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Are you ONLY a barbel fisherman, or do you turn your hand to other species too?

Although I mainly fish for Barbel these days I still fish for other species throughout the year. I did a fair bit of Tenching in the early summer, I have an anual French Carp trip with the boys and do the odd Carp session over here when time allows. I also still love running a stick down a run on the local rivers happy to catch whatever comes along (some proper Dace this summer the likes of which we've not seen for years on the Mole). I guess that makes me a bit of an alrounder. I even do a bit of Sea fishing on holiday while the wife and kids hit the beach if I can get away with it :)
all rounder, with the weather, conditions and water colour/level dictating what and where i try to catch, well most of the time anyway. although i do favour the rivers.

tench in the closed season, stick float for silvers early season before moving onto barbel depending on conditions, chub and again silvers along with some grayling on cold clear winters days before barbeling again back end.
also do a bit of surface fishing for carp in the summer but this is the only carping i do.
Rivers for pike, chub and barbel, gravel pits for tench, fluff chucking on rivers for anything, beachcasting and boatfishing for anything. I try a bit of everything as the opportunities arise.
I'll fish for anything but go through periodic phases of chasing some species more than others. The biggest downside to that is the mountain of different gear "required"T.:eek:;):D

Own up Chris...that 'requirement' is in fact one of the big pluses for you. It gives you all the excuse you need to indulge your passion for buying/testing tackle, thereby satisfying another of your passions...owning the best gear available for getting the job done :D

I have the same passion...but don't have your gift for changing circumstances to make pursuit of that aim so much more pain free :p:D:p

Cheers, Dave.
Own up Chris...that 'requirement' is in fact one of the big pluses for you. It gives you all the excuse you need to indulge your passion for buying/testing tackle, thereby satisfying another of your passions...owning the best gear available for getting the job done :D

I have the same passion...but don't have your gift for changing circumstances to make pursuit of that aim so much more pain free :p:D:p

Cheers, Dave.

Why do you think I put the word requirement in inverted commas?:confused:;):p
The snag is that I've now run out of space and money.:(
Why do you think I put the word requirement in inverted commas?:confused:;):p
The snag is that I've now run out of space and money.:(

Let's face what you don't know about 'stuff' ain't worth knowing :)

On side issue I got my leg over and old girl yesterday....no not that :eek: A 1960AJS 650, all the memories came flooding back, but I soon cleared my head as to thought of the cost of not just buying the thing £5k plus :eek: but the maintenence, and the mpg is a mere 35 beautifully sounding miles, and then there was the Bonny standing mint in the corner, and the even mintier '21' at her side, and my old bike the humble C15, a dear old friend that shot oil on my boots, that my Mum gave away when I 'joined up', and the Daddy of them all the Norton Dominator 'The Widow Maker'.
It was Heaven.
Let's face what you don't know about 'stuff' ain't worth knowing :)

On side issue I got my leg over and old girl yesterday....no not that :eek: A 1960AJS 650, all the memories came flooding back, but I soon cleared my head as to thought of the cost of not just buying the thing £5k plus :eek: but the maintenence, and the mpg is a mere 35 beautifully sounding miles, and then there was the Bonny standing mint in the corner, and the even mintier '21' at her side, and my old bike the humble C15, a dear old friend that shot oil on my boots, that my Mum gave away when I 'joined up', and the Daddy of them all the Norton Dominator 'The Widow Maker'.
It was Heaven.

I beg to differ. For example, the bulk of your post may as well be written in Swahili, for all the sense it makes to me.:confused:
I have a go at most fishing types dependant on season.
There was a time I just fished for carp,then I found the rivers again now it's mostly Barbel with piking sessions thrown in.
Although me waggler rod could do with an airing after some Perch me thinks.
I beg to differ. For example, the bulk of your post may as well be written in Swahili, for all the sense it makes to me.:confused:

Well it makes a change from old reels and cane rods I suppose.

These machines were the Best of British, before the Japanese flooded the market with their reliable and functional bland machines, the chap that owned them unfortunately took his own life, but are a testamony to his love of restoring a piece of our history...
Just sharing.

Sorry for digressing..

Eels for me, a good standby to save a complete blank :)

That's better,
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Ok, since my local rivers are the Severn and Warks Avon, I think when the barbel switch off for the winter, I may give the zander fishing a proper go...... Anyone else fish the lower severn for zeds?
my old bike the humble C15, .

You see we do have stuff in common, I also had a c15, and a c12, but that was after I joined up, The bike I left behind was a bantam d3 which was sold to a neighbour.
My biking career carried on though and several jap multi cylinder monsters were replaced by a BSA a65, that in turn was followed by another half dozen jap things and eventually a Ducati 900.
Errr....do they come with SiC rings and Fuji reel seats Ade :confused:

Oh lord...just thought...not funny at all, because I think some of them do have ceramic rings at that :D

Bet they don't have Fuji seats though.....

Cheers, Dave
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You see we do have stuff in common, I also had a c15, and a c12, but that was after I joined up, The bike I left behind was a bantam d3 which was sold to a neighbour.
My biking career carried on though and several jap multi cylinder monsters were replaced by a BSA a65, that in turn was followed by another half dozen jap things and eventually a Ducati 900.

Like peas in a pod :)
But I must admit to motor cycle beginnings, I was a Telegram Boy in Bristol, and you will remember that the bikes we rode were the Bantams, and you had to earn respect with your peers by leaning the thing so far over that you created a shower of sparks from the leg guards brackets:p
Like you I had a number of Jap bikes, but never had such a beauty as the 'Cat' but did get to marry a real Italian girl, still have her too, a real treasure.
I mainly fly fish (chuck fluff) these days, targeting trout...got into barbel fishing about 8 years ago, fell out with it, and got back into it this season. Occasionally do a spot of ledgering for grayling, too.
I like to take a break from blanking for barbel by blanking for other species. Went pike fishing today and caught nowt.

Hi all,
Bit of an all rounder myself, last two seasons been chasing tench in the summer and perch through the winter, on two waters within a couple of miles of where I live.
Previous to that it was barbel on the Gt Ouse, before that Pike and before that carp.
Next year I fancy roach and some big rudd,,,,,,,,,,,,,, set my targets and once achieved I move on.

I had 20 odd years bivvy fishing for carp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and now will never return to it as enjoy other species too much.