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Search results

  1. Paul Richardson

    Bargain Hunt

    Insprired by the " how much have you spent on tackle" thread - it reminded me off my biggest spend. This is a bit of a yarn...be warned. It was mid-December 2018. I was days away from a 2-week winter sun holiday that was much needed after another stressy year. As is so often the case, a chance...
  2. Paul Richardson

    Bobco - In Administration

    I heard a rumour a few weeks ago about Bobco in Leeds going into administration Just picked this up on another forum Damn shame - great shop and people and some good bargains Made many purchases and dropped in on the Swale on the way home to try gear out 🥲 They are having a closing down sale...
  3. Paul Richardson

    Interesting Vid from Mark Tunley

  4. Paul Richardson

    Wanted - Shimano 4000OC or 4000D

    Hello Just seeing if anyone has one surplus to requirements, before I go for a new one. Please PM me. Many Thanks. Paul.
  5. Paul Richardson


    I was privileged to witness a 7-3 chub last week caught by a friend on the float It was beyond impressive, for me the fish of a lifetime.pictures can’t do it justice - a behemoth! This got me wondering just how rare ( or indeed common) is a fish this big today? On one hand barbel baits will...
  6. Paul Richardson

    Advice on braid - float fishing chub

    Hello - some advice please Looking to use some floating braid with a 16' float rod for long trotting for chub. The bit I'm unsure on is the transition to the mono hooklength. My floats are on winders and normally when using mono on the reel it's a simple loop-to-loop attachment. So why don't I...
  7. Paul Richardson

    Winter Blunderland

    Back on the river at the weekend, following the floods. Water Temp was 3degC and air temperature showed between -2 to -4. Pretty as a picture, no rain, no wind but I can't ever recall being as cold. But still lovely to be out. I was chub fishing with a tip rod. After an hour, I had a rattle and...
  8. Paul Richardson

    Special fish

    It might not be the biggest, the prettiest or the rarest. It might even have been the one that got away? But once in a while we come across one that means a lot. Yesterday I caught one right at the point where I had started to lose hope. It was a gruesome day on a wild unsheltered venue and I...
  9. Paul Richardson

    Winter/ Floodwater tactics

    Got to be honest , I really struggle catching barbel from now until the end of the season. I've read all the books, watched the videos and tried to implement strategies - look for smooth water, avoid boils & eddies, walking pace flow, fish the creases, go upstream & across etc..but with little...
  10. Paul Richardson

    Rules are there to be broken??

    I recently traveled down South for a 4 day session. Long story short it was a grueller. We fished hard from dawn til dark for paltry returns, but every fish worth it's weight in gold due to the effort exerted. After 3 long days, we decided to head for home and spend some of the final day on a...
  11. Paul Richardson

    Moulds for lead making - Good Deal

    If anyone makes their own leads , Dave Lumb ( DL Specialist Tackle) is selling quite a few different moulds for £6-7 - less than 1/2 price https://dlstshop.co.uk/epages/ef306bf6-9000-48f9-adb4-f2d1c35cd9f5.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/ef306bf6-9000-48f9-adb4-f2d1c35cd9f5/Categories/14/19 A few...
  12. Paul Richardson

    Feedergum Rig for Chub

    Hi All I have seen a few commercial videos featuring this rig, which is a small length of feedergum ( powergum) twixt hook-length & mainline. I believe it's designed for long range feeder fishing with braid, and the feeder-gum link acts as a shock absorber to prevent lighter hook link failing...
  13. Paul Richardson

    Wanted - Daiwa Theory Barbel rod 12'

    Hi All If anyone has a 2 1/4 TC version that is surplus to requirements I'm interested I'd also consider the 1 3/4 TC Thanks
  14. Paul Richardson

    Barbel on the Pole

    I saw this on Youtube a couple of nights ago I don't know a lot about Matt Godfrey but I'm sure he is a top match angler, possibly an International, and knows what he's doing Clearly it's been slickly edited and a couple of nice fish to his credit. But.... it's left me feeling uneasy...
  15. Paul Richardson

    Driving Me Mad - Please Help

    I may well have blown a gasket but I am trying to track down what I recall was a really good TV series on angling that I'm guessing was aired in the late 80s or 90s I think it was on the BBC I think it was narrated by Bernard Cribbens I think the opening scene was John Bailey wading at first...
  16. Paul Richardson

    PVA Products

    Hi all - making this post on behalf of a mate He ordered a significant amount of stuff of this company and they have taken his money but no goods, and this was a couple of months ago. He's emailed , phoned, taken into account Covid etc but just cannot get anything out of them. I've dealt with...
  17. Paul Richardson

    Cuda Braid Scissors 3" Micro

    I got a pair of these a few years ago in the USA and by far the best braid scissors I've ever had and still going strong The are very small so fit in the tackle box easily but cut any braid very cleanly which I need as I use a lot of soft hooklinks that can fray easily on the cut. Conscious that...
  18. Paul Richardson

    Cadence Deals

    BOGOFF on the reels plus some discounts on rods- see below link https://www.cadencefishing.co.uk/latest-deals/
  19. Paul Richardson

    Daiwa Amorphous Whisker 11/13' Feeder

    Hi All I was offered one of these recently and whilst I really can't justify any more rods, I simply couldn't resist. I understand that back in the day they were at the top of their game but this must be quite an old rod as it has the old style reel seats( not Fuji screw down types) It's very...
  20. Paul Richardson

    Mono Hooklinks - advice

    Hi All We have a Wye trip planned and the fishery rules now insist on mono hooklengths only. My standard set-up is a combi -rig with a short braid hooklink, so I'm a bit out of touch on mono hooklinks Any recommendations? I sometimes use Guru N Gauge in 12lb but have been informed that it...