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Are you ONLY a barbel fisherman, or do you turn your hand to other species too?

Naa it's more limiting your beer drinking to premium bitter. :D
Always been an all rounder but now I don't have any option, no Barbel over here. I do miss those summer nights on the river though.
Trying to split limited fishing time between pike barbel chub perch and grayling winter is a busy time, at least summer is easy going.
Mainly Barbel for me when i get the chance which is not often nowadays as i'm too busy riding me Triumph. Most of my spare time is now spent on rallies and other Biker do's. I'm a Rep for MAG (Motorcycle Action Group) which has really got in the way of my fishing recently, something i'm gonna reverse in the new year... gotta figure out a way of carrying me tackle on me bike.
Ian, I made a rack that fitted to my C15 when I was at school it. Two wicker baskets sat on it and a five foot rod holdall each side. My mate Tony and I went miles on that, unfortunately my old man usually ended up bringing us back in his J4 van or if he had the hump with me we pushed it home. It wasn’t that it was unreliable but paper round money didn’t buy much petrol.
I've found myself in the single species trap for about 12 or 13 years with carping and prior to that spent about 8 years trying for a 6lb eel. I certainly have no intention of going there again.

This year, I've not got the carp gear out once and have thoroughly enjoyed myself going for tench, crucians and barbel.

Tomorrow, I'm out fishing the cut and hoping for some decent roach but, mostly hoping to get into a big perch or two.

Seems to me that variety is definitely the spice of life.
Naa it's more limiting your beer drinking to premium bitter. :D
Always been an all rounder but now I don't have any option, no Barbel over here. I do miss those summer nights on the river though.

It's not only the barbel that are missing over there Paul....you must be working from memory on the premium bitter front as well :D:D

Cheers, Dave.
Dave, it's not easy mate. American beer is not very good (I'm being extremely polite there) but you can at least get some reasonable imported bottled stuff.
Dave, it's not easy mate. American beer is not very good (I'm being extremely polite there) but you can at least get some reasonable imported bottled stuff.

We will just have to pray for you that those foreign imports are allowed to continue, in light of a recent election out where you are....and the predictions regarding the US economy that this has provoked :p

Good luck mate :D

Cheers, Dave.
Ian, I made a rack that fitted to my C15 when I was at school it. Two wicker baskets sat on it and a five foot rod holdall each side. My mate Tony and I went miles on that, unfortunately my old man usually ended up bringing us back in his J4 van or if he had the hump with me we pushed it home. It wasn’t that it was unreliable but paper round money didn’t buy much petrol.

Yes those C15's certainly needed pushing from time to time, but so did MZ's after visiting hospital after the birth of our first born the bloody thing wouldn't start and I had to push it the 5 miles home, luckily the rest of the family were in Maternity :)
Oh god I had one of those as well, I got it after I sold my Ducati to put a deposit on my first house. Mine had a blowout on the rear tyre on the way home with the wife and a weeks shopping on the back the gods were smiling that day and I managed to keep it upright and stop within a few yards of the bike shop.
That two stroke engine was a doddle to work on though, I carried a plug spanner and a spare clean spark plug in my pocket everywhere I went for the whole 6 months or so I owned it.
When you have all quite finished comparing your two wheeled exploits ( I was a BSA Bantam man myself) back when you had your egg sac's still attached, then back to favourite alternate species.

By now you will have all had your share of the different coarse, fish so give yourself a treat and make the change and try a bit of Sea Trout fishing on the fly at night...........when they hit the fly its like lightning going up yer wrist.........................

When you have all quite finished comparing your two wheeled exploits ( I was a BSA Bantam man myself) back when you had your egg sac's still attached, then back to favourite alternate species.

By now you will have all had your share of the different coarse, fish so give yourself a treat and make the change and try a bit of Sea Trout fishing on the fly at night...........when they hit the fly its like lightning going up yer wrist.........................


We had an example given us recently of what a lightning strike did to a communications antenne ! don't fancy that much :eek: even if they do taste nice :)
When you have all quite finished comparing your two wheeled exploits ( I was a BSA Bantam man myself) back when you had your egg sac's still attached, then back to favourite alternate species.

By now you will have all had your share of the different coarse, fish so give yourself a treat and make the change and try a bit of Sea Trout fishing on the fly at night...........when they hit the fly its like lightning going up yer wrist.........................


Always fancied a dabble at that - not got round to it yet, but i will. If any of the coarse fish only chaps fancy a fight i would recommend wrasse fishing with a barbel rod - just pray a big pollock doesn't turn up or you'll get trashed in seconds! Big Mark mentioned it already but has to be said again - Smoothhounds are great fun. I'll fish for anything and despite spending most of my spare time doing just that for the last 30 odd years there is still so much i haven't done yet. That's what keeps it interesting for me - so much variety in our sport.

As far as 2 wheels go a Pizza Hut delivery bike, peugeot i think, was/is and forever will be my only venture down that road.
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Pike fishing in my mid-wales secret hideaway; light tackle wrasse fishing in Anglesey and North Cornwall; bass fishing from the rocks (fly rod) and in the surf from Anglesey, other north Wales marks and North Cornwall. Finally, wreck and reef fishing in North Wales and Cornwall, whenever I get the opportunity. I do the odd bits of mixed coarse fishing and trout fishing in Mid-Wales.

2strokes, dont ya just love em, i too remember carrying spare spark plugs and a spanner (whole tool kit, just in case)
I spend a week in Torbay every year with the family, they spend time in the shops or on the beach while i go rock hopping with my Carp rods, float tackle, lures and spinners. Caught loads, Wrasse, Pollock Mackies, Garfish and it's great fun especially when yer eatin it with an hour or so. Mind you, mackerel straight from the hook to the bbq cant be beaten.
I have never owned a 2-stroke and never really fancied one - I prefer a more refined engine! Barbel rods packed away now and am gonna leave them packed away til after xmas I rekon... (Unless there's a december heatwave) might get the spinning rod out tho when the levels drop
I have never owned a 2-stroke and never really fancied one - I prefer a more refined engine! Barbel rods packed away now and am gonna leave them packed away til after xmas I rekon... (Unless there's a december heatwave) might get the spinning rod out tho when the levels drop

Get a grip Chris!!! Just planning my Christmas campaign down Birds Meadow, though I could at least cadge a lift in the 'Taliban Taxi' thing of yours:p That hill is soooooo steep and slippery my van will never make it, in fact it has trouble negotiating speed bumps:rolleyes:

You never owned a petrol strimmer then?:cool:
Get a grip Chris!!! Just planning my Christmas campaign down Birds Meadow, though I could at least cadge a lift in the 'Taliban Taxi' thing of yours:p That hill is soooooo steep and slippery my van will never make it, in fact it has trouble negotiating speed bumps:rolleyes:

You never owned a petrol strimmer then?:cool:

errr no, never owned a petrol strimmer & taliban taxi :D its not glamorous but i never get stuck lol