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Dog friendly waters

Hi men,

Any one know of waters where we can take our jack russell with us ?. Southern area , he will bite northen monkeys !:D ;)


Hi men ,

Ian :D:D:D:D:D:D, so , put the dog in the stable , and take the horses fishing ?:D:D:D.


Tyson , asleep under the barbel rod . He gets some supriseing wake up calls , but not as many as we would like ;):D


:D Really Hatter call that a dog......................? ;)

Easy way to resolve it.......disguise the dog - no-one will know ;)

or even
or dare we suggest

Problem solved.
Hi men ,

Blimey !!!, some advice there eh. Dickie , or join you lot on the Benyons :D. Jim , she always will ;) . Chris :D , they are deff northen dogs :D:D , but dont forget , we called him Tyson after a famous boxer that bit someones ear off :D:D:D:D .

I will ask the question again , in writting , with the baliffs ( who are really good on the Wasing ) being able to see the behaviour of dogs , and if it aint up to standards then permision for that dog withdrawn . Sounds reasonable to me ?. As iv said before , i have on occations challanged obvious poachers , and the presance of even Tyson would have been handy .

:D Really Hatter call that a dog......................? ;)

Easy way to resolve it.......disguise the dog - no-one will know ;)

or even
or dare we suggest

Problem solved.

I think the disguises might work, apart from the one with the perm and tach, I thought Tyson wanted to bite Northern Monkeys not look like one:p
The Royalty allows anglers to take their dogs provided they are under control.
Hi men,

Showed the pics to my mates at work , one of them thinks he may have pulled the scouse one on a stag do !! :eek:.

Hi men,

Showed the pics to my mates at work , one of them thinks he may have pulled the scouse one on a stag do !! :eek:.



I used to take my dog out to the boozer regularly.......never paid for a round tho couldn't get his paw in his pocket.

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Some cracking posts. As I think that we all agree the behaviour of a dog reflects that of the owner. I have seen a dog empty the contents of a maggot box and the owner then blamed the fisherman for having maggots on the bank. And, from a personal experience a dog helped itself to some food that I had. If the owner had said sorry, then fine and I'd have seen the funny side of it; in this particular area, dogs were supposed to be on a lead and when the baggage walked off as though the incident was quite normal, then it grates. And I like dogs, ... apart from this Yorkshire Terrier when I was in digs in London - but that's another story.
Mark and others the big problem is a few dog owners control their animals, but the majority don't. Its the same with litter, the majority don't care. I had to collect a load of rubbish before I could go fishing on Tuesday as I couldn't leave the country lane parking area looking like a tip. On Wasing fishery we had three owners who let their dogs roam and become a nuisance. I had to stop people bringing dogs on my Ribble fishery as they abused the privilege by allowing the dogs to leave their mess around. One Wasing member had a dog which run wild and barked as you appeared. In the end he was asked to leave. I also know many owners of fisheries who don't allow dogs as they have ground nesting birds on much of their property. From 1949 until 1990 I owned Labradors which I used for shooting and field trials, but I couldn't take them on many fisheries. I just respected the owners wish. The dog stopped in the kennel.
Hi men,

Hi Martin , you have done well lately mate, will bump into you soon. I'm enquiring around as we have to have a back up option as well. The syndicate has cost be about £50 a day so far this season :eek: :D , and its borderline if it's worth rejoining or not . As iv said , it's hard because our dog is pukka, well behaved , and a diamond fishing dog . A blanket ban because of the actions of the few is never right , but that's life ;).

I have exactly the same problem Mark...the complex I fish has a stretch of river and two lakes, with the GU canal down the side for luck. The whole place is a public park, with complete access all round, day and night. On sunny days the place HEAVES with folk of every description...and most of them have dogs as far as I can make out, none of which are ever on a lead.

It does of course quieten down a little at night, leaving just gangs of teanagers and drunks...and the odd small groups of tackle thieves, for which the place used to be infamous. And yet our club bans us from having dogs, which may have been the only thing between waking up in the morning with your carp gear still there....or not!

I rarely night fish there for carp now, but on the odd occasion when I do, I admit to feeling a little apprehensive, even though tackle theft is far less common now...not a nice situation...and in the circumstances, not a sensible ban, in my opinion.

Cheers, Dave.
Dear Mark I did see your car, In fact I was on my way down river to see you, when I spotted 2 scum bags near our cars, as I approached them, they went off down river then along the main track. As I was catching up with them they went off into the woods then across the field. I managed a 5-6-0 chub on crust in the car park swim and 3 barbel average about 5lbs. In the three days I had several five pound chub best at 5-10-0 and 5-12-0 both of these fish just below the Pipe swim. I also had a few barbel best about 6lbs. My mate mark had a PB Chub of 5lbs and a PB barbel of 7-2-0. On the way home we stopped off at Ross to fish the Wye where I had a chub of 6-1-0 a PB for me from the Wye. I also had a pike of 14-2-0 on sausage paste. In fact most of my fish were on this bait. Hopefully I will see yiu before the season ends. I will be down for the last two weeks of the season. I can get you a guest permit for the Loddon or Newbury AA water if you would like a change of venues.
There is a fishery I frequent which has a public right of way through it along the top of the flood bank. A few local dog walkers complained that their (uncontrolled un-leashed) dogs had been shouted at by anglers fed up with the bait robbing, territory marking, four legged furry fiends and wanted the anglers banned from the water.
Unfortunately for them the club not only owns the fishing rights but also owns the field, the access point and the the car park which many of them use to park.
It took no time at all before the signs went up insisting all dogs were kept on a lead, all walkers kept to the marked footpath, anglers cars only in the car park and no public access through the car park gate.
Hi men,

Ade, sometimes the Teme mud resembles the water :D , and just as dangerous !.He did not care though , and laid in it for a kip .

He loved it really , but not the shower when he got home , where we found my shower gel made him itchy !.

On a serious note Mark be careful using 'products' on your dog, they can be too aggressive and strip all the natural waterproofing oils from his coat allowing the rain to penetrate straight through to his skin. I like his donkey jacket mate.
Hi men ,

I know Ade , run out of his dog shampo , so used a small amount of my gel , which im sure is stronger . The jacket aint to keep him warm etc , as he has proved on many occations he would rather not have it on :D , but to save the amount of mud to wash off !.

I remember taking my German Shep out with me a couple of years ago. I cast out my feeder only for it to be closely followed by 5 stone of dog who decided he would helpfully go and fetch it for me!!! Didnt see the funny side of it at the time!!