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Why oh why, the usual suspects

It is also a fact that some folk will ALWAYS disagree with popular views, just for the sake of it. In all the forums I have ever been on, you can soon pick out the guys who LOVE playing devils advocate, who habitually take the opposite stance to whatever is the common consensus on any subject, even if they actually have no strong views either way :confused:

It would seem that some people gain a feeling or sense of importance by being the centre of a controversy, and so seek ways of interrupting flows of general agreement by inserting opposing views, and frequently sarcastic comments, into otherwise happy threads.

We are all guilty at times of making silly comments, or of saying things intended as part of the general banter, but which come out horribly wrong....or of reacting too strongly to others comments (sorry:eek:).....but I am talking about the types who are continually sniping away, constantly making things miserable for others.

My new years resolution is to try NOT to react to these guys....do the 'Three Monkeys' bit :D:D:D.

Cheers, Dave.

There's an awful lot of truth in that. However, on one of the threads concerned, I'm still not seeing the slating of Keith Spears achievement that so many others do. I do see some questioning the amount of adulation being heaped upon him, I do see the odd person questioning the lightness of the tackle used. Neither are crimes of the century. What follows is the majority getting offended on Keith Spears behalf, offence by proxy if you like. Assuming that those not full of praise are attacking Keith when in fact, if they are getting at anyone, it's those that are piling on the praise. Then comes the witch hunt, everyone jumping on the bandwagon, exaggerating the alleged crimes of the naysayers and berating them at every available opportunity.

This is a pretty miserable place to be at the moment and I don't think that all the blame can be laid on the shoulders of those few that are generally less than positive.
Lets hope the weather gets better soon so people can get out and do what they do. Most of the outdoor activity forums are dismal places when it comes to closed seasons or periods of bad weather.
There's an awful lot of truth in that. However, on one of the threads concerned, I'm still not seeing the slating of Keith Spears achievement that so many others do. I do see some questioning the amount of adulation being heaped upon him, I do see the odd person questioning the lightness of the tackle used. Neither are crimes of the century. What follows is the majority getting offended on Keith Spears behalf, offence by proxy if you like. Assuming that those not full of praise are attacking Keith when in fact, if they are getting at anyone, it's those that are piling on the praise. Then comes the witch hunt, everyone jumping on the bandwagon, exaggerating the alleged crimes of the naysayers and berating them at every available opportunity.

This is a pretty miserable place to be at the moment and I don't think that all the blame can be laid on the shoulders of those few that are generally less than positive.
Lets hope the weather gets better soon so people can get out and do what they do. Most of the outdoor activity forums are dismal places when it comes to closed seasons or periods of bad weather.

Really sums up what I have been trying to say, Chris, hopefully sanity willl be restored, well at least a modicum of common sense then;)
Hi men ,

Chris , I agree to an extent I posted a " well done " post as well to Keith , as I thought it was a top piece of angling .

Not sure about it being a miserable place though , because individuals dont agree with the majority dont make them wrong !! . Things could have been said / posted from both sides better / different , thats how conversations move on . There are some negative people on here , you can spot them as they dont make any positive posts on the general bait , rods , line , BARBEL :D threads , but thats internet sites in general .

There's an awful lot of truth in that. However, on one of the threads concerned, I'm still not seeing the slating of Keith Spears achievement that so many others do. I do see some questioning the amount of adulation being heaped upon him, I do see the odd person questioning the lightness of the tackle used. Neither are crimes of the century. What follows is the majority getting offended on Keith Spears behalf, offence by proxy if you like. Assuming that those not full of praise are attacking Keith when in fact, if they are getting at anyone, it's those that are piling on the praise. Then comes the witch hunt, everyone jumping on the bandwagon, exaggerating the alleged crimes of the naysayers and berating them at every available opportunity.

This is a pretty miserable place to be at the moment and I don't think that all the blame can be laid on the shoulders of those few that are generally less than positive.
Lets hope the weather gets better soon so people can get out and do what they do. Most of the outdoor activity forums are dismal places when it comes to closed seasons or periods of bad weather.

Chris, I can reply to you without breaking my new years resolution, because in my opinion, you could never be labled as 'One of the usual suspects', as it were :D. I generally see your post's as being good, sound common sense, and not a million miles away from my own fealings on any given subject. A bit blunt and plain speaking at times, but none the worse for that. However, that said, we must agree to disagree on this one.

