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  1. Gary Downie

    Stillwater barbel fishing 2010

    Stillwater barbel fishing. These words just don't seem to go together.....
  2. Gary Downie

    What did you catch this weekend?

    Large mouth bass out of Sam Rayburn :)
  3. Gary Downie

    World record carp

    100 lbs ........
  4. Gary Downie

    can anyone reccomend

    I've got the Chub Snooper Lite Bivvy. Went for this over the shelter as it is a bit deeper. Excellent bit of kit. After sales service is good also. (one of the support poles split and was replaced without fuss. Wrapped tightly is fits in my Korum 2 rod quiver.
  5. Gary Downie

    What's your edge?

    Stubbornness. You won't catch anything on that here mate. Oh yeh!! .........................
  6. Gary Downie

    Lucky anglers?

    It's all in the name you know. ;) It was Gary Player.
  7. Gary Downie

    Felindre Servicing Shimano After Sales

    Yep, experienced the same great service myself. Sent reel on a Wednesday and received back on the Fiday in time for the weekend. :) They must have received, serviced and despatched the same day!
  8. Gary Downie

    We finally have a new homepage photo...

    Monster :)
  9. Gary Downie

    Hook Sharpeners

    I just test them on my nail. If the point pulls across the surface they get binned and out come a new one.
  10. Gary Downie

    That's Minging!!!

    I think the mistake you have made is throwing it away. With the water coloured as it is I'd have been squeezing it into a feeder.. :eek::eek::p
  11. Gary Downie

    Combi Rigs Again

    On the odd occassion I have found a small knot in the braid section where it must have flipped back on itself. By reducing length I've not had it happen again. I remember on the old site someone stating that they left the tag end on the mono / flouro length a little longer so that they could...
  12. Gary Downie

    Combi Rigs Again

    I keep mine all under an inch. If there is alot of weed or plenty of flow and the rig moves around before settling I shorten right down to try and prevent it goinging back on itself and tangling.
  13. Gary Downie

    Barbel weights at end of season after cold weather

    Made a comment on another thread that a barbel caught had taken quite a while to recover. I wondered if it could be attributed the recent prolonged cold snap and maybe not been on the feed?
  14. Gary Downie

    How to avoid gastroenteritis/stomach bug

    There was a thread on the old forum about the hand wash. I always carry a little tube of the Carex hand gel. Keeps my hands clean and helps with the smell but it also stops the skin splitting around the nails which apart from being painful can lead to other problems!!!!
  15. Gary Downie

    round landing net

    Mine broke but was replaced immediately. Replacement still going strong. (Probably because nothing big has been in it for a while. :rolleyes::p)
  16. Gary Downie

    Water temperatures??

    I think most people believe that it is the trend in the temp that is important. Dropping temp is not ideal. Steady temps are ok Increasing temps are generally considered to be the best opportunity. Of course these are not set in stone and you just never know when the big'un will come...
  17. Gary Downie

    Night sight quiver tips

    The Enterprise adapter sits at a forward angle and have a cleaner finish. Have used them the last few sessions and while they are not snag proof they are IMO better than the Drennan ones.
  18. Gary Downie

    Night sight quiver tips

    I was refering to the tips but the general opinion is that they do not work very well. Pretty sure the Drennan tips fit Daiwa also.
  19. Gary Downie

    Night sight quiver tips

    This works perfectly :) Will keep the enterprise sleeve handy for when the isotopes have stretched. Looks a much better finish than the Drennan holders and IMO alot less likely to snag.