Paul Cahill
Senior Member
I'm taking the "moral high ground" as you call it because I believe that etiquette and decency should override your "legality" in this empty-river situation, And I thought it merited a discussion because of the grey areas involved, and because i think peoples stance on this issue probably says something about what kind of angler they are. I accept that people are different and people will act differently when faced with the same situation, as the comments on this thread show. And I'm not surprised to see people pontificating about 'the law' on an open forum because its forum culture for people to be blunt, contrary and controversial.Paul you called this thread and I quote '' Common Courtesy and the half way rule ''
As you say the other bank belonged to another club . So by your own admission if the half way rule exist's and you cast beyond the half way line .
So in theory you could be accused of poaching another clubs water ? . So if that is the case then explain how you can take the moral high ground when you were placing your bait some where it had no legal right to be ?
In truth no one obeys the half way rule on an empty river. No one. I've fished the Dove and if the holding area is far bank and no-ones fishing there then everyone casts there. You all know this is true, despite what you are posting.
So I stand by everything I've posted. Anyone who overrides manners for the sake of an unenforced and unenforceable law is a boil on the backside of our wonderful sport. We all know, of course, that there are plenty of those.