Firstly, I find your comment in your earlier post on this thread, in which you state that you held back from posting on the Keith Speers thread "Because you didn't want to blow smoke up anyones backside" as totally unnecessary and provocative. By saying that you are infering that everyone that DID congratulate Keith WAS doing just that...and that is just plain wrong mate...it is an insult to all concerned.

I understand that some folk are embarrassed by what they see as overdone praise...but that comment was grossly unfair fella. If you are one of those folk that are embarrassed by what you see as too much back slapping, then fine, do as you did, and stay out of it. But you really shouldn't then come back elswhere and pass comments which are...well, uncalled for, shall we say.

Tell me this Chris...if you had been on the river bank when Keith had caught his fish, especially in the prevailing conditions...would you have gone up to him and shook his hand, and roundly congratulated him on his great achievement? Of course you would...and that is all each and every one of the people on that thread did, through the medium of this forum, because that was the only way possible.

O.K, because of the size of this forum, the number of people taking part was a bit overwhelming...but that does NOT alter the genuine sincerity of those taking part, or justify some of the comments by others that you now seek to justify. I repeat...anyone who does not like that kind of thread should just stay out of it, not ruin a happy thread by snide comments. How you can say that they were not THE cause of the breakdown of that thread is beyond me...without their comments, the thread would have ended as it started, a happy place where people were genuinelty celebrating the latest achievement of a great float angler.

I agree there is nothing wrong with questioning things that you see as wrong, but the fact that Keith hooked and landed a manificent barbel while tackled up and fishing for chub can not, in any way that makes sense, be considered as wrong...it was, as we were all trying to say...bloody brilliant.

Cheers, Dave.
Chris , I agree to an extent I posted a " well done " post as well to Keith , as I thought it was a top piece of angling .

Whatever else is said there's no denying that.

Not sure about it being a miserable place though , because individuals dont agree with the majority dont make them wrong !!

Indeed, but that hasn't stopped some individuals being got at by others. It looks like there's a moderator that's thrown in the towel and perhaps one or two other posters that we won't see again, for good or ill.

There's a mob mentality on here at the moment and it's not pleasant viewing. blaming it all on the few negative posters simply doesn't explain the whole story.

I blame the BS/ABF, it's all their fault. Since the dwindling participation of both factions on BFW, there's been a distinct absence of petty squabbling. Something had to fill the void!;):D

P.S. For the hard of thinking, that last paragraph was entirely tongue in cheek. I really don't wish to see either faction turn up with the internet equivalent of burning torches and pitchforks!:D However, if it means that everyone else got back to normal, bring it on.;)
Church of Boote..... yeah right :eek: we have another name for establishments like yours where i come from, and if i wanted to catch crabs as small as that, i'd go to Kimmeridge Bay with a handline and a bag of prawns.

fully paid-up human beings with a sense of fun. Lovely, ain't it?

So where is this heavenly place then ?? come on, come on, ... see you can't tell us can you.... Just dreaming again Paul :D

Sadly, it must remain a secret, Ian. If I were to tell, you'd all want a piece of my and particularly The Chairman's select little bits and pieces and juicy cuts, then where would I be? Up the creek without a paddle and with just a trust dinky little float rod and gorgeous light-line-filled Aerial probably - or, more likely, permanently incapacitated after a visit from the Chairman's "man" Kevin for "Careless talk costs lives" blabbing). As the Chairman said to me on the phone only last night: "Keep the Faith ... keep schtum, keep it strictly in the Churches of Boote and Bertie, young Paul, then nobody is any the wiser or gets hurt ... and as you know, young man, I am not a vindictive or a violent sort, it's just that I am sometimes sorely tried..." Totally bonkers (as ever), but I suspect the dear old fella just might be right.
Chris, I can reply to you without breaking my new years resolution, because in my opinion, you could never be labled as 'One of the usual suspects', as it were :D. I generally see your post's as being good, sound common sense, and not a million miles away from my own fealings on any given subject. A bit blunt and plain speaking at times, but none the worse for that. However, that said, we must agree to disagree on this one.

Firstly, I find your comment in your earlier post on this thread, in which you state that you held back from posting on the Keith Speers thread "Because you didn't want to blow smoke up anyones backside" as totally unnecessary and provocative. By saying that you are infering that everyone that DID congratulate Keith WAS doing just that...and that is just plain wrong mate...it is an insult to all concerned.

