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Are you ONLY a barbel fisherman, or do you turn your hand to other species too?

Chris Cheshire

Senior Member
I have always thought of myself as an all round fisherman, but if I am completely honest with myself I hardly ever fish for anything else. I may dabble with a bit of piking in the winter and a bit of tench fishing early season but thats about it these days the rest is ALL barbel!

Do you guys turn your hand to something else?
Spent last year chasing barbel , my first year after them , switched to chub beginning of december but still caught a few barbel , decided this season to take sessions as weather and river dictated , spent spring and close season targeting tench which didnt pan out due to lake been stocked with mud pigs which moved in as soon as bait went in , since been told of way to avoid them so may try again next close season also search for new venue , start of season back on flooded trent for barbel had odd session mainly after work fishing for roach , had a couple of chub sessions end of september bit early but managed to catch a few when not catching barbel on light chub gear which was fun , am laid up with a back problem but am researching lure gear for an assault on river perch and pike when am fit enough , so guess from starting out at 4yrs old catching anything to match fishing til my late 20's then general pleasure fishing , to carp fishing , then specimen bream angling to the present barbel fishing and now multi species again but obviously aiming at specimen size fish
Hi all,

I'll fish for anything although I do have a preferance towards rivers.

If I was asked to describe myself, I would probably say all rounder.

That will no doubt get the suggestions coming through as to others opinions of what I may be?

Highlight of this year was Tarpon fishing in the Gulf of Mexico.


Definitely an all rounder, although last year I got a bit of a bee in my bonnet about catching a double figure barbel. As such I really concentrated on them and fished for little else.

I've now achieved that target and I should be moving on to other species, but as the river conditions looked so good this season I've kept fishing for them.

I should get out predator fishing more often but my confidence in them is very low at the moment, so given the chance I'll opt for chub instead.

In general I'll fish for whatever species I think the weather conditions suit, and as I look out of the window it's bright and cold and the river is up. So I guess it'll be cheese paste for chub this afternoon with some worms in the bag for the perch.:)
Definitely an all rounder, although last year I got a bit of a bee in my bonnet about catching a double figure barbel. As such I really concentrated on them and fished for little else.

lol - likewise Pete, will be pleased when I too have achieved my target... perhaps i'll be able to move on again
Hi men,

For me and Sue its a question of time , and the lack of it , so we hope for good conditions , but love winter barbeling . Given time we would be out fishing for the species suited for that day , but life gets in the way , and so it should !!.

or stillwater barbel ;) , anybody know where we stand on lure fishing on commercials during close season for perch ?
robert, if the rules allow, then it's ok i think?
sorry, don't have the 300 page EA document on what your allowed and not in every area.
I've completely lost my 'Barbel Mojo' ! I've always been an all rounder, but did persue Barbel a little too much for a while !
The demise of the B.Avon and Marden as Barbel rivers has done me a real favour ! I'm loving anything which pulls back a little on balanced tackle !
In fact I'm a bit Dace obsessed !
Life and time mean that, basically I just like catching these days ! (Well apart from Trout when Grayling/Dace/Roach fishing :rolleyes:)
barbel for me and in the closed season i clean my gear up and stock up for the new season. spend some time with the wife, lettting her try my new baits.:D:D:D
Variety is the spice of an angling life. I fish for tench, barbel and chub every season, and most seasons I also fish for roach, perch, pike, carp and grayling. I like a spot of sea fishing too! If I had to just fish for one species I'd probably get bored and pack it all in within a year!
I'll fish for anything but go through periodic phases of chasing some species more than others. The biggest downside to that is the mountain of different gear "required".:eek:;):D