Chris Jones
Senior Member
It is also a fact that some folk will ALWAYS disagree with popular views, just for the sake of it. In all the forums I have ever been on, you can soon pick out the guys who LOVE playing devils advocate, who habitually take the opposite stance to whatever is the common consensus on any subject, even if they actually have no strong views either way :confused:
It would seem that some people gain a feeling or sense of importance by being the centre of a controversy, and so seek ways of interrupting flows of general agreement by inserting opposing views, and frequently sarcastic comments, into otherwise happy threads.
We are all guilty at times of making silly comments, or of saying things intended as part of the general banter, but which come out horribly wrong....or of reacting too strongly to others comments (sorry).....but I am talking about the types who are continually sniping away, constantly making things miserable for others.
My new years resolution is to try NOT to react to these the 'Three Monkeys' bit.
Cheers, Dave.
There's an awful lot of truth in that. However, on one of the threads concerned, I'm still not seeing the slating of Keith Spears achievement that so many others do. I do see some questioning the amount of adulation being heaped upon him, I do see the odd person questioning the lightness of the tackle used. Neither are crimes of the century. What follows is the majority getting offended on Keith Spears behalf, offence by proxy if you like. Assuming that those not full of praise are attacking Keith when in fact, if they are getting at anyone, it's those that are piling on the praise. Then comes the witch hunt, everyone jumping on the bandwagon, exaggerating the alleged crimes of the naysayers and berating them at every available opportunity.
This is a pretty miserable place to be at the moment and I don't think that all the blame can be laid on the shoulders of those few that are generally less than positive.
Lets hope the weather gets better soon so people can get out and do what they do. Most of the outdoor activity forums are dismal places when it comes to closed seasons or periods of bad weather.