I understand that some folk are embarrassed by what they see as overdone praise...but that comment was grossly unfair fella. If you are one of those folk that are embarrassed by what you see as too much back slapping, then fine, do as you did, and stay out of it. But you really shouldn't then come back elswhere and pass comments which are...well, uncalled for, shall we say.

Tell me this Chris...if you had been on the river bank when Keith had caught his fish, especially in the prevailing conditions...would you have gone up to him and shook his hand, and roundly congratulated him on his great achievement? Of course you would...and that is all each and every one of the people on that thread did, through the medium of this forum, because that was the only way possible.

O.K, because of the size of this forum, the number of people taking part was a bit overwhelming...but that does NOT alter the genuine sincerity of those taking part, or justify some of the comments by others that you now seek to justify. I repeat...anyone who does not like that kind of thread should just stay out of it, not ruin a happy thread by snide comments. How you can say that they were not THE cause of the breakdown of that thread is beyond me...without their comments, the thread would have ended as it started, a happy place where people were genuinelty celebrating the latest achievement of a great float angler.

I agree there is nothing wrong with questioning things that you see as wrong, but the fact that Keith hooked and landed a manificent barbel while tackled up and fishing for chub can not, in any way that makes sense, be considered as wrong...it was, as we were all trying to say...bloody brilliant.

Cheers, Dave.

At least you haven't taken my comment as a criticism of Keith S, his skill, method or fish, it's a start!;)

I agree, that if I genuinely knew Keith and had been lucky enough to be with him, of course I'd congratulate him. If I didn't know Keith but had been lucky enough to witness the capture, I wouldn't go over to him. I'd quietly marvel at the skill involved and the size of the beast. I'd then have slunk away so as to not intrude. That, in written word is precisely what I'm attempting to do on the forum. Would all those that don't know Keith, had they been present, really have gone over to Keith and offered their congratulations? I doubt it, I suspect that they'd have done closer to what I propose, marvelled and slunk away.

I'm sorry but I do see much of the backslapping as inscincere. Flattery at best, sychophantic at worst. I know that if I contributed to that thread, in the positive manner that everyone seems to be demanding, I would be blowing smoke. I'd concede that not all concerned are doing so but I'm quite content in my belief that some are. That's not an insult to all concerned even if you think it is. (Another attempt to be offended on behalf of everyone else there though, nicely demonstrated.;):p) I'd go so far as to suggest that anyone upset by that comment would only be so if they knew, deep down, that they were just blowing smoke.

I never said that the negatives weren't the cause of the breakdown on that particular thread, only suggesting that the reaction to their comments was, and is, far more extreme than is necessary.
At least you haven't taken my comment as a criticism of Keith S, his skill, method or fish, it's a start!;)

I agree, that if I genuinely knew Keith and had been lucky enough to be with him, of course I'd congratulate him. If I didn't know Keith but had been lucky enough to witness the capture, I wouldn't go over to him. I'd quietly marvel at the skill involved and the size of the beast. I'd then have slunk away so as to not intrude. That, in written word is precisely what I'm attempting to do on the forum. Would all those that don't know Keith, had they been present, really have gone over to Keith and offered their congratulations? I doubt it, I suspect that they'd have done closer to what I propose, marvelled and slunk away.

I'm sorry but I do see much of the backslapping as inscincere. Flattery at best, sychophantic at worst. I know that if I contributed to that thread, in the positive manner that everyone seems to be demanding, I would be blowing smoke. I'd concede that not all concerned are doing so but I'm quite content in my belief that some are. That's not an insult to all concerned even if you think it is. (Another attempt to be offended on behalf of everyone else there though, nicely demonstrated.;):p) I'd go so far as to suggest that anyone upset by that comment would only be so if they knew, deep down, that they were just blowing smoke.

I never said that the negatives weren't the cause of the breakdown on that particular thread, only suggesting that the reaction to their comments was, and is, far more extreme than is necessary.

Oh dear oh dear Chris..why oh why do you doubt the sincerity of some folk on that thread? What on earth makes you think they were guilty of, and I quote "Flattery at best, sycophantic at worst"? Where on earth did that come from?...WHY would the ones you deem guilty be bothered to 'blow smoke' as you so nicely put it? What could they possibly hope to gain from doing so? Why, if they didn't sincerely feel that Keith warranted congratulating, would they bother posting at all? Would it not have been easier to do as you did, and abstain? I just cannot make any sense at all of that mate.

