Alex Gowney
Senior Member & Supporter
I am totally in favour of night fishing for many of the reasons stated before here. In my experience as an angler and a bailiff there is no extra pressure on a river as people will fish when they want to and not have to cram it in to fixed hours. Night fishing is a different discipline and requires a lot of organisation and a bit more of a methodical approach. Not to mention a higher sense of caution and having your wits about you. That alone will put a large majority off doing it! I would say the night fishing actually relieves the pressure on the day shift at my local waters.
I agree that people who work 9-5 Mon -Fri should be better catered for and no self interest there as I am a shift worker. The biggest pro of course is your members are your eyes and ears of a club, so any related night issues in my experience are significantly reduced by your own people being on the bank. I would say there are more issues surrounding the daytime anglers than the night brigade.
I have no reason to think that barbel or the habitat are affected more by night fishing than day fishing and have not seen anything to the detriment of night fishing, so any comment that it is or could be must be treated as purely anecdotal unless someone actually has some scientific evidence to back this up?!
Right, sundown in an hour, finish my pint and off to the river....
Excellent post John and very well put