its in there nature but the owners!
They can't read or just choose to ignore the signs stating all dogs must be on lead and under control.

I don't know Wasing well at all, I was generalising with my post, have you written to the estate manager to ask for an explanation?
Their is a stretch of the Upper Thames I fish and there was all ways a problem with people walking their dogs of a lead and owners not clearing up the mess afterwards . So the land owner put up a gate with a combination lock to stop the dog walkers . Its not the dogs fault , Blame the irresponsible dog owners . Its all ways a few that spoil it for the rest and every one gets tared with the same brush
Hi men,

Have asked about the situation Ian , and will do again . I'm not complaining as iv said you take on animals , so your first responsibility is to them . We can sort out the horses , chickens , and ducks , but baby sitters for the dog are harder to get. It may be harder for us as our dog is so well behaved , trots alongside us , and curls up asleep as soon as we settle in the swim .

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Hi men ,

Ian :D:D:D:D:D:D, so , put the dog in the stable , and take the horses fishing ?:D:D:D.


Tyson , asleep under the barbel rod . He gets some supriseing wake up calls , but not as many as we would like ;):D

Hi Mark
If you take Sue with you fishing and let her walk the dog on the public footpath while you fish you might catch more fish then her that way you are on a win win situation.
Only joking.:D:D:D
Sue would catch more anyway.
As a dog lover and angler I would have thought the owners themselves would be the best judge as to the right type of dog to take fishing. I have a Springer and a Lab, the Springer would not be the ideal fishing companion (attention span of a gold fish:)) whereas the Lab would.
However I would not take either at the moment, it's bad enough trying to cope with tackle and catching the odd fish.
But Mark your Tyson looks a great fishing buddie, and I bet the most Jobsworth of all ballifs would turn a blind eye.
Hi Mark,

Ive got the solution,drop your dog off with me and he can keep my springer company while I blank on Upper Benyons and that leaves you free to bag up on the Wasing !!

Cheers, Dickie.