Mind you, I am glad that you were generous enough to concede that not all concerned were guilty of such things, though I cant help having a teeny nagging feeling that, as no one will know for sure exactly who you are accusing, that there will be a good few of the contributors to that thread feeling a little peed off that you may be mistakenly calling their sincerity into doubt with your wild accusations. So I guess that could be construed as "An insult to all concerned", don't you think?

The fact that you admit that, had you joined in with congratulating Keith, you WOULD have been "blowing smoke up his backside" says a lot Chris...I know I have said it before, but I honestly don't know where you are coming from on this one mate.

"Another attempt at being offended on behalf of everyone else"? Offended, yes...but on behalf of everone else?...I think 'everyone else' are quite capable of being offended all on their own Chris, and I have no doubt many of them are.

"I'd go as far as to suggest that anyone upset by that comment (your 'Blowing smoke' comment) would only be so, if the new, deep down, that they were blowing smoke"? May I suggest Chris that there may indeed be a 'deep down' problem here...but....hmmmm....'nuff said.

I guess, in truth, we have all got a little over heated, and said things that perhaps were best left unsaid. Perhaps we should all take a leaf out of Keiths book and go fishing, blow the cobwebs out of our heads. I had a dentist make a botched attempt at pulling a back tooth yesterday, leaving me with half a tooth and a swollen gum...but even so, I am going to abandon all this rubbish and get out in the air one way or another, before I go nuts :D

On a lighter note, believe it or not, I have to go into hospital on Friday for a procedure on my backside (true, honest)...I hope to HELL the surgeon isn't going to be blowing any smoke up there :eek: :D

What are we all like :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Cheers, Dave.
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I actually went fishing this morning.

If I had bumped into Keith and Mike (providing Mike could be found in his camou) I suspect Keith would have spilt most of the brew he's a dab hand at making...............laughing at this thread.

BTW. I didn't get a bite.

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it's not simple congratulations that are a problem, it's adulation and the fact that those that were brave or stupid enough to say "hold on a minute" were rounded on. You'd think a cure for cancer had been found rather than a fish caught the way some are carrying on.
What the flatterers gain is beyond me, you'd have to put that to them. It's also beyond me as to why anyone would be offended unless they thought my comment was directed at them.

As for my problem, it's simple, I'm not overly keen on the mob mentality, twisting of words and the hounding of those that dare to have a contradictory view. No matter how wrong they may be.

As you said earlier, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I really do hope that someone, preferably KS, is absolutely wetting themselves at the various threads. I'm not overly concerned what random strangers think of me, so, if I've diverted any flack away from the more sensitive amongst us, I'm happy. I know from experience that, having met several folks whose forum persona I've detested, people aren't necessarily all they seem on forums. There has been one such person hounded on here very recently, he may just about have deserved it though.;):D

If anyone genuinely feels insulted by my comments they'll have to accept my apologies. I never aim to be insulting even though I know full well that I can be blunt. For that I'll make no apology.
Fair enough Chris, You have had your say, and me mine....and as usual where this sort of nonsense is concerned, between us we have achieved the grand total of absolutely bugger all :D

Get out and go fishing, or get ya gun and go down the range mate. I will be cooped up here, bored to tears for a little longer (I hope that's not too optimistic :D), but I will get out when I can.

Cheers, Dave.
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Fair enough Chris, You have had your say, and me mine....and as usual where this sort of nonsense is concerned, between us we have achieved the grand total of absolutely bugger all :D

We can certainly agree on that. If only a few more would concede that rubbish on a forum doesn't mean a great deal then most forums would be better places.:)

Get out and go fishing, or get ya gun and go down the range mate. I will be cooped up here, bored to tears for a little longer (I hope that's not too optomistic :D), but I will get out when I can.

Cheers, Dave.

It was ferretting (that'll give a few another reason to dislike me!;)) yesterday, today a lie in. Tomorrow it's back to work where, hopefully, I'll have a little less time to talk tosh. I'm sure that some will be happy to hear it.;):D As far as worm drowning goes, I can't see much happening for a while for various reasons. It's nice to have a few quid spare, due to not fishing, to buy a few fishing goodies though.;):D

Roll on July.
"I agree there is nothing wrong with questioning things that you see as wrong, but the fact that Keith hooked and landed a manificent barbel while tackled up and fishing for chub can not, in any way that makes sense, be considered as wrong...it was, as we were all trying to say...bloody brilliant."
Cheers, Dave.

Dave...Would it have altered your view if the fact that Keith hooked and landed a manificent barbel while tackled up and fishing for 'barbel' (not chub) with a 3.6 bottom. I suggest you read Keith's explanation again as it seems he 'lowered' the line strength knowing that barbel were in the swim! Too late however.
Again, what do you think of Keith's companion Dave Currell (former record holder) targeting and catching the same and other barbel to 14.9 on the 'Pole' on the same river with similar light tackle? Surely this should be applauded even more so.:)

Keith Quote:
"About a month ago Dave had a 14lb 9oz Barbel from the river on the pole and as I have had a couple of fish there of late we decided to give it a little go, so we all met up at Colney Tackle at 9am this morning to collect bait and off we went in Gary’s Van.

There was a sporty downstream wind going as we arrived and there was also 5 other anglers on the water but for some reason the swims we prefer were empty, I stuck Gary in the Alder Tree swim (one of the better swims on the river) and Dave went off to fish the pole behind a rush bed, I dropped in to the swim I had the 11-9 from two weeks ago.

Sport was slow but I was baiting both the main channel and the far reeds of the river, after an hour I noticed a patch of fizz pop up in the middle of the swim, the fizz looked very Barbely and while I was considering this I realised that I had not set up my big net!!
Mistake rectified I fished on for most of the morning and early afternoon with only a couple of half hearted bites to give any encouragement.

I took a short stroll up to see Dave to warm my toes, it turned out that he had got a Chub of about 3lb on the stick earlier, while I was watching him he put his pole away and had another go on the stick, second trot through and his pin was spinning as a feisty 4lb Chub went for the far reeds.
Dave had lightened off down to 3lb 1oz Exceed hooklength to get a bite; I considered this for a moment and went back to my swim to set up a lighter outfit.
I set up my MAP 15ft stick float rod with my new Okuma pin, a 8 No4 wire stemmed Drennan stick with bulked shot and a Power Pro 3lb 6oz hooklength to a 18 Drennan Specimen hook; this was about as light as I dared go, I knew there was one Barbel in the swim as I had seen the fizz but I was not sure I had any Chub as I had seen no sign of them at all, to make matters worse third trot through and there was another patch of fizz!!

I was still considering this as I had another trot, which was when the float buried!!!

I struck and everything went solid, I sat and watched the rod top convinced it was bottom when I realised that the bottom was kiting back into mid river, the fish then slowly went down stream about ten yards and stopped, I slowly pumped the fish back toward me but it was hugging the bottom on the inside line, as it got closer first the float appeared, then some shot, as it went past a convenient hole in the rush I peered in to see just how big this Chub was…………………………..only to be astonished as one of the biggest Barbel I have ever seen cruised into view and then sank away out of sight!

The fish then went through two dead weed beds and visited the far side rush to sulk, I put a bit more pressure on the fish and it came out to the middle of the river, it then went back again, in all it did this another 4 or five times, all the while I was thinking:-

“If you are going to loose one, make it the next one, for (place whatever word you think will fit here) sake make sure you land this one!!”

Having read Keith's posts from last year regarding Stick Float fishing for Barbel, https://barbel.co.uk/site/vbulletin/forum/showthread.php?t=722 he knew he would get some criticism for fishing lighter than the suggested in the BS Handling Code. Even Steve Pope congratulated him on a great post and did not query the lightness of the tackle used. I am sure Keith is genuine in his welfare of the barbel when fishing for them with his chosen method. Even though i think playing a barbel for 10 mins is still a very long time (latest capture) I am pretty well convinced they were treated and nursed well and went back ok.
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It was ferretting (that'll give a few another reason to dislike me!;)) yesterday, today a lie in. Tomorrow it's back to work where, hopefully, I'll have a little less time to talk tosh. I'm sure that some will be happy to hear it.;):D As far as worm drowning goes, I can't see much happening for a while for various reasons. It's nice to have a few quid spare, due to not fishing, to buy a few fishing goodies though.;):D

Roll on July.

They'll get us both on that one then Chris! Many years ago, I went down that road. I had a cheap and nasty Cooey 'Adjustable choke' 12 bore (screw down chuck on the end of the single barrel) , a large lurcher, an utterly mad wall-eyed boxer cross bitch...and an off white/sandy coloured ferret that grew and grew till it was nearly as big as the dog...bloody huge it was :D

It was all very amateurish stuff...I didn,t have a clue to be honest...no nets, nowt...it was just a young man with a young family, having daft dreams of being self sufficient. First Trip out I put the ferret down the nearest hole, while I stood on guard over the only other hole I could see, with the gun and dogs. As you would expect, the rabbit appeared from a hole I hadn't seen, at the base of a bush, with the ferret in hot pursuit, and the pair proceeded to run circuits round the bush. The mad, wall eyed boxer...who hated the ferret with a vengeance...took up the chase, and the lurcher and I stood by watching in utterly bemused silence :D:D

All ended well...but I took a little more care from then on :D...and I never was self sufficient, not in that way anyway :p

Cheers, Dave.
Hi Ray,

I have pretty well said all I want to say on this issue mate...life is too short to carry this one on for ever, which is the way it seems to be heading :D

Perhaps keith will come back on and try to explain his stance on this...or perhaps he is fed up with it all, as I am, lol.

I have now edited out most of my reply, as it was a load of even more boring twaddle than usual for me...believe it or not!

Cheers, Dave
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I can only answer for my own comments (which were on tackle, not praise), but I happen to think (as I said in the post) that the question of tackle was an entirely appropriate and relevant one to be aired.

In response it has brought forth a reasoned and empirical explanation by Keith (and Mike Wilson) which has put the answer to the question.

In regards Mike W's post no.32 I think the point is made. Experience will dictate which type of tackle is required for any particular swim. Of course, it's the years spent getting that experience which make the difference. Keith is currently fishing a clear, straight, snag-free stretch which he knows well.

I think it belittles the integrity of other users to say that you cannot raise a question (or that such is "sour grapes").
In so doing, it does not always follow that the question is critical when it may be merely of an enquiring nature. In this case it has brought forth something worthwhile for all of us.

I can say that I now bow my head to Keith and Mike's experience (and thank them for sharing) and am pleased to have learned something, that I now have the opportunity to put into practice, should I so desire.

Fair enough? :)

Hi Simon

Absolutely fair enough. Good questions are always welcome, I agree, and make a great contribution to this forum. But there were some instances where there were no questions and just sourness - it was those instances I was referring to. Where some people might have seen achievement in skillfully landing a big barbel on light, balanced tackle others chose to see irresponsibility. Where some people enjoyed seeing such positive responses to Keith's achievement and are happy to read through the personal notes of praise in response to his initial post, others saw some kind sugary surfeit of praise that leaves them reaching for the sick bag (although, as always, it's worth remembering that nobody is forced to read every post).

I just don't understand, other than sheer contrariness, why people would choose to hunt out the negatives.

Finally, having read Keith's article and posts and been inspired by them and left with a real sense of enjoyment, I must say I wouldn't fish for barbel in that style myself. My match days were brief and I have neither the finesse or the 'hands' to be able to pull off such feats. I'm sure many others feel the same. My guess is this won't inspire a run on Bayer hooklengths and dust shot down at the tackle shop. And we won't find barbel up and down the country suddenly trailing gossamer lines and 22 hooks when we land them on more 'mainstream' gear.

All the best
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I for one agree with Keiths use of lighter " balanced tackle" it's something I've always tried to adopt for any species that I have ever fished for, obviously taking swim conditions into account. The thing that concerns me on one particular stretch of the Wensum that I fish, is that the controlling club, or should that be "association" ( I think you'll all guess which one ) says in their rules that if you are expecting to catch Barbel, then you MUST use a minimum of 10LB line. Personally I think this just adds to the myth that you need mega heavy gear to land even a modest sized Barbel.
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i don't think i could see a dust shot these days never mind using em....lol
I can remember when a rod builder of some repute used to advertise his Avon Q/T rods as being up to the job of landing Stour/Avon winter barbel ;)

One club in Co Durham stipulates in its rules that main line above I think 4lb B.S. must not be used when bait fishing, and it has a fair head of big barbel in its waters.
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I can remember when a rod builder of some repute used to advertise his Avon Q/T rods as being up to the job of landing Stour/Avon winter barbel ;)

A then earth-shaking 14-01 or 14-02, purposely fished for, mid-late 1980s Bristol Avon barbel, too.